The dev originally said 0.12 would release on Wednesday, November 30, then on November 30, he said that he would "push the release back a couple of days", now he says it will be released on Wednesday, December 14, which is yet to be seen. That's quite literally a couple of weeks, not a couple of days.
I made a light-hearted post before saying that a couple of days would be the following weekend (9-10 days) and it was deleted for being off-topic. My apologies to whoever took offense to that, but now the release will be even later at 14 days, possibly longer.
I hope this isn't considered off-topic, and based on previous release and updates, players can almost certainly depend on 2 things:
1. This developer's schedule isn't real until players can actually download the update.
2. The update has a high probability of having game-breaking bugs, especially for new players (i.e., players that aren't starting from a save-game from the last version). Thankfully, some members here are helping the new players.