BrandyYT BabyYoda
This android version might have an issue...
Installed, launched, gave permissions, app closed itself after a few seconds
Launched again, app closed itself again followed by Android crashing
Restarted device, internal storage semi-broken now (still launches Android but
all edit: most internally installed apps are broken, browsing internal sd folders all shows empty folders, system warning "Samsung SD card missing Reinsert this device" with the option to 'forget this device')
Device: GT-N5110 (Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 WiFi from 2013)
Android version: 7.1.2
Rom: Resurrection Remix v5.8.5-20180325-n5110-Final
While its obviously an older device with a custom rom (so i cant say with 100% certainty this apk caused the issue) i still figured i'd mention it, i'll post an update if it somehow magically fixes itself or i find a solution (tried restarts, messing with the external sd card and more, looks like my next option would be a full wipe, trying to avoid that for now)
After sleeping on this and investigating further, i've since realized that it actually
is the external sd card, its just that for whatever stupid reason there are these rather redundant 'use to transfer files' & 'use as internal storage' options if i put in a 'not before seen' sd card into the tablet, that then changes a bunch of references in the system to make it seem like actual internal storage, wich caused my confusion in the original post above.
That said, while im happy that the tablet itself is fine, the sd card is most definably f*cked lol, i tried it in different devices and a card reader attached to pc and it just seems to be unresponsive 95% of the time now, when it does get picked up the data on it is just a big non sensical mess (bunch of weird files and folders with long code's for names and nothing wants to transfer from or too it)
I honestly cant tell for certain if something the apk did or the age of the sd card has caused the issue (or a combination of the two?) at any rate im certainly (still) not really blaming either of you for this, im mostly posting this to bring a possible issue to light. I will keep the original post above as-is, because if it is an issue with the apk, based on the thread-length and age of it, its going to be some rare one related to either the android or custom rom version, if you guys get more of these reports those details might come in handy. (also, the sd card in question was a samsung branded 8gb one 'micro sd hc class 2')
For now ima dig trough some drawers for a different sd card and i guess i will think twice before downloading unofficial android ports in the future, ill probably try your game on pc soon BabyYoda