I like this game to start with but then I started to see the MC the same way His Rival Tiffiny describes him he will say and do anything and everything he thinks will get him inside the girls nickers.
He Is without a doubt the most amoral, disingenuous, deceitful, self centered MC I have sofar played and that alone is some feat.
But as much as playing him lately made me start to grind my teeth I still foolishly wanted to like the guy I mean there's a harem to be had.
I just can't stand the way he go's about it I'd actually prefer if he was an honest asshole he doesn't really need to lie to get the girls.
He's still the only Dick on board with years to get to where they could even think of geting off the ship.
That said I like the game itself but I did start to notice that despite the number of diffrent females most of the girls all share the MC humour to the point they will all joke with him the same way.
All this said the games well done the woman arn't bad and I wish the Dev every success and hope they players that like it coninue to like it.
But after seeing that frankly stupid basketball game against Camilla I can nolonger bring myself to play this game.
I can put up with disbelieving alot of things that the MC do's in games.
But not when it comes to a basket ball defying the laws of both physics and momentum the only thing that basket ball should of done when it came off her cupboard is hit him in the face.
Yet it comes off at an impossible angle and go's in well you can fuck right off with that bullshit for a start.
Not only could the MC or Camilla not of made that shot neither could Michael Jordan , Kobe Bryant , LeBron James infact not even the harlem globetrotters could of made that shot.
I have deleted the game and will move on to something less incredulous.
Now despite my personal choice I would still recomend others try this game as early on I really enjoyed playing it.
And just because its no longer my cup of tea I'm sure others will like it.