Not bad. Not amazing, but not bad either.
The writing is a little on the nose, especially in the beginning, you can see that dev doesn't have a lot of experience writing, so it would require some generous amounts of polish here and there, but for what it is - not awful at all.
I like the world building - like someone has already said, the use of Greek mythology and Christian demons is a little weird, but at least it is unique. God only knows, we need some originality in our entertainment. I did find the "Naruto-esque" ninjas slightly cringe in the beginning (by the end I got used to them I guess), but that's because I hate Naruto itself, so...
I also liked the adventure/mission/quest-style storytelling so far. It might eventually turn too schematic in the future, but for now it works quite well.
I had a bit of an issue with the infodumps, I noticed myself skipping through some of them. Also, the "quirky" dev commentaries/4th wall breaks... Personally, I would make them go. Especially considering you still have a line saying "You haven't finished chapter 6 yet" in the script. I would say you should have more faith in your audience that they will pick up stuff on their own, even if it's not stated outright... but it's a tricky balance.
Also, you might want to look into adding BGM. Reading this in silence isn't really bad, but adding some good BGM can give your story that extra flair.
Other than that, I feel like there are some issues in terms of overall story/narrative structure - a trivial example of this is when Tamara talks to you about how you are being cared for. If it was me, I wouldn't have made her spill her beans about her backstory back then, rather I would've just made her leave an ambiguous comment, build some mystery/tension around what she meant by it, then made the topic of her parents (was it?) pop up several chapters later where she's the centre of attention, for a bigger emotional payout. As it is, I feel like you've robbed yourself of a chance to build up drama around her character by spilling the beans too early. It might be just me, though - maybe you have some ideas up your sleeve, I don't know.
My point is, taking into consideration what purpose does every scene have in terms of story structure and audience's emotional reception can help you polish the quality of your storytelling, so you may want to look into that in the future if you haven't already.
Overall it's fun for what it is, I'd give it... low-end 7/10. Not very high on my watchlist, but I might come back to check out the updates in a year or so.