3.60 star(s) 18 Votes


Jul 11, 2017
The make out option appears after two other options have taken place, like watching a movie or talking. However, you may not get the opportunity if your GF dominates the conversation. In general, it's her house so she will be mostly in charge. Every once in a while you will get a chance to pick what do to, but it's when she allows it. And she may ask you to leave before it gets to that point. In reality the hangout scene was not meant for the official gf which is why it's not available right from the start. I get how this doesn't feel right. I'll look into take that into consideration.

This is something I struggle with. Giving every possible option can be too much. But I understand the lack of feedback of why its missing. Merging it with propose friendship is a good idea though. Will look into that. (The main reason to not show it is mostly for performance reasons. If it's hidden it's faster for NPCs not to have to consider that option. The options listed to the MC follow the same logic as the NPC and the more options there, the slower the game will run)

I don't understand what Room construction has to do with this. That's not in the calendar and it's not delayed due to any other events. Construction progress only updates once a week, so if you check it every day you may not see any changes for a few days. The valid point is that interviews are scheduled for "daytime" without any specific time set. The calendar shows these entries in the morning even though they can happen at noon or in the afternoon. This is provide flexibility in case there were conflicts with multiple things scheduled for the same time. And there was no calendar view at that time. I need to revisit the interview scheduling.

You are probably right. Will look into it. At least the deleting photos shouldn't but it may be impossible to separate that from the posting photo to social media which should use a time period.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. There's no permanent boost to opinion for being friends. I actually had to look it up because it kind of makes sense that there should be but there isn't. There is however a boost (is not permanent though) for agreeing to become bf/gf.

You can say no to anal sex. It shouldn't happen without them asking first. And they shouldn't ask unless they like it, so you can also change their opinion so that they don't if it's keeps happening.
Moving to the bedroom should not bring the roommate in, so that's a bug.
The hand and oral issue is where you lose me. I don't care about min-max stuff, I don't care about optimal play etc. Have said this a million times. If you are worried that you go all the way you miss a tiny opinion boost then don't go all the way. It doesn't matter enough to be talking about it.
I haven't had a 3some event break for me a while so not sure what could be causing it. I'm sure there are still bugs so I'm not saying it's working perfectly. But those are hard to fix unless I actually see them.

You do know that you can mark favorite characters on the contact page? But I'll look into putting it as an option the first time you meet them too. I would tend to want more info about them that the first time I meet them to make them a favorite but I understand others wanting it that way.

Generally I can't load your saves as I'm already have the next version up an running and it's a pain in the ass to revert back to an older version to load your save. But the missing dialog box did point me to a bug which I'll fix. There's a couple of reasons they won't go out with you that is missing the text explanation. One of them is that they are not feeling well, so check their health. Although they shouldn't be at work if that's the case. So perhaps there's something else going on which I'll look at.

The other guys issue was too much debt. Are you in debt too?

I'm not sure I understand the first point. The only stats that are connected to your image is the way the image looks.

The autosaves saves every 20 days by default, which may not happen in 30-45 minutes. If your game is crashing that often, something is wrong as it shouldn't do that. If the game crashes, the best thing you can do is grab the last few hundred lines from the player log file (usually at C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\LocalLow\Total Fluke Studios\StripClubWars\Player.log) and post it here. That may have a clue as to what's happening.
Maybe not attributes, maybe traits or characteristics. Bald, curvy, big penis etc. When you pick a portrait is has a list of properties that go with it.

The crashes start occurring once I'm deep into a game.
3.60 star(s) 18 Votes