* Increased the impact of higher than average prices in reducing visits and affecting satisfaction.
* At high enough prices, demand for food and drinks will go down to 0.
First up I think the game balance has been vastly improved. I can no longer screw my customers on drink prices then use the profits to pull way ahead of the other clubs in the early game and keep them crippled.
Also the law passing seems much better balanced now, with proposals not leading to an almost automatic majority during voting and commissioner responses to lobbying better matched to their attributes.
But I think simply going from more-or-less normal demand for drinks or meals down to zero when a price threshold has been crossed is still a bit kludgy.
You'd expect there'd be people who go to clubs in part to drink and if they can't afford to buy them they'd go to a club where they can. What I'm seeing when I push drink prices too high is just as many visitors as before but they're not buying drinks. But they still buy the more reasonably priced meals and it seems they even
increase their eating to compensate for not drinking as transaction numbers don't fall in line with drink sales.
If it was me I'd be put a relative weighting on the various club products and services in line with what's most likely to attract customers to the club. Then I'd compare the prices for each item with the average for all clubs in town. I'd use the reciprocal of that number to influence how many of each item each customer buys while in the club and the combined reciprocals along with the item weightings to help determine what share of potential customers my club received.
That share might also be modified by proximity if it's not already - i.e. it's easier to attract customers from your own and neighbouring districts than ones on the other side of town. That would also open the door for another club service - a courtesy bus that increases club appeal to patrons living further away.
Just sayin'.
As I said above I think the playability of the game is already much improved in this release and my suggestions are mostly aimed at improving immersion.