As you said, I´m getting the messages of the meetings but when the date comes I don't have the real option to attend, so I got some answers from the console,So that looks all good. I don't see any reason why the meetings aren't happening. Are you getting the alerts that tell you the meeting is going to happen (these should come in the first couple of days of a month)? Are you then getting the question asking you to go to the meeting (which should be around the 10th-15th of each month)? If you are getting the first and not the second, try doing this from the console:
run &moral_police::monthly_meeting
and see if that works. If it didn't you should at least see some error in the console. Let me know it says.
You can. Click on the Home column header in the contacts list.
Oh man, that sucks. I back my shit up every day to an external drive and still worry that when something like that happens I won't be able to restore everything correctly.
run &moral_police::monthly_meeting

By the look of it I got something wrong...
But my dev knowledge is nowhere near to whatever I need to do to fix it