Have you tried going to city hall and asking to meet with them?Hmm, there is a new city commissioner I helped get elected who likes me more than 50, but ever since getting elected they've ignored my texts. I checked in the cheat log and they're always at home, apparently they never leave their house...
There's a primary round that narrows the challengers down to one. You can still campaign for the incumbent during the primary, but I think they always advance to the general election.Another weird bit though was that they got voted for twice... after the first time nothing happened.. are all city commissioner elections a two round runoff voting system and I just forgot? Or is that maybe part of why she vanished?
She is not listedHave you tried going to city hall and asking to meet with them?
There's a primary round that narrows the challengers down to one. You can still campaign for the incumbent during the primary, but I think they always advance to the general election.
nevermind that does work!Have you tried going to city hall and asking to meet with them?
There's a primary round that narrows the challengers down to one. You can still campaign for the incumbent during the primary, but I think they always advance to the general election.
Yeah, I did look at this last night and there's a bug that's causing this. You get the virginity lost message but it doesn't actually happen (she remains a virgin and you don't get the credit). It was working fine and at the last minute I made a change so that anal sex didn't remove the virginity and in doing so it broke it. I'm so annoyed about this one. The change is in the main code so not a text file so I can't publish a fix until I get things into a stable state. Will try to get the next release out sooner this time.
Tip sharing is a percentage of all tips received by all entertainers, which is based on how many customers you have. In the demand section you will see something that says Shows and Strip and that tells you the number of shows people are interested in watching. Tips will then be calculated from that (not everyone will tip on every show).
Fame is not a static value, is calculated every day from other factors so there's no cheat to set it. Now 25 is the minimum. Your actual fame as calculated could be 20, and the 2 added points makes it 22 so it still shows as 25. (25 is the minimum to guarantee at least one visit in each period). In all likelihood your bartender is not very good (or has very low lewdness). Eventually it will break thru and get over 25, but it may take a week or 2 to get there.
LOL... that's true but he was referring to an energy value of 25. It's an arbitrary limit and I can make it higher.
Someone else explained how it works, so won't go into that but the reason for not allowing you just to pick them is because them it becomes easier (or too easy) to change other people's opinions. For example, if you can pick that you love Public Nudity at any time, managing strippers who don't want to strip becomes trivial.
That's a bug. First of all, you shouldn't have the cops called on you while on your own club. Second, for men underwear should be treated as swimwear as well and not be a problem (unless you have one of those were you dick is hanging out).
What emergency patch? Anyway, I've been debating whether that's necessary or not.
I think it's implemented. When you know there will be a voting, and you talk to this commisioner, ask their opinion about that law, ask to vote for it. Usually there are some possibilites (bribing with "campaign donations", etc.), and there you'll have the blackmail line.How do I blackmail a commissioner after a random person gives me the goods to blackmail them with? Like in the UI? I can't find it? Or is that not implemented yet?
It sould be possible. Attraction varies, you had bad luck with RNG to get a -100, but nothing to fear, it's easy to change. Just talk to her, and change her opinions about what she should find attractive: you hair (color, longness), eyes, etnicity, penis size, body shape, etc. The highest you could make is +50, I think - to go over 50 you sould change her opinion on incest, and this is hard to change, you have to "butter her up" before with other lewd opinions (make her love kissing, sex, and so on).edit1: Is it possible to seduce your sister or is she locked to -100 attraction? I can't find the opinion I'd need to bring up to brooch it?
I've been messing around a lot, starting over and trying to figure out the best way to go about things ever I messed my first try up pretty badly. In a few of them, I had a TON of negative 100 girls. Some of them were lesbians, but others weren't, they just didn't like my dude at all, despite him being fit and healthy. I've also had others where the attraction level was in the positives, but I quickly hit a point where it just froze completely, and there wasn't anything I could do about it.It sould be possible. Attraction varies, you had bad luck with RNG to get a -100, but nothing to fear, it's easy to change. Just talk to her, and change her opinions about what she should find attractive: you hair (color, longness), eyes, etnicity, penis size, body shape, etc. The highest you could make is +50, I think - to go over 50 you sould change her opinion on incest, and this is hard to change, you have to "butter her up" before with other lewd opinions (make her love kissing, sex, and so on).
Once I had a lesbian sister thanks to the RNG-god. She just needed more work, turning her attention to men (the is a special path in talking acrtion for that).
On meeting commissioners: When you ask about commissioners, there are always three choices, one is your own, the two others are random. Just do the save-spamming, if you want a certain commissioner.
Easier to ask people out, if they like you and/or attracted to you. In your example, Ashley likes you, but not attracted to you. Change her opinions, and then she will be the one, who ask you out.(And is she already has a partner, probably you shoud change her opinion about cheating, 'cos otherwise she will date you, but there won't be any funny business after the date. not even kissing.)
I think I tried asking them how they would vote rather than trying to change their opinion not really sure which submenu the blackmail was hidden underI think it's implemented. When you know there will be a voting, and you talk to this commisioner, ask their opinion about that law, ask to vote for it. Usually there are some possibilites (bribing with "campaign donations", etc.), and there you'll have the blackmail line.
Most probably.
You misunderstand me, ashley was not saying no and turning me down, she was replying null, a blank black screen with no text. Normally a girl generates a rejection text, but for ashley that didn't occur whilst she was bugged.It sould be possible. Attraction varies, you had bad luck with RNG to get a -100, but nothing to fear, it's easy to change. Just talk to her, and change her opinions about what she should find attractive: you hair (color, longness), eyes, etnicity, penis size, body shape, etc. The highest you could make is +50, I think - to go over 50 you sould change her opinion on incest, and this is hard to change, you have to "butter her up" before with other lewd opinions (make her love kissing, sex, and so on).
Once I had a lesbian sister thanks to the RNG-god. She just needed more work, turning her attention to men (the is a special path in talking acrtion for that).
On meeting commissioners: When you ask about commissioners, there are always three choices, one is your own, the two others are random. Just do the save-spamming, if you want a certain commissioner.
Easier to ask people out, if they like you and/or attracted to you. In your example, Ashley likes you, but not attracted to you. Change her opinions, and then she will be the one, who ask you out.(And is she already has a partner, probably you shoud change her opinion about cheating, 'cos otherwise she will date you, but there won't be any funny business after the date. not even kissing.)
They are. If someone is obviously wrong, it could be something that's tagged incorrectly. The values shown have some randomness to make it more interesting (although maybe that's too confusing) but all that matters is the bucket. Each attribute has 3 or 4 buckets. If you hover over their attributes in their character details, it should indicate the bucket (large/medium/small/etc).are the femalenpcs physical attributes related at all to their images? like does the game know the girl with large breasts in her image has large breasts in the stat screen? same for the like muscle babes? etc? or is just totally randomized because the imagepacks do not have that sort of metadata?
You can't directly change lewdness. The commissioners (and all characters) lewdness changes slowly as a result of your club and the other clubs operations. You need to talk to them to get them vote for the laws that you want them to vote. There are several options to do so. Select "Discuss Laws" with a commissioner instead of the usual Talk To.what's the main way to increase lewdness of city council members? dating them? literally trying to change their opinions on sexual topics? other?
Like I said above, hover over those values and you will get a tooltip indicating whether they are tall/medium/short. To increase their attraction to you figure out what you are and change their opinion to like that. So if you are short, make them like short people. Changing attraction values is fairly easy relative to others.how do I raise a femalenpc's attraction score to me? is it stuff like opinions about tall/short/slim/curvy bodies? and if it is... how do I tell if I myself am short/tall/slim/etc?
Like is being 5'6 short? is being 5'9 tall? is there anyway to figure this out? or does dating someone just slowly raise their attraction to you over time?
It takes a while for the town to populate. So at first there may only be 20 people you can interact and most of them would be at work. Check on weekends and you may see more people.It's been a few weeks of checking the park/coffee/gym and I haven't seen any strangers, is there a maximum number of npcs in the game? and if so what is it?
Elections are two rounds: a primary which includes 2 or 3 challengers, and then the winner of that vs the incumbent a week later. If she loses, she becomes unemployed but will still be around and may ask you for a job at some point.Hmm, there is a new city commissioner I helped get elected who likes me more than 50, but ever since getting elected they've ignored my texts. I checked in the cheat log and they're always at home, apparently they never leave their house... I wonder if they're bugged? maybe there were at a club on the day it was damaged or went bankrupt? Because I've supported comissioners before without having them vanish in this manner...
Another weird bit though was that they got voted for twice... after the first time nothing happened.. are all city commissioner elections a two round runoff voting system and I just forgot? Or is that maybe part of why she vanished?
Thanks. I have not seen that but must have been there from the very beginning. Ugh.Issue I've found in v0.5a:
The Send A Text screen is being covered up by the list of contacts when accessed from the Employees screen.
Manage Club > Employees > Click a contact > Send Text
-The Send A Text dialog will now be covered up by the Employees screen.
Next time you see it, let me know the exact details. Where and what action prompted it. And use the console to do this "dump e" and then look for the value for 'max_pose_rev' (should be in the 1st or 2nd line of data). I just tried it and it worked fine for me so wondering if there's an issue that's specific to a given scene.Ive tested and it seems the public exposure/police is still in, I tried a couple different "playthroughs" where I will still get reported even with public sex law passed (though I have used console in all instances)
Exiting the profile shouldn't enable the Help button. That's going to be a bitch to fix but thanks for letting me know. It probably messes up the given scene as well so I'm sure that's what's causing that error.Another issue with the interface. More complex this time.
Opening the help menu will kick you out of a conversation in certain situations.
During a text conversation or any conversation with a small portrait of the person: click on the person's name under their portrait > Exit their profile > click Help > Game Help > Exit Help
-You are now kicked out of the conversation or job interview or whatever you are discussing.
I also get this error in the log file if I do those steps during a text conversation:
RUN ERR in file '.../tfel\simple_actions\texting.tfl:36': Register 'R14' not set
Sorry, I have no idea how do to that. I'm sure I could figure it out eventually but I don't know what's involved.I tried to localize the game, but found that the game's font setting was unable to display correct double-byte text in many places, such as Chinese characters and Japanese characters.
It sould be possible. Attraction varies, you had bad luck with RNG to get a -100, but nothing to fear, it's easy to change. Just talk to her, and change her opinions about what she should find attractive: you hair (color, longness), eyes, etnicity, penis size, body shape, etc. The highest you could make is +50, I think - to go over 50 you sould change her opinion on incest, and this is hard to change, you have to "butter her up" before with other lewd opinions (make her love kissing, sex, and so on).
Once I had a lesbian sister thanks to the RNG-god. She just needed more work, turning her attention to men (the is a special path in talking acrtion for that).
On meeting commissioners: When you ask about commissioners, there are always three choices, one is your own, the two others are random. Just do the save-spamming, if you want a certain commissioner.
Easier to ask people out, if they like you and/or attracted to you. In your example, Ashley likes you, but not attracted to you. Change her opinions, and then she will be the one, who ask you out.(And is she already has a partner, probably you shoud change her opinion about cheating, 'cos otherwise she will date you, but there won't be any funny business after the date. not even kissing.)
Yea, got a couple of signs reversed that causing it to have the opposite effect.If she likes incest, shouldn't the opinion modifier be positive?