
New Member
Aug 18, 2020
Those dates don't matter. Just so you have selected 1 and not 0 for the first slot (the slot is still 0, but the next number needs to be 1 to make it active), it will fire up the existing save-0.txt file. I believe you could call it anything. The game will correct this when you save again.
I've edited this file many times, but never wrote one from scratch.
Unfortunately, this does not work for me. When I try to load the save, I get an eternal hourglass but nothing is loaded
I tried it with this line and save-0.txt as my save

slot 0 1 5009 "nn" "Mon Apr 14 2025 11:23 AM" 1.04


Dec 12, 2018
Unfortunately, this does not work for me. When I try to load the save, I get an eternal hourglass but nothing is loaded
I tried it with this line and save-0.txt as my save

slot 0 1 5009 "nn" "Mon Apr 14 2025 11:23 AM" 1.04
I can't say why it's not working. I have shuffled saves in and out of that slot many times. I will take the active save and rename it according the club name (like save-0.txtTITTIES) and reuse it later just by renaming it save-0.txt. It doesn't matter what the 0 entry in save-info.txt file is looking for, so long as there is a save-0.txt file.
That's my experience, anyway. I'm sure someone with more coding knowledge can correct me.

Did you create the save-info.txt file with all 11 slots?


New Member
Aug 18, 2020
I can't say why it's not working. I have shuffled saves in and out of that slot many times. I will take the active save and rename it according the club name (like save-0.txtTITTIES) and reuse it later just by renaming it save-0.txt. It doesn't matter what the 0 entry in save-info.txt file is looking for, so long as there is a save-0.txt file.
That's my experience, anyway. I'm sure someone with more coding knowledge can correct me.

Did you create the save-info.txt file with all 11 slots?
Yes, I used an old one. And tested it with different configurations and files


New Member
Jan 11, 2019
Thanks for the detailed explanation. You identified two sort of issues. The first one is that when you ask someone to vote for a law, internally the system tracks the law category, not the actual type. So when you ask them to vote for Open Saturdays internally it means that they will want to vote for all the laws that make the club hours longer. Same for the various entertainment options or tax rates, etc. In general this is not a problem because there's only one such law of each category available at a time, except for early on when more than one hours laws can be available at the same time. This is not a big deal IMO as it's very difficult to sponsor someone fast enough to matter.

The second issue is that when you ask someone to vote for a law and then ask them to vote for a another, the second doesn't replace the first one. They know you want them to vote for both but there's no relative value between them so they will make their own decision as to which law to vote for in that case. This works great for the actual yes/no votes as you can tell them what to vote for once and not have to do so prior to every vote. But it's a bit trickier when picking laws.
So for your first point, I get that for the majority of occasions it should not have a big impact on the game, but every new game I've started since 1.04, it has been an issue. The city commission won't agree on laws early game and by the time I have enough commissioners in there to have some say, we're still trying to vote on expanding club hours and can't get a law picked because my commissioners are choosing different options. I will try to adjust my telling them what to do so that they stay focused on one specific category to reduce that. That being said, as a person playing the game, if you tell me that I can buy a commissioner and get them to vote on a law that I want them to vote on and then they don't do that, I feel like I wasted a ton of time for something that didn't work. And that's frustrating when big sections of the game are locked behind the commissioners and these laws. And maybe I really am the only one experiencing these issues but as someone who really enjoyed older versions of the game and has been excited about the things you've been adding, these issues have really sucked the fun out of it for me.

I'm also including the last screenshot I had from the playthrough I detailed in the last post. Based on your second point, they should be voting on either drinking age or expanding club hours because those are the only two requests I made correct? Yet, when picking the next law in the last choice, they voted for neither of those categories. One voted for entertainment allowed and the other voted for club taxes. As well as earlier in the process I had told my first commissioner to vote on Open Sat afternoons twice with nothing else and she abstained from picking a law.


Apr 28, 2017
So for your first point, I get that for the majority of occasions it should not have a big impact on the game, but every new game I've started since 1.04, it has been an issue. The city commission won't agree on laws early game and by the time I have enough commissioners in there to have some say, we're still trying to vote on expanding club hours and can't get a law picked because my commissioners are choosing different options. I will try to adjust my telling them what to do so that they stay focused on one specific category to reduce that. That being said, as a person playing the game, if you tell me that I can buy a commissioner and get them to vote on a law that I want them to vote on and then they don't do that, I feel like I wasted a ton of time for something that didn't work. And that's frustrating when big sections of the game are locked behind the commissioners and these laws. And maybe I really am the only one experiencing these issues but as someone who really enjoyed older versions of the game and has been excited about the things you've been adding, these issues have really sucked the fun out of it for me.

I'm also including the last screenshot I had from the playthrough I detailed in the last post. Based on your second point, they should be voting on either drinking age or expanding club hours because those are the only two requests I made correct? Yet, when picking the next law in the last choice, they voted for neither of those categories. One voted for entertainment allowed and the other voted for club taxes. As well as earlier in the process I had told my first commissioner to vote on Open Sat afternoons twice with nothing else and she abstained from picking a law.

I`ve run myself too into this problems with the commissioners, and after i`ve found no concrete or accurate answer here in the forum, i`ve been experimenting myself with different approaches and i`ve found out 2 important things:

1. First of all, each law, or better said, each law category, has some "needs". If you look into the help section for the laws, you`ll notice for example that drinking age laws need Rationality -0.50, Younger People 0.30, Casual Sex 0.10 and Dating 0.10, the 0.XX representing the percentage of 100 that specific "need" has, 0.50 meaning 50%. This means the commissioner needs to have negative rationality (the less, the better) and positive opinions(the more, the better) about younger people, casual sex and dating, to favor the laws. So simply influence the commissioners opinions to reflect the needs of the laws, and they`ll favor them. Also, don`t forget the lewdness, each law category also has a lewdness requirement, so the higher lewdness the commissioners have, the better.

2. Secondly, when asking a commissioner(normal/default commissioners, not "bought" commissioners) to vote for a law (AFTER it has been already proposed) most of the times it`s not enough to ask only once, you need to ask/tell them multiple times and if you constantly check what they think of the law(if the ask/tell has been successful), you`ll notice that they slowly change their answer favoring it more and more. I`m not sure, but i think the success of each ask/tell action depends of their opinion about you, so the higher their opinion about you - the more successful you`ll be when asking/telling them.

About picking a law to propose it, i think there are again 2 aspects - the normal commissioners and the "already bought" ones. When asked to propose a law, normal ones i think are influenced by their stats and opinions about the "needs". So using the previous example of drinking age, if a normal commissioner is asked to propose this law and has very high positive rationality and negative opinions about younger people, casual sex and dating, they might propose something else, more in alignment with their other current opinions/"needs" favoring the other laws.
Now about the "bought" commissioners, i have no clue why they don`t propose what you tell them to propose, their stats and opinions should not matter anymore, this is a question for TotalFluke.
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Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
Do we need high lewdness for people that are more "back office" staff? The managers, and bouncers, janitors and chef etc? Or should we only be looking for that in staff that deal with customers, like dancers/singers/bartenders/etc?
They all matter. Some more than others. You can check how much they matter by the room they work in (via the Help -> Room Types info). For example, the Storage Room has a lewdness factor of 0.1, the Kitchen 0.2 and the Bar 1.5. That means that lewdness for cooks is twice as important as janitors. But to put it in perspective, the lewdness for bartenders is 15X that of janitors.

1a. Then maybe you can display a rough estimation, like "started working about a month(or two or three) ago" for values around 30 60 90. The way it is now we have absolutely no clue if they started 1 day ago or 90...

1b. No, no, i only meant in the help section, the top right button. Each opinion has it`s own window with SOME info... but not much to go on or to even grasp what they do or how they impact. You could write a few words there for each and explain what they do and how they affect the behavior of an npc to make new players like me bother you with fewer questions :p. Something like you did for the laws, the text in pink letters, but maybe just a little more elaborated than that.

Just to give an example of too little info, i`ve set some npc`s with dislike dating, but they keep pestering me to date them... is it because THEY don`t like to be asked for dates but otherwise they are free to ask others? Or should i increase the lvl to hates dates?

1c. Yeah, i know what you are saying, but that text only appears when you actually click on one of the opinions(not to mention that once you click on it, there is no cancel, you HAVE to modify it one way or the other, you can`t just check it), and if an npc has 50 opinions... and you have 50 npc`s... it gets cumbersome and bothering to make so many clicks to open new windows and then close them and to constantly open the npc window and scroll and search for each individual one. What i was suggesting was a way to see very fast, directly from the category screen, what lvl each opinion has (if known), without having to actually click on each one to find out if it needs adjusting or not (and without the possibility to back out). Why not color code them, gray or yellow for unknown, some red shades for negative, blue for neutral, green for positive, or whatever colors you fancy? Or if the colors disrupt the feng shui, with --/++ signs besides them, like --Gossip--, +Working+, etc and ¿Attention? for undiscovered.

3. If the game is set to generate only females, it should not generate stalkers or boyfriends for straight girls and only generate female stalkers/girlfriends for the gay/bi girls. Just as a curiosity, i have in my game a male NPC that is just gay, no bi. Who`s stalker/boyfriend is he supposed to be given his orientation and my game settings :LOL:?

4. She`s been around for about 9 or 10 months now and i still can`t hire her. And yes, it appears she has a job of "unemployed" with 0 salary.
1a. I will look into this but then someone will bitch when the rough value doesn't match exactly.
1b. Honestly don't know what you want. For dating its what you say. If they don't like dating they will be less likely to ask to/agree to go on dates. But nothing is absolute. This is the part that everyone gets tripped over. If someone hates something they may still do it for other reasons. (They may hate dating but they can be very attracted to you so they are willing to put up with it). I honestly don't see how spending 3 hours writing fairly obvious "X means that they like to do X". There's probably two opinions that are not obvious and I have mentioned them a bunch of times here: if they like attention they are more likely to wear sexy clothes and if they like following orders they are more likely to do what their boss asks them to do.
1c. Regardless of the merits of it (which I think it'd be too overpowered), the system is not set up to insert "variable" data into the decision options.
3. I gave one example of why the game can create male characters. It's not the only reason!
4. Why can't you hire her? What's her reason for not interviewing with you?


I had a gamecrash and after the crash my save_info.txt is completly empty.
I still have the save-X.txt but cant use it since I have no matching save_info.txt
Is there a way to create the save_info.txt manually?
I wonder what would have caused the game to crash while writing that file. Someone already posted a full file, so you should just be able to modify that. Things to keep in mind: the slot number is the second field in the file and should match the X in save-X.txt and will be 1 less than the slot shown on the game UI. (So when the game shows Slot 1, it's actually Slot 0 in the file).

The third field should 1 (it means there's a file saved there), the 4th field is the date of the game. This needs to be a valid date but doesn't actually have to match the one in the game. Try values between 2000-3000. If the value is too low or too high it may not work. The next two fields are the club name and the date the game was saved. These should be in quotes but the contents don't really matter. Finally the last field should be the game version. 1.04 if that's what you are using.

If that still doesn't work, start a new game, save it (making sure to pick a slot that won't overwrite your current one), and then rename your save file to the new game just saved.

View attachment 4211879

Is it just me or does that make no sense?
Prostitution refers to liking the concept of prostitution (i.e. do they support legalized prostitution). Sex Work means they like working as strippers or hookers. She may also have very low rationality which makes them less likely to have opinions that correlated with each other.

So for your first point, I get that for the majority of occasions it should not have a big impact on the game, but every new game I've started since 1.04, it has been an issue. The city commission won't agree on laws early game and by the time I have enough commissioners in there to have some say, we're still trying to vote on expanding club hours and can't get a law picked because my commissioners are choosing different options. I will try to adjust my telling them what to do so that they stay focused on one specific category to reduce that. That being said, as a person playing the game, if you tell me that I can buy a commissioner and get them to vote on a law that I want them to vote on and then they don't do that, I feel like I wasted a ton of time for something that didn't work. And that's frustrating when big sections of the game are locked behind the commissioners and these laws. And maybe I really am the only one experiencing these issues but as someone who really enjoyed older versions of the game and has been excited about the things you've been adding, these issues have really sucked the fun out of it for me.

I'm also including the last screenshot I had from the playthrough I detailed in the last post. Based on your second point, they should be voting on either drinking age or expanding club hours because those are the only two requests I made correct? Yet, when picking the next law in the last choice, they voted for neither of those categories. One voted for entertainment allowed and the other voted for club taxes. As well as earlier in the process I had told my first commissioner to vote on Open Sat afternoons twice with nothing else and she abstained from picking a law.
The discussion you are referring to is about "sponsored" or bought commissioners as you refered to them. Your screenshot is from June 2024 which is too early for you to have sponsored a commissioner. Swaying a commissioner is what you are doing and it's not a guarantee that they will vote the way you want. You need to keep asking them and checking their opinion until they say they will vote for it. However, it's normally fine to stop once they start to lean voting for it

But that's for yes/no votes. When picking which law to vote next, each commissioner weights all the possible laws and picks the one they want the most with a hefty amount of randomness to prevent deadlocks. Your swaying helps, but it's no guarantee that they will pick that law. And also note that other owners may also be swaying commissioners in a different direction. All you can do is nudge things in the direction you want.

Also, the commissioner vote was screwed up in version 1.03 and that was fixed in 1.04. Are you sure you are on 1.04?
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New Member
Jan 11, 2019
The discussion you are referring to is about "sponsored" or bought commissioners as you refered to them. Your screenshot is from June 2024 which is too early for you to have sponsored a commissioner. Swaying a commissioner is what you are doing and it's not a guarantee that they will vote the way you want. You need to keep asking them and checking their opinion until they say they will vote for it. However, it's normally fine to stop once they start to lean voting for it

But that's for yes/no votes. When picking which law to vote next, each commissioner weights all the possible laws and picks the one they want the most with a hefty amount of randomness to prevent deadlocks. Your swaying helps, but it's no guarantee that they will pick that law. And also note that other owners may also be swaying commissioners in a different direction. All you can do is nudge things in the direction you want.

Also, the commissioner vote was screwed up in version 1.03 and that was fixed in 1.04. Are you sure you are on 1.04?

I updated the user_config.dat so that reelections were every 30 days to speed run the process to show you what I was seeing. The first election started on March 3rd. By June 4th I had two of my own commissioners in the group. That run that I documented earlier was a very specific test case to verify what I was seeing and that the issue I had described was real. Are you saying that them agreeing to vote on something, has no sway in them picking a law to vote on?

I tried both v1.03 and v1.04 had other issues in v1.03 so I didn't spend a whole lot of time on it.


Apr 28, 2017
1a. I will look into this but then someone will bitch when the rough value doesn't match exactly.
1b. Honestly don't know what you want. For dating its what you say. If they don't like dating they will be less likely to ask to/agree to go on dates. But nothing is absolute. This is the part that everyone gets tripped over. If someone hates something they may still do it for other reasons. (They may hate dating but they can be very attracted to you so they are willing to put up with it). I honestly don't see how spending 3 hours writing fairly obvious "X means that they like to do X". There's probably two opinions that are not obvious and I have mentioned them a bunch of times here: if they like attention they are more likely to wear sexy clothes and if they like following orders they are more likely to do what their boss asks them to do.
1c. Regardless of the merits of it (which I think it'd be too overpowered), the system is not set up to insert "variable" data into the decision options.
3. I gave one example of why the game can create male characters. It's not the only reason!
4. Why can't you hire her? What's her reason for not interviewing with you?

1a. Great! Looking forward to it! And if you mention that it`s just a rough approximation, no one will bitch about being exact. That`s the definition of "rough approximation" :LOL:

1b. The dating was just an example, the actual point is that the help section seriously lacks info about the opinions. There are more than a few that are not that obvious and most of them for a new player are guesstimates at best. And i`m not talking about writing "X means that they like to do X", i`m talking about writing a little more info about how they work, HOW and WHEN those opinions apply and WHAT THEIR EFFECTS ARE. I open here a parenthesis just to give again a few example of questions that can arise ( not to change focus of the topic, but to make you understand my point from above of what kind of info you should write there): Does drinking coffee only makes them visit the coffee shop or do they actually drink coffee and get more energy from this? Does it affect their health, and if yes in what way? Do they spend money on this? Are there any other effects than negatively affecting their health from vegan diet, using drugs and alcoholic beverages? Does working out, swimming, yoga make them only visit their respective locations or do they actually do those activities and gain something from those activities? What do they gain? Do they lose energy doing this activities? Does their endurance, strength, fitness lvl or health increase? What does helping others do? What does taking risks do? Does shopping, luxurious clothes, living comfortably affect their happiness if they have a low salary? Do they spend money on stuff? If yes, does it show somewhere, like their luxury score? How does cold weather opinion affect them during winter? What do animals, exploring, joking around, new things do? When do hoarding food and supplies, sharing what you have, being on your own apply? What are the effects of voyeurism, homosexual sex and bestiality? And the list could go on, but i think i made my point already. Bottom line is, ANY info (even if you spend 3 hours only writing fairly obvious "X means that they like to do X") would be better than nothing at all, especially for new players, not to mention it would save you a lot of time in the future answering the same old questions again. As i said, you don`t have to write entire stories for them, just short descriptions about how and when they apply and what their effects are.

4. Her answer is: B. F. considered your suggestion but says she`s happy in her current situation and doesn`s feel the need to interview with you at this time. Same answer, no matter how many times i tried. She likes working. Elections in her district are coming up soon, i`ll try to see if she`s interested to become a commissioner. Just to refresh your memory, this is the one with the job of "unemployed" with a salary of 0$ and not grouped with the rest of the unemployed.

New suggestions:
1. Is it possible to add previous/next links or buttons on the character screen when you open them from the contact list? So you could click next and the next npc in the contact list would be displayed, instead of manually closing the window and opening the next one.
2. A cancel button on the new game - introduction window to bring you back to the main menu, it happened many times to me when i was tired or in a hurry to missclick new game instead of load game and had to close and reopen the game because of this.
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Active Member
Feb 9, 2018
1a. Great! Looking forward to it! And if you mention that it`s just a rough approximation, no one will bitch about being exact. That`s the definition of "rough approximation" :LOL:
1b. The dating was just an example, the actual point is that the help section seriously lacks info about how and when the opinions are applied and how they work. There are more than a few that are not that obvious.
4. Her answer is: B. F. considered your suggestion but says she`s happy in her current situation and doesn`s feel the need to interview with you at this time. Same answer, no matter how many times i tried.
You need to find out more about that girl in terms of likes and dislikes. The answer is used in various cases without telling you exactly the reason and unless you provide some more info about her likes, it is kind of impossible to find a reason. It can be something as simple as she doesnt like to work at all for example or doesnt like any work type you have openings for.
May 11, 2019
I've got a weird problem. Randomly, out of the blue, I can't advertise jobs ... I did have an ad running, but when I went to change it, I can't do anything


These are the openings I have:


I've tried saving/loading but it stays the same. Anyone have any ideas?
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Dec 12, 2018
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Apr 28, 2017
You need to find out more about that girl in terms of likes and dislikes. The answer is used in various cases without telling you exactly the reason and unless you provide some more info about her likes, it is kind of impossible to find a reason. It can be something as simple as she doesnt like to work at all for example or doesnt like any work type you have openings for.
She likes work. Here is my save, if it helps...
3.80 star(s) 29 Votes