1a. Then maybe you can display a rough estimation, like "started working about a month(or two or three) ago" for values around 30 60 90. The way it is now we have absolutely no clue if they started 1 day ago or 90...
1b. No, no, i only meant in the help section, the top right button. Each opinion has it`s own window with SOME info... but not much to go on or to even grasp what they do or how they impact. You could write a few words there for each and explain what they do and how they affect the behavior of an npc to make new players like me bother you with fewer questions

. Something like you did for the laws, the text in pink letters, but maybe just a little more elaborated than that.
Just to give an example of too little info, i`ve set some npc`s with dislike dating, but they keep pestering me to date them... is it because THEY don`t like to be asked for dates but otherwise they are free to ask others? Or should i increase the lvl to hates dates?
1c. Yeah, i know what you are saying, but that text only appears when you actually click on one of the opinions(not to mention that once you click on it, there is no cancel, you HAVE to modify it one way or the other, you can`t just check it), and if an npc has 50 opinions... and you have 50 npc`s... it gets cumbersome and bothering to make so many clicks to open new windows and then close them and to constantly open the npc window and scroll and search for each individual one. What i was suggesting was a way to see very fast, directly from the category screen, what lvl each opinion has (if known), without having to actually click on each one to find out if it needs adjusting or not (and without the possibility to back out). Why not color code them, gray or yellow for unknown, some red shades for negative, blue for neutral, green for positive, or whatever colors you fancy? Or if the colors disrupt the feng shui, with --/++ signs besides them, like --Gossip--, +Working+, etc and
¿Attention? for undiscovered.
3. If the game is set to generate only females, it should not generate stalkers or boyfriends for straight girls and only generate female stalkers/girlfriends for the gay/bi girls. Just as a curiosity, i have in my game a male NPC that is just gay, no bi. Who`s stalker/boyfriend is he supposed to be given his orientation and my game settings

4. She`s been around for about 9 or 10 months now and i still can`t hire her. And yes, it appears she has a job of "unemployed" with 0 salary.