
Sep 22, 2017
I don't see whats the meaning of asexual attitude when they call me on date and sex with me?! This isn't strange?
But if lesbians can be persuaded to become bisexual why asexuals can have the same way (or similar, because they intended to be straight or lesbian first)?
Jan 7, 2018
Is there a sort of strategy guide?
I followed the tutorial and the in-game help, and I think I read here that you start making big bucks once the singers allowed rule is approved and you build the seating area. However, I find it hard to grasp the basic mechanics of the game. For instance:

- Is it better to start building all rooms at once or is it wiser to take it slow?
- Is it better to fill all spots and train the employees or is it better to start with the bare minimum?
- How much of a difference do product quality and stats of the employees make?
- What do points and fame do?
- What do health and happiness do?
- Sometimes I meet NPC's with average attraction and they act very aggressively, so to speak: they ask me on dates or flirt or expose themselves... sometimes characters with 100 attraction are ice-cold...

Finally, a couple of suggestions for future versions:
- I think it will be better if you start with at least one bartender;
- When you build a room, you should be able to work in it (e.g.: once you build the kitchen, you should be able to make meals even if you don't hire a cook).
Given the fact that the game is inspired by LR2, that's pretty much what happens with it: you start with an employee and you can research, produce, buy supplies, etc.


Jan 27, 2018
Is there a sort of strategy guide?
I followed the tutorial and the in-game help, and I think I read here that you start making big bucks once the singers allowed rule is approved and you build the seating area. However, I find it hard to grasp the basic mechanics of the game. For instance:

- Is it better to start building all rooms at once or is it wiser to take it slow?
- Is it better to fill all spots and train the employees or is it better to start with the bare minimum?
- How much of a difference do product quality and stats of the employees make?
- What do points and fame do?
- What do health and happiness do?
- Sometimes I meet NPC's with average attraction and they act very aggressively, so to speak: they ask me on dates or flirt or expose themselves... sometimes characters with 100 attraction are ice-cold...

Finally, a couple of suggestions for future versions:
- I think it will be better if you start with at least one bartender;
- When you build a room, you should be able to work in it (e.g.: once you build the kitchen, you should be able to make meals even if you don't hire a cook).
Given the fact that the game is inspired by LR2, that's pretty much what happens with it: you start with an employee and you can research, produce, buy supplies, etc.
Can't help you much since i'm struggling too , but
- don't buy more than 2 employe for a spot unless he can't handle the load or you have the money to afford another take it slow.

-for the room try to build what you need first depending if what you want and don't be guilty to fire an employee for another one , you can always train them just be sure to replace them with someone who have better lewdness than them

-for now drink quality don't have too much impact so the normal quality should be fine until you get your money up if you really want to go over then the 3rd quality is enough also according to preview change drink price also impact your business but don't let it scare you and rise the price if you got better quality food and drink.

-next up debt use it to your advantage as you know payday are 15 and 30 and taxes 22 and bills are the 10 if your really struggling you can focus on rising up your stock and let the bank pay your employee you usually got between the 30 and 6 to advance as much as you can with your debt , after that is better to focus on stock.

-if you can try to keep up a 1600 for drink and 800 for food depending of well your business is going

-then talk , fuck, and spy as many people you can to find one to employ

- you can see your taxes in the finance menu be sure to check it out before doing any big purchese the IRS in this game are real shark so be careful

-you don't need to open everyday especially at the start you can play like a turtle and just open friday to saturday but that depend on you , just keep in mind the more your open the more money youir gonna bleed for a while and go bankrupt

keep your employe happy as much as you can , you can hire them on the minimum salary and give them a raise as you progressed when they do a good job to keep them happy and if they complaint sometime you ca njust send them shopping it's better than giving raise.

-take care of the council my advice is to get a lot of gf as a council that you raised the affection and opinion to make it easier for you

-also inflation is a thing so don't forget to raise your price sometime

-also were protection there's STD now

- and when you can get a business manager but be sure to have a stable income at least 3k to 4k a day the goal is to keep your money over 11k without debt for a year so he can bring you money

other than that other people will give you better advice cause that's all i know .



Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
please move the player character's potrait selection to much earlier in the character creation process, or remove the 25 choices limit and just let you scroll through all portrait sets that match the criteria.

Right now you have to go through character and club creation, start the tutorial, and go through the first several steps of the tutorial, only to find that none of the portaits you wanted to use were selected for the 25 option subset, and now you have to start over.
I will increase the number of options in the next version. The 25 dates back to a time when there were a total of 150 images and 25 was more than enough to cover all the valid options. I'll make it a configuration option too in case it's still too low.

Is there a way to lower someone's willpower and increase someone's lewdness?
Will power is a trait and all traits are static (they never change). Lewdness has a few options, as someone else pointed out everyone's lewdness goes up as time goes by depending on fame of the clubs they live near. It can be 20-30 points over the course of a game. You can also increase people lewdness by taking over the Society for Morality cult and inviting low lewdness people to it.

I don't see whats the meaning of asexual attitude when they call me on date and sex with me?! This isn't strange?
But if lesbians can be persuaded to become bisexual why asexuals can have the same way (or similar, because they intended to be straight or lesbian first)?
Dates are not always meant to be romantic. Have you noticed at the end when someone offers to give you a hug instead of a kiss? That means they just wanted to hang out with you as friends, nothing more. So an asexual inviting you on a date doesn't mean they want to have sex with you. Also, asexual people as I understand it are not attracted to other people sexually, however they may still want companionship and relationships. So they will be fine going on dates but not going further than that.

Is there a sort of strategy guide?
I followed the tutorial and the in-game help, and I think I read here that you start making big bucks once the singers allowed rule is approved and you build the seating area. However, I find it hard to grasp the basic mechanics of the game. For instance:

- Is it better to start building all rooms at once or is it wiser to take it slow?
- Is it better to fill all spots and train the employees or is it better to start with the bare minimum?
- How much of a difference do product quality and stats of the employees make?
- What do points and fame do?
- What do health and happiness do?
- Sometimes I meet NPC's with average attraction and they act very aggressively, so to speak: they ask me on dates or flirt or expose themselves... sometimes characters with 100 attraction are ice-cold...

Finally, a couple of suggestions for future versions:
- I think it will be better if you start with at least one bartender;
- When you build a room, you should be able to work in it (e.g.: once you build the kitchen, you should be able to make meals even if you don't hire a cook).
Given the fact that the game is inspired by LR2, that's pretty much what happens with it: you start with an employee and you can research, produce, buy supplies, etc.
A lot of these are answered in this thread. I realize is very long, but a lot of people have shared what works for them. You may want to peruse thru it (at least maybe the last few months). But some easy answers:

- Build slow. Keep your debt under $20k as much as possible, because once it goes higher than it will start to turn off potential employees. Don't build anything more than kitchen, dressing room, seating area and entrance until you are cash flow positive and your debt is going down.
- Hire the bare minimum. Don't hire any other than one bartender, cook, waitress (even that is somewhat optional), singer/dancer, hostess until you are making money.
- Product quality matters in that allows you to raise prices. However, when you are selling 100 drinks a day, it doesn't matter much. The stats of the employees matter for customer satisfaction and how many customers they can serve. Early on you don't care too much about it. Worry about lewdness more than anything early one. Work up the skills when you can afford to pay for the training.
- Points doesn't do anything. Bragging rights mostly. Fame is a big factor that determines how many customers you get. The more fame, the more customers.
- If a character has low health (< -20) they can't work. If an employee has low happiness they are more likely to complain and/or quit.
- They can like you a lot, but they can be shy. That means they may not approach you and will want you to make the first move. Or they may be attracted to you physically but not like you enough as a person.

Other hints:
* interview everyone that comes your way even if you can't or won't offer them a job and make sure to learn their will power, greed and lewdness. If you find an excellent candidate, low will/low greed/high lewd offer them a job and then fire someone if you can't afford them.
* Give employees as many days off as you can and you work their shifts when they are not there.
* Do the maintenance work yourself and keep it as low as possible. If it's too high it will affect fame and make it harder to hire people.

If you do that, once you have entrance/hostess and at least a singer, you can then move on to the mid-game and worry about adding a storage room and sound booth.

As for your suggestions, they are not new. These are design decisions I've made to make the game a bit more challenging. I've provided a number of options to allow people to cheat if they will like to have an easier start.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2018
Is there a sort of strategy guide?
I followed the tutorial and the in-game help, and I think I read here that you start making big bucks once the singers allowed rule is approved and you build the seating area. However, I find it hard to grasp the basic mechanics of the game. For instance:

- Is it better to start building all rooms at once or is it wiser to take it slow?
- Is it better to fill all spots and train the employees or is it better to start with the bare minimum?
- How much of a difference do product quality and stats of the employees make?
- What do points and fame do?
- What do health and happiness do?
- Sometimes I meet NPC's with average attraction and they act very aggressively, so to speak: they ask me on dates or flirt or expose themselves... sometimes characters with 100 attraction are ice-cold...

Finally, a couple of suggestions for future versions:
- I think it will be better if you start with at least one bartender;
- When you build a room, you should be able to work in it (e.g.: once you build the kitchen, you should be able to make meals even if you don't hire a cook).
Given the fact that the game is inspired by LR2, that's pretty much what happens with it: you start with an employee and you can research, produce, buy supplies, etc.
This is going to be a very rough version of an answer, as most will be conceptional, but I think you will get a better idea from it anyways:

This is in its base an economic simulation thus you have to think economically first. The city has a tax system and you pay taxes on your income and have to pay for all expenses related to your business. This means the typical 'dont grow faster than your income' approach.

Since you start out with limited funds you have to think where your money is going to and where it will yield the best/highest result for that investment. Combine this with the overall rules of fame and you end up with a system that forces you to think very carefully about any investment in the beginning. Every single employee has something i personally call 'throughput' or 'efficiency'. This is indeed related to your employee's skills, so that higher skills usually also mean better efficiency. But... In the beginning even a lowly skilled employee will be able to cover the throughput caused by the number of visitors for a while thus employing the best skilled ones might not be the smart move.

You have to hold on to an employee for at least 30 days once employed and since the manpower pool is very small in the beginning any person with 'some' skills for the job will suffice. If the throughput exceeds that employee's ability at some time it might be time to fire and rehire but not earlier. The club interface will tell you, how many customers can be covered by current employees, so get familiar with those numbers and learn what works and how long. So dont fill all spots at once and accept sick days or off days in the beginning by jumping into those jobs if really needed yourself.

So in terms of both rooms and employees you want a slow approach plus you have uncertainty as any room will take time to be constructed which is mostly related to your focus value. Secondly think about energy and how and when to use it. Spending all your energy on maintenance is probably not very smart thus looking at a kitchen and a janitor area are probably the first on your room list. A single employee in each of those rooms should cover quite a long period until you can make an actual profit. Using the energy to read books to enhance your own skills and abilities and training your own employees is a good strategy, since you can control the outcome much more than relying on random hires and hopes.

Health and happiness are the bed and butter of all relations. Happiness influences so many things at once that a simple answer isnt possible. But in short it is the meter that decides if someone does something. That can be keeping a certain job, staying in a relationship etc. Health on the other side decides if you are able to do something at all. If health gets low, people stop working, stop activities in general - you get the idea.

Attraction is a fickle bitch - plain and simple. Many different things go into overall attraction from body shapes and hair colours to shared believes and interests. This is where the other part of the game requires strategical thinking. Rationality might cause some unexpected behaviour of people, despite them not being attracted as much as someone else for example. So the inter-personal part of the game is an entire block of strategy in itself again. Those two intersect when it comes to being employed. A part of all that social interaction stuff influences how your employees act with or against you as well. Which is why you want a decent overview of key personnel before you hire them actually, since you will be stuck for at least 30 days with them afterwards. What is acceptable in the beginning gets less and less acceptable once you start making the step from early survival to profitable bar.


Nov 23, 2023
So my game kept crashing my laptop, so I redownloaded the game and all the image packs, but in the gofile page it has what looks like 3 versions of the game. 1.0, 1.04 & 1.05. Do I need all of these or just one of them?

If I need all of them, do I put them all in one folder or keep them separate?


Active Member
Feb 9, 2018
So my game kept crashing my laptop, so I redownloaded the game and all the image packs, but in the gofile page it has what looks like 3 versions of the game. 1.0, 1.04 & 1.05. Do I need all of these or just one of them?

If I need all of them, do I put them all in one folder or keep them separate?
Only the one with the highest version number - so 1.05
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Dec 12, 2018
Okay, I thought maybe 1.04 & 1.05 were just updates for 1.0 and needed to be added to it or something. So 1.04 and 1.05 are the complete game and not just updates for 1.0?
Except that saves from prior to 1.04 won't work in 1.05 (if you are using one). You would need to install 1.04, open the old save and save it again, then import that to 1.05.
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Sep 17, 2018
Does the mother show up after a while ? She is in my contacts now and Ive sent money a few times.. is there a way to make her show up "faster" ? Thanks :)


Active Member
May 26, 2017
The commission is a mess. I've tried three games in a row and they do the same thing each time. First they drive hard to the hoop to get the drinking age down to 19. Then they just start not being able to decide what to vote on so nothing ever happens. Since you can't bribe them on that kind of vote I can't even throw money at the problem. So the game just drags on not getting anywhere.

Also why do women with the "love at first sight" trait abandon encounters as soon as they start to get good? They'll be like, "Hey, let's make out!" and two seconds later excuse themself.


Nov 23, 2023
Can someone explain why this game keeps crashing my laptop? I've had games crash and even shut themselves down, but never one that crashes my whole laptop.

I hope it's something I can fix, as I really like this game.
Aug 9, 2018
Can someone explain why this game keeps crashing my laptop? I've had games crash and even shut themselves down, but never one that crashes my whole laptop.

I hope it's something I can fix, as I really like this game.
It's a known issue with the amount of RAM that's required over longer play sessions.

I recommend saving, closing out the game and reloading once every couple of hours (depending on your total RAM available).
Last edited:


Sep 22, 2017
Dates are not always meant to be romantic. Have you noticed at the end when someone offers to give you a hug instead of a kiss? That means they just wanted to hang out with you as friends, nothing more. So an asexual inviting you on a date doesn't mean they want to have sex with you. Also, asexual people as I understand it are not attracted to other people sexually, however they may still want companionship and relationships. So they will be fine going on dates but not going further than that.
Yes, I'm noticed. Also noticed too that asexual want to kiss me at the end of the date. (As I remember it happened when they attraction wasn't zero)
And despite this I usually find asexuals doing sex in the restroom random events (I noticed this (rarely) in different playthrough too). I'm not against it, I just miss the possibility of changing the asexual one's attitude to be straight or lesbian (if it has already happening).


Nov 23, 2023
It's a known issue with the amount of RAM that's required over longer play sessions.

I recommend saving, closing out the game and reloading once every couple of hours (depending on your total RAM available).
Thank you so much for your help.

Can someone tell me how to read books? I checked a book out, but don't see an option to read it.


Dec 12, 2018
Thank you so much for your help.

Can someone tell me how to read books? I checked a book out, but don't see an option to read it.
There is no "read" action, you just keep it for a time. You will be told when to either return it or share it with someone else. It might be a welcomed gesture, and it might not. :) Likewise, others will sometimes share books with you.


Dec 12, 2018
"You have more visitors that you can charge a cover"

What, exactly, does this mean? I have a cover charge of $6, and one hostess at work when I see this message. Need one more host? I just started the expansion.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2018
"You have more visitors that you can charge a cover"

What, exactly, does this mean? I have a cover charge of $6, and one hostess at work when I see this message. Need one more host? I just started the expansion.
I am pretty sure it means you need more hostesses. Check the figures in the bar overview. It should list how many visitors can be taken on
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