
Jul 31, 2017
What to improve:
1) This game should incude the option to exclude fat, old and huge tits NPCs from being generated considering the amount of NPCs is limited.
2) I browsed through AI generated male NPCs - too many of them have defective genitals. They should not be included in the image pack. Bad quality AI images is not a good practice. It breaks the immersion.


Active Member
Feb 13, 2023
What to improve:
1) This game should incude the option to exclude fat, old and huge tits NPCs from being generated considering the amount of NPCs is limited.
2) I browsed through AI generated male NPCs - too many of them have defective genitals. They should not be included in the image pack. Bad quality AI images is not a good practice. It breaks the immersion.
You can go through the image packs and delete whichever ones you don't like. Its very easy. That's what I do. Just make sure you get the whole line of that character.


Dec 10, 2018
What to improve:
1) This game should incude the option to exclude fat, old and huge tits NPCs from being generated considering the amount of NPCs is limited.
2) I browsed through AI generated male NPCs - too many of them have defective genitals. They should not be included in the image pack. Bad quality AI images is not a good practice. It breaks the immersion.
I don't exactly care about your second issue, I have no males in my game.
But for the first one, it's very easy. Find the models you dislike and remove them from the pool. Hell, if you want to go further, do what I did and lower all ages by 1 tier, rename attractive tier 4 models to 5, 3 to 4, etc. Takes a bit of effort, but you can refine the girl options to your liking.
Jun 14, 2019
What is the best way to get those councilors on your side
Concentrate on 3 or 4 only - that's enough vote.

Befriend them. Ask them about their vote. If they are adamant to say nay, leave them alone; otherwise it's quite easy to persuade them to change their vote, if it needed. If they have low honor and high greed, pay for their vote. Or give a job to their idiot relatives. If you lurk enough in the City Hall, you can get some blackmail materials - but be careful, nobody likes to be blackmailed.

If there is an election, you can suggest a candidate and pay for his/her campaing, for exchange his/her votes. Real life, eh? With two "owned" commissioners and the friendly ones you can rule the City Hall.
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Dec 12, 2018
Looking in after a few months, I see that some important changes have taken place. The only one I want to address is the lack of insight into the competition. I see no way now to monitor the other clubs. Why not? Unless I missed a step somewhere, it appears to have been removed from the club management tab.


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
Yes, crashes are related to memory. problem is, than in earlier versions it was enough to close game every hour or so, but in later versions closing game even every 30 min dont prevent memory crashes/lockups sometimes.
Yes, i have only 4 GB ram, but it dont look that game itself is using all resources.
Yeah, there's been a lot of similar complaints. Not sure why, the game memory footprint is pretty small and doesn't grow that fast and Unity recovers the unused space when needed. The game uses up around 1GB of memory to run. Doesn't need more than that. The way Unity works, every time it shows a screen it needs to allocate memory for it. But once it's done, it gets put in a no longer used state but the memory is not recovered immediately so it keeps growing (it does this for performance reasons). When it needs to and has the CPU cycles to, it will release it. Seems to work fine for when you have 8GB or more but at 4GB is an issue. I wonder if there's some low memory setting I can turn on to make it do the cleanup faster but haven't found it. Pretty sure I'm missing something but I don't know what it is. If I knew how to fix it I would.

In the current build, even the simplest opinion changes (no counters, no controversial topics) seem to fail constantly. I cannot even convince my sister with 100 relationship to dislike cold weather. Dev might have been overzealous in nerfing the opinion exploit.
The nerfing you are referring didn't change the difficulty of changing an opinion. What's her will power? That's the biggest issue. If her willpower is higher than your sociability you will have a hard time changing opinions. Also if she doesn't like following orders. You can't do anything about willpower, but make sure she likes or loves following orders. (In general your sisters will like you more than the average person so that should also make it easier to change their opinions).

That sister patch work fine, TY.
Now i try MC >42 years. The daughter-daughter bug still there.
Yes, that requires a complete new game build. Can't patch it via a simple text file. Will be fixed on the next update.

I don't mind starting over again to fix the issue, though I will point out that my most recent restart did add pregnancy to the taboo list, and I still had a pregnancy fire off. Is that from a conflict of having the taboo set *with* the pregnancy float set to 0 in user_config? Deleting that line should theoretically correct it?

Afterthought edit because of something you mentioned: the last three times with the base_pregnancy set to 0 were on 1.07/1.08, and using new saves (I started fresh on the updates, not using old saves).

Second Edit: went through, deleted the base_pregnancy line in the config, and set pregnancy as a taboo in the ingame settings as well just to be certain - appears to have worked, nobody has birth control or similar stuff anywhere in their console stat dump on a new game.
Note that removing the entry makes it 0.5 by default, so that didn't do what you thought. But adding pregnancy taboo should prevent it. I can't explain how you can still have a pregnancy happen with it turned off, unless it was a save game and the person was already pregnant from before. It takes 6-8 weeks for a woman to realize she's pregnant.

Is it possible to have multiple photos for the same pose and level of revealing for a single character? For example, we could include multiple business outfits for a single character (e.g., aaa-00001-z0-biz-1 and aaa-00001-z0-biz-2) and the game could randomly pick one of the multiple suitable pictures for a situation. It would some variety to the photos.
Yeah, that's on my wish list. It's easy to do the first part. But making the game know about them and use those extra images, and more importantly remember which one is being shown is the tricky part. Not a simple fix.

Never worked for me sadly,they always say they are happy with their current(unemployed) state.
I even tried to make them like "working" but ofcourse they immediatly found a job elsewhere
But I found a interesting midsolution in the meanwhile:
Pushing a comissionar to vote to my likings may result in return to let their daughter/son/niece work in the club.
They work for cheap money and can do mostly only simple work,but still.

To find a business/marketing manager seems to be a miracle me thinks lol
Some unemployed people, specially if they are very young are happy not working. Making them like working helps. Also, they all have some internal cash, which eventually runs out if they have no job. When it does, they will be most likely to want to work. Make them also have being in debt, that also motivates them to look for jobs.

The commissioner kids are usually a disaster so I wouldn't call that a victory just yet!

Finding business managers is supposed to be tough. The game does create characters with the proper college degrees more frequently as the game progresses. Also every May and December some college students may graduate and get a college degree. They will send you an email. You can then try to hire them at that point.

TotalFluke Seeing you have the Mom/Sisters or Sister/Daughters. Could we perchance, since we do have some older ladies in the image folder. Give a bit of love to the few, although fairly starved, GILF hunters out there. A Mom/Sisters/Grandma and Sister/Dauthers/Mom combo could be in line, with not too mcuh. "Too old to stay this far away from the family" sort of deal.

Maybe even get a flag system for family, so they draw from the same pool eg. haircolour etc.

And spoiled by HHS+. A pregame world setting option menu would be GLORIOUS. Fiddling in the config and other files are all fun and stuff, but believe it or not, there are people out there with even less tech skills than me. And I'm streching my limits already.

Otherwise 10/10, Kudos, keep up the work!
Thanks! The grandmother relationship is also not working, similarly to the father/daughter-daughter issue someone else reported. There's obviously a lot of interest on more family relations and there's an event that fires that introduces a pair of related characters. I think it's mostly siblings or cousins at this point, so yeah, I need to make that event more frequent and increase the number of relations that can happen.

In theory relatives should be created with the same general physical characteristics (skin color, eye color, body shape, height, hair color in that order), but it's not always possible if there aren't appropriate images available.

There's in a options menu that's accessible before you start a game as well as in-game. It doesn't have all the options that can updated via the config file but it includes all the most useful ones. Look at the Main Menu under options. (This was added a couple of versions ago, so it's pretty new).

TotalFluke is there a Patreon page or any other way to support you?
Take my money, or else.
I tried to setup an account with Patreon once and they wanted way too much info about me and what I was doing. So fuck that. I'm not going to let them censor what I do. But thanks! I definitively appreciate the thought!

Looking in after a few months, I see that some important changes have taken place. The only one I want to address is the lack of insight into the competition. I see no way now to monitor the other clubs. Why not? Unless I missed a step somewhere, it appears to have been removed from the club management tab.
Still there. The big buttons in the bottom of the club info screen are now accessible via a pulldown at the top of that screen.
Sep 17, 2017
Note that removing the entry makes it 0.5 by default, so that didn't do what you thought. But adding pregnancy taboo should prevent it. I can't explain how you can still have a pregnancy happen with it turned off, unless it was a save game and the person was already pregnant from before. It takes 6-8 weeks for a woman to realize she's pregnant.
Then something is off somewhere, as all cases for me were on new games for the version (not once have I carried over a save from version to version, I don't mind restarting and if I want to continue I just will delay updating). In addition, the second time I had a surprise pregnancy show up and get contacted about it, it was only 10-11 days after the *first time* I had sex with the woman. That second time was with just the numeric setting applied, not the taboo. As mentioned, I also did have a pregnancy start on a new game in 1.08 with the taboo enabled in the user_config file (not in the ingame settings) with the numeric setting in my config set to 0. When I enabled the taboo in the ingame settings (and removed the numeric setting to be certain) everything started working as intended, so it might just be that for some reason the game wasn't recognizing that specific taboo via the user_config file.

Since there is a solution, it's not a big deal long term, but at least this gives something to point at in case anyone else runs into the issue in the future.


Sep 4, 2019
OK, having blowjobs or sex will still in your underwear now leads to you coming in your pants even though your cock is in her mouth or vagina. Didn't do this before.

Also on the pill, used condom. I sexual encounter then pregnant.
Last edited:


Aug 17, 2022
So, in June I had the game add two different girls as my little sister, now I am in september and neither have made contact and I can't contact them, is this a bug or do I just keep waiting?


Aug 17, 2022
OK, having blowjobs or sex will still in your underwear now leads to you coming in your pants even though your cock is in her mouth or vagina. Didn't do this before.

Also on the pill, used condom. I sexual encounter then pregnant.
I had a similar but different issue, an anal creampie caused pregnancy.


Feb 3, 2018
Hello, Great game and great work. The possibilities are endless and I hope it can develop in the right direction.

The reason I’m writing today, however, is to share my negative experience that occurred when the STD appeared!

It completely ruined my gameplay experience. I don’t really understand who could be interested in this aspect of the game. If it exists, there must be demand for it, but I can easily imagine that most players would be happy to do without this part of the game!

So, if some players find it interesting, good for them that it exists. But there should be an easy option to disable it!

Personally, I spent over three hours trying to "clean" my save file by repeatedly going in and out of the game to see if my save wouldn’t break and to return to a situation without the STD. But in vain! Furthermore, to my great dismay, all my saves are compromised by the arrival of the disease, even when it wasn’t yet officially announced!

I did see TotalFluke's advice in the history about the subject:

A cure will be developed for the STD after a while, but it first needs someone to get to the max level. Then a cure may be developed. You can remove it by editing it in the save file. It's the second to last field in the character line. Set the value to 0 to eliminate it.
But honestly, I couldn’t find where in the save file to completely eradicate this "problem" :) I spent a crazy amount of time setting 0s instead of 1s, but the only thing that happens is that the announcement of the disease’s arrival disappears, and the character is unaware of the situation. However, if I visit a doctor, a message will quickly pop up saying that the doctor knows about my situation, and after a medical exam, it always comes back in the end!

Also, I feel like the disease spreads incredibly quickly between characters when I compare a save from the beginning of the disease to a few weeks later. The STD mention multiplies! Maybe realistic after all, but clearly not what I’m looking for in this kind of game ;-)

I also found in the history Varimatras ’s advice for restoring health:
"cheat set_attr 03 health 100"

But again, this doesn’t remove the disease, and it completely took me out of the experience. I don’t want to start a new game after all the time I spent building a good club and gradually improving my stats with a lot of patience :)

Is there an easy way to remove this disease? :)
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Sep 17, 2017
So, if some players find it interesting, good for them that it exists. But there should be an easy option to disable it!
There is, but it will require a new game (or possibly just a save before anyone had gotten an STD) - in the Options menu, go to the Characters section, second to last line is "Probability NPC Character will have STD", just set that to 0 and they will no longer start. Unfortunately that may not help with one already afflicting characters in your game, which puts you back to where you are trying to edit your save to remove it manually.

Also worth keeping in mind for save editing that you will probably need to figure out who was the original source and remove it from them (and anyone else they may have been fucking) to halt any resurgence of the spread.
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Feb 3, 2018
Thanks for your reply. Indeed, I hadn’t checked the options side of things before, and I didn’t fully understand from the previous messages where to disable it. I must admit I wasn’t even aware of the existence of this darn disease :)
If anyone has a trick to properly clean my save file or at least remove the disease from my character at the right place in the save, I’d still be interested.
Without that, as mentioned, I don’t think I’ll feel like diving back into the game :)


Active Member
Nov 15, 2016
Does someone know how to remove asexuality from a person?
Any other game on this site, I would say a good dicking down. But here..... prolly have to do ALOT of convincing and talking, until you get them to accept said dicking down. Then let the dick beatings continue till moral improves.
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