
New Member
Jun 14, 2017
I believe your config.dat is looking like this then:

# A list of strings representing content you don't want to see:
# to enable this content, remove the desired topics. If want to
# remove all set it to - like the commented line below it
taboos string noncon,incest,racism   
#taboos string -                        # this is how to disable all taboos
switch those 2 lines in terms of comment sign '#' so the line with a dash is uncommented and vice versa

Can you share with me how is look like? Cause I don't make it.


Apr 29, 2017
Why do i have to repost jobs almost daily, getting told that my scheduled 30days run has ended and ive no jobs posted, when i just did it the other day?

And yeah that Fitnessclub join thing too, can be done every day...

And jfyi: in my 0.4d after it got published, no user config file was included, had to copy it from 0.4b... ;)


Active Member
Feb 9, 2018
Can you share with me how is look like? Cause I don't make it.
# A list of strings representing content you don't want to see:
# to enable this content, remove the desired topics. If want to
# remove all set it to - like the commented line below it
#taboos string noncon,incest,racism   
taboos string -                        # this is how to disable all taboos
This way. comment sign '#' on the line with anything but a '-' and delete it on the other line with a '-'
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Aug 7, 2020
I really don´t get how you make them vote. I understand how to influence their opinion on a vote but i don´t get how to make them vote in the first place for 3 weeks no new laws where proposed. In the explanation for the city hall it is said that i need a to make a commisioner propose the vote but when i talk to any of them about the laws it only shows how they think about it and me influencing them about the vote but nothing about proposing which law should be voted on


Active Member
Feb 9, 2018
I really don´t get how you make them vote. I understand how to influence their opinion on a vote but i don´t get how to make them vote in the first place for 3 weeks no new laws where proposed. In the explanation for the city hall it is said that i need a to make a commisioner propose the vote but when i talk to any of them about the laws it only shows how they think about it and me influencing them about the vote but nothing about proposing which law should be voted on
This seems to be a bit convoluted. In the section where you can ask about the laws you can either ask about the 'current vote' or in the bottom suggest them. As far as i figured so far you need to repeat the procedure at least with 2 other to get them to suggest that vote for the next term. But I might be wrong there.
Aug 7, 2020
This seems to be a bit convoluted. In the section where you can ask about the laws you can either ask about the 'current vote' or in the bottom suggest them. As far as i figured so far you need to repeat the procedure at least with 2 other to get them to suggest that vote for the next term. But I might be wrong there.
and this is what i meant. When i click "i want to talk about the next law that should be voted on" i choose the law and than get the two options "ask [Person] what he thinks of the law" (This options tells you if he is for or against) and "Tell [Person] you think he should vote for it". When i choose the second option the game tells me (if i succeed) that the Character is now more likely to vote for the Law but he does not propose the vote and i know that at least 4 characters would vote for the law. So either the text in city hall is false or the text in the second option should be changed to be more clear. and like i said no one proposed laws for three weeks so having multible people who want to vote for a law seems to not trigger someone to propose it.


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
Why do i have to repost jobs almost daily, getting told that my scheduled 30days run has ended and ive no jobs posted, when i just did it the other day?

And yeah that Fitnessclub join thing too, can be done every day...

And jfyi: in my 0.4d after it got published, no user config file was included, had to copy it from 0.4b... ;)
Just to make sure... the Post Available Jobs option always shows up now because you can cancel it and/or change it before the 30 days are up. Before it wasn't. So when you click on it, it should tell you if your postings are still active. If they are not and you just made them, then there's a problem. But I haven't seen that.

The Fitness club is a bug and will be fixed on the next version. There's a couple of other interactions that are also allowing you to do them when you shouldn't. (Most of them are things like you can buy a drink from a bartender when the bar is closed or the bartender is not working). It was caused by some performance improvements I put in to not do some calculations too often but turns out there's a reason why they need to be done that often :p

The user config file is not included in the distribution on purpose. This is so that when one unpacks the game on top of a previous version, it doesn't wipe out your user changes. However, if you install it in a new directory, the first time you run the game it will c create a blank one.


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
and this is what i meant. When i click "i want to talk about the next law that should be voted on" i choose the law and than get the two options "ask [Person] what he thinks of the law" (This options tells you if he is for or against) and "Tell [Person] you think he should vote for it". When i choose the second option the game tells me (if i succeed) that the Character is now more likely to vote for the Law but he does not propose the vote and i know that at least 4 characters would vote for the law. So either the text in city hall is false or the text in the second option should be changed to be more clear. and like i said no one proposed laws for three weeks so having multible people who want to vote for a law seems to not trigger someone to propose it.
Here's what's likely to be happening. I'll use two laws for simplicity, A and B. Let's say the commissioner considers A to have a value of 10 and B to have a value of 5. You want him to vote for B, so you talk to him and convince him to like B more. If you succeed, his value of B will be higher, and that depends on your social skill and the commissioners will power. So if you have high social and he has low willpower, B's value may go from 5 to 11 and then he will choose B over A on the next vote. If however, your social is low and his will is high, B's value may go up from 5 to 7 which will still means he prefers A. So you can either continue to sway him or wait for A to be voted on and hopefully passed so that B can become the precedence.
Aug 7, 2020
Here's what's likely to be happening. I'll use two laws for simplicity, A and B. Let's say the commissioner considers A to have a value of 10 and B to have a value of 5. You want him to vote for B, so you talk to him and convince him to like B more. If you succeed, his value of B will be higher, and that depends on your social skill and the commissioners will power. So if you have high social and he has low willpower, B's value may go from 5 to 11 and then he will choose B over A on the next vote. If however, your social is low and his will is high, B's value may go up from 5 to 7 which will still means he prefers A. So you can either continue to sway him or wait for A to be voted on and hopefully passed so that B can become the precedence.
thanks for clearing that up ^^ than as a suggestion for the next version would you be so kind to change the text in the city hall explaination to include that you allready need a majority of commisioners considering the law for it to get proposed. The current Text "If you want to get certain laws passed you will need to sway a commisioner to recommend the law you want." makes it seem that you only need one to propose the law.
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Aug 7, 2020
Another Question. Is there an election for commissioner. In Game it is stated that they are elected for 6 Months and with enough wealth you could influence who becomes commissioner. I played from January to October and i did not get informed that an election happens. Also if there is an election is it possible to become a commisioner yourself?


Dec 21, 2016
TotalFluke I just wanted to report a slightly obscure bug. Currently, interaction !reassign_job relies on &jobs_avail_at_club when you want to change an employee's job. This function returns an empty container if all positions are filled, which makes sense. Unfortunately, if you are trying to change a person's job to another that uses the same "slot" in a room it's also wrong. So, say your club is full and you want to change a singer to a dancer, it won't allow you to do so.
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Aug 30, 2018
I would think that the game requires you to have an empty slot to do that, which means that you can't have full employment and do swaps. Not sure if it's intended or a bug, but I agree, especially dancer > stripper.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2018
TotalFluke I just wanted to report a slightly obscure bug. Currently, interaction !reassign_job relies on &jobs_avail_at_club when you want to change an employee's job. This function returns an empty container if all positions are filled, which makes sense. Unfortunately, if you are trying to change a person's job to another that uses the same "slot" in a room it's also wrong. So, say your club is full and you want to change a singer to a dancer, it won't allow you to do so.
You are effectively moving 2 people to new jobs when doing that. So technically sounds proper.

But logically I am with you. Those simple functions are lacking overall. Internal swaps. Raises. Granted off days etc . My list can go on...


Jun 15, 2017
Is it possible to expand more than 61 employee?
Also, more janitors needed.
Last edited:


Apr 29, 2017
Just to make sure... the Post Available Jobs option always shows up now because you can cancel it and/or change it before the 30 days are up. Before it wasn't. So when you click on it, it should tell you if your postings are still active. If they are not and you just made them, then there's a problem. But I haven't seen that.
I get that almost daily now, while i havent changed anything and for sure did not cancel it.
I just get the message, that it ran its 30day course and i need to post new, coz then i can also not talk to peole offering them jobs, as "no postings are available".
Sometimes i thought it was because i got someone for one of the positions, but that would be dumb, also there were more than one openings for some positions, like singers and co, but it also happend with no one taking a position and none were there to even talk about it.

The Fitness club is a bug and will be fixed on the next version. There's a couple of other interactions that are also allowing you to do them when you shouldn't. (Most of them are things like you can buy a drink from a bartender when the bar is closed or the bartender is not working). It was caused by some performance improvements I put in to not do some calculations too often but turns out there's a reason why they need to be done that often :p
Yeah that was strange, but you figured that one out. Thats good to hear. :)

The user config file is not included in the distribution on purpose. This is so that when one unpacks the game on top of a previous version, it doesn't wipe out your user changes. However, if you install it in a new directory, the first time you run the game it will c create a blank one.
I never do that, because thats somewhat stupid with the changes made, as it can create crazy incompatibilities, i always unzip it into a new Folder, thats why i take aka copypasta the Names and Versions directly from the pages Header and rename the packages that i download with them. :)
That way i have a consistent Naming scheme and clear cut versions. :)

But good to know that it wouldve been created anyways.

Cheers. :D:coffee:
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