
Oct 16, 2020
Does anyone know if there's anyway to turn off the sister's recommended friends? I really don't want to employ ppl who already have jobs, but she never stops doing it and in some games it feels like certain jobs are being reserved by her for her friends cuz new spawns will just stay unemployed for a long time and then pick random city jobs instead.
I just interview them and off them a low wage that they refuse. It gets me more contacts and info on them.


Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
I just interview them and off them a low wage that they refuse. It gets me more contacts and info on them.
I try that too, may backfire if they have low greed though.

But yeah, interviews with people you are not interested in working for you can get you valuable info (rationality, willpower, greed, lewdness) which is useful to have.

Also: "overinterviewing" them, so they leave of their own accord, gives a way lower hit to them liking you than not offering a job.


New Member
Apr 29, 2022
there is any cheat or somethings to amke it easier?
Go to the Options menu and turn on the Debug Console (top choice). Then restart the game.

Default button to access the ` button (the button left of 1 on a standard keyboard).

Then open the console in a game, type in "help" (no quotes) to see the commands.

In your SCW game folder in runtime, there is a file called cheatsheet, which will assist you in figuring out names of variables.
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Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
Hi, I've been trying to employ the little sister as bartender, but at the end of the interview, the only option I have is "no".
The job is open, I have no employee yet and she is interested by the job.
I don't remember something like this in previous versions. Is it a bug or it takes something more ? View attachment 4611752
If you don't get any options it means that she's not qualified for any of your open jobs. For instance, if she's not old enough she may not qualify for a bartender position. Also happens for dudes who are not qualified to be strippers, for example.

I' tired of starting from the beginning
Unpack the files from the download over your existing installation. It will not overwrite your save files, achievements and config options. If you do modified existing game files, then you would lose those changes, in which case you need to save those somewhere else first.

Does anyone know if there's anyway to turn off the sister's recommended friends? I really don't want to employ ppl who already have jobs, but she never stops doing it and in some games it feels like certain jobs are being reserved by her for her friends cuz new spawns will just stay unemployed for a long time and then pick random city jobs instead.
There's no way to turn that off. There are no jobs being reserved for anything. Some people don't like to work on clubs at all (if they have low lewdness for instance) so they will take generic jobs. You can decline the interviews or interview them as was suggested and keep asking them questions until they leave.

Is there any special trick when updating versions? I copied the .10 files over the .09 files, but around 5% of the images in my existing save get reset.

If I use commands to try and set one person back to her previous image I get the following-

cheat set_image 44660 scw00541
Image scw00541 not defined
scw00542 gives the same not defined error, but others work as expected - either assigning or telling me they're not valid for that charter as it should when physical traits don't match.

I have the exact same images in the same place (since I just copied the new main game files over), and verified this specific set is still in the folder, but for some reason the game just seems to skip loading them.
That's weird. There's a different error message when it can't assign it because it's already used by someone else, so that's not it. Can't think of why else that would happen. Can you look at the log file and see if there are any errors? The log file should be at C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\LocalLow\Total Fluke Studios\StripClubWars\Player.log

Do you still have the save file from 1.09? Can you look for scw00541 in it and see if it still assigned to the character in question?

Hmmm - interesting. For v1.10 I receive a message for virus in the file and it prevents me to download it. (Mega and Kraken)
Did you get the warning from the browser when trying to download or when you tried to run it? If it's the download that's most likely a false positive that your anti-virus doesn't like those sites. If it's when running that's a bit more concerning. Not sure why that would be.

I guess I'll wait till threesomes with pregnant people are fixed.
Like the change log says, that's fixed on the latest version.


New Member
Apr 29, 2022
`How do i find the characters id ?
Okay quick help.

Your main commands are:

"list p" - this will give you a list of all characters in the game, the number at the front is their id. Your character is always 3.

"dump p #" # here is the id. It will show you all stats associated with that character. Yes, it is a bit hard to read, but this isn't meant to be pretty.

How to change stuff:

"cheat set_attr # X Y" Change a stat on a character. Again # is id. X is the variable name for the stat in question. Intelligence for example is "intel"; Sociability is "soc". Y is the value of the stat from -100 to 100

"cheat set_like # R S" #=id. Change an opinion on a character. -2 is hate, 2 is love. -1,0,1 should be self explanatory. R is the opinion variable name. Again some variable names are shorted. Younger is just "young". S is the either -2 to 2, corresponding to the earlier values i said.

"cheat add_cash 3 Z" Add cash to your Main Character where Z is the amount. 3 is actually the ID but why would you ever increase the money to other characters, just use your MC to hand it out.

Image change

"cheat set_image # fileimagename" #=id. fileimagename is the image name in the character folder

This allows you to change the image of the character. Don't like the look of one character, well you can change it, with some caveats. The age/ethnicity style of the character must be maintained. When you do a "list p" command the last item for each id is the fileimagename. For example scw00001. If you now go to the character scw1 folder, and look at the headshot for scw00001, you will see some more info. In this case "f4w" f is female, 4 is the age bracket (basically the tens number of the age of the character), and w is white. Age brackets overlap a little, but usually is you have a 1 character you need to replace the image with 1 and so on. The ethnic value in the 3rd position should also be easy to figure out. (w = white, b = black, a = asian, h = hispanic, r = arabic). Body type doesnt matter as the game changes the values for you.

Things you cant change in console (or are difficult to change that I havent figured it out yet)

Sexuality cant be changed. If someone is gay or asexual then the only way to easily change it is via Save Game Editing. Which works fine, though I suggest an editor like Notepad++ since it will make reading save game info easier. Do remember if you are changing someones sexuality, that you need to also change "f_attr" & "m_attr" in the character stats.

Relationship numbers can also be changed but that seems tedious to figure out.


Total Fluke, thank you for your hard work!


Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
Okay quick help.

Your main commands are:

"list p" - this will give you a list of all characters in the game, the number at the front is their id. Your character is always 3.
Your post is very helpful. However, a small addition:

Since this list can grow quite long and it may take some time to find it (also some characters use nicknames while the list gives their birth names) you can give an extra argument which is the beginning of their name, with a capital first letter (important). No matter whether it's their first name, last name, or nickname.

"list p J" gives you all people who have any of their names starting with "J".

Since that can be quite long as well, use more letters. And as I said, you can find Jacqueline 'Jackie' Sorensen with any of the following commands

list p Jacqueline
list p Jackie
list p Sorensen

(or any truncated version). Finding this out was a game changer for me. Well, not a complete changer, but certainly an improvement.
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Nov 23, 2023
I've tried to follow these instructions, but just keep getting told error.

What I'm seeing is "cheat set_like char_id like_key like_val"

What I'm writing is "cheat set_like char_212 like_eating pussy like_2"

What am I doing wrong?
Aug 26, 2018
I've tried to follow these instructions, but just keep getting told error.

What I'm seeing is "cheat set_like char_id like_key like_val"

What I'm writing is "cheat set_like char_212 like_eating pussy like_2"

What am I doing wrong?
I had that issue also. The formula given in the guide is EXTREMELY confusing, but this is how it supposed to look.
cheat set_like 212 eating_pussy 2
cheat set_like 212 incest 2
cheat set_attr 212 stre 100

I'm struggling on how to change the laws though. It would help out a lot if there was examples given on how the code was supposed to look.
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