Sep 17, 2017
- I understand opinions, or at least some of them, are related to traits/skills/abilities/jobs: an NPC with high lewdness would probably like/love "hot weather" and "revealing clothes", an NPC with high endurance/strength would probably like/love "running", "swimming", "working out" and so on. But I wonder if the opposite is true? I mean, if NPC's with low lewdness change opinions from hate to love "not wearing underwear" shouldn't their lewdness change? Or, if cooks go from like to hate food prep" work, shouldn't it more likely for them to change job/be fired?
Stats and opinions are generally detached from each other - it is entirely possible for someone with terrible endurance/strength to love "working out", and because of that they will try to work out regularly improving those stats over time. This is intended functionality, so you can make your employees/family like various kinds of exercise to gradually improve their stamina/health as the game progresses. From what I can tell looking at the various documents included, stats and opinions are set on character generation based on the character's assigned personality type, then given a bit of extra randomization (for example a bimbo personality will always have higher lewdness and low rationality/focus and like more sexual things, while a politician personality that the commissioners start with always likes/loves government work then tends toward far more randomization around sexual opinions).

From what I have seen, nobody changes opinions on their own, without player intervention. There may be some scripted events which force changes, but I have not noticed them. Having certain likes/loves will have an impact on other stats or their behaviors. Lewdness increases over time as the district increases overall lewdness, which appears to be based both on the current set of implemented laws and your employees' jobs and club policies. If you manage to make someone go from liking to hating their current work (food prep, service work, or whatever), they will continually lose happiness whenever they work until they decide to quit and find another job. You can abuse this a bit to make someone want to quit working at another club while making them like a different kind of job that you may want to hire them for (example: make a bartender hate service work and love entertainment work so they quit the other club to come be a dancer for you).


Jul 29, 2018
Thanks, I miss understood. I thought it was but still had bug.
Total Fluke wrote:
"Ok, so there's a bug preventing this from happening. I added a fix to prevent a slave from becoming someone else's slave at the last minute and I screwed it up (mental note to stop doing last minute changes!). Instead is doing the opposite, only allowing a slave if they are already one. I can probably post a one-file download to fix it."


Sep 24, 2017
If you left click the icons / numbers for any of the 5 lower stats (Happiness, Health, Arousal, Energy and Clothing) it takes you to your stats, clicking the top numbers doesnt work.
I'm aware, but that doesn't work for me in 1.10.
does anyone else have this problem?
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