What factors into how many people visit your club?
Compared to two other clubs I have higher fame and customer satisfaction, and have done for a significant amount of time but they both have always had around double the number of customers every day. I've got an upgrade entrance with two people working there, so I don't believe that would be the bottleneck either and the cover charge is the same across all three clubs.
Is there some artificial boosting in the background to increase the number of visitors to the other clubs to help them remain competitive?
Or am I missing something obvious?
Details in case it's useful:
My club
Fame: 889
Satisfaction: 47%
Visits: 374
Fame: 575
Satisfaction: 34%
Visits: 501
Fame: 642
Satisfaction: 37%
Visits: 605
This seems like either a bug or a really bad setup. The are three components that drive the number of visits: fame, satisfaction and population. Prices are built into satisfaction and features offered into fame. Based on that you should be kicking ass. However, if you are behind it could be your club has less people to attract. There's two factors here: one is the location (as someone said, geography). You draw people to your club from your district and from the neighboring districts. The club in the central location has a huge advantage causethey can draw from 7 districts while everyone else can only draw from 3.
The second part is how many people that are able and willing to go. This depends on the size of the district (in general they should be of similar size) and how well off they are. So you want more people and more people with money. You can check this info in the Demographics tab of the club info.
The other question that could be a factor is whether those numbers are for a whole day and they are open for more hours than you.
So I fixed the bug with the slave creation and played around with it a bit. I have some thoughts. It would be nice if the game didn't tick over when you requested them to undress, I wanted to set their nude outfit every time you call them but the game ticks over and they leave the location when you do making it challenging to actually request them to show up nude. It would also be nice if you could call someone to the games room to gamble with them because otherwise it would be near impossible to legitimately get certain people as a slave, this could also be accomplished by being able to ask someone to come with you to the games room. I think it might also be beneficial if the gambling law was available a bit sooner, being locked behind all the time extensions is a bit much. On that note I think there's slightly too many time extension laws required. I like a good grind but having to wait several months with good RNG to pass laws to extend the opening times only to finally start getting to the good laws is a bit much. It might also be better to sprinkle in some good laws in between the opening hours laws. Say when you unlock afternoons you can also unlock dancers. Making the early game just about extending the opening hours of the club just feels like a chore more than fun. I think it might also be cool if you could make commissioners slaves, opens up opportunities to force them to vote your way on the laws due to their bad gambling habits. This would also tie more closely into the shady dealings story some commissioners get.
The pool game also states "you have 0 balls left on the table" so there's an off by 1 error somewhere there that should probably be fixed. Also I think you can remove the restriction on the SMD for commissioners since you can force them through gambling and make them join before being elected. Maybe I misread the code but maybe just a really low chance to join when requested instead of blocking it outright.
Fair point on the ask to undress issue. Will change that.
The gambling stuff also requires the game room which will likely take longer to get there. It's why I put it where I did. So that it doesn't stop the other stripping laws from passing first which you can take advantage of sooner.
Making commissioners slaves is too overpowered and adds a lot of complications. The main benefit of a slave is you can hire anyone for a low salary, but you can't do that with commissioners. It's easier to prevent them from becoming slaves than then to block the hiring interactions in all the places it comes up.
The "0 balls left" doesn't include the 8-ball, which is handled differently. I guess that's confusing but the text should say that you still have that one left.
I'll look into why the commissioners are not allowed to join the SMD. I'm guessing I had a good reason to prevent it at that time but now there are other ways to do it maybe it makes sense to remove that restriction.
How long does it take for mom to call? She been in my contacts for almost a year but never received a call from her yet.
Did you brush her off when she contacted you the first time? If you do she won't bother you again. Otherwise she should call you once a month.
breast + penis = shemale character but I don't touch anything because I don't know how to modify the game
Using the other letters of the alphabet you could increase the editing options?
Unfortunately the breast size and penis size use the same spot in the definition so there's no way to specify both at the same time. Support for shemales/futa is not currently possible and not sure if it will ever be. It will require a very specific character(s) with proper images and dialog just for those.
Hi! I'm playing the latest v1.10 and I found some bugs, I think.
1. The load screen's Cancel button freeze the game.
2. When try to hire someone at the salary page mostly in the case of the optimal choice (fair amount) the event prematurely ending without any response
3. Sometimes this page is funny too
View attachment 4637574
The low amount is higher than the medium low.
4. The moral police event is unreliable. I'm played through 1.5 years ingame and it never started. Only happens during this time is that ceo sends me a false messages sometimes (sadly I forgot to make a snapshot of it or identify the title, but as far as I remember its a reminder where show "???" instead of date) because she never offered to join the mp. Can this reset or trigger somehow?
1 and 3 are already reported. 2 may be as well although that could be a different issue.
As for 4 I'm not sure what messages you are referring too, so next time you see it let me know. If you haven't been invited or you were and declined, you shouldn't be seen those messages. And if you were then you should be getting the meeting invites. I will need more info to see if there's something corrupted or if it's just normal operation. (If it's normal then you still have a chance to trigger the library meeting everytime you check out a sex skill book).
The way to kick the process is to meet the MP lady at the library after checking out a sex skill book. This should happen around 50% of the time. If you do meet her outside the library then the chances of running into her in the library go down (although IIRC its just to 25%). There are like 30 sex skill books so even the worse RNG luck should never prevent the story from triggering. Anyway, I'm going to make it so that it's harder to run into her in town prior to this meeting so that the only penalty for the lower percentage only triggers if you turn her down once.
Alright, how do I change f_attr or m_attr in the console?
A bisexual character was generated with 100% female attraction and 0% male attraction (essentially a pure lesbian in bisexual's clothing), so try as I might they will never allow me to date them despite their attraction to me being like 70. Can't persuade them to change opinion either.
Ok, that shouldn't happen. Bi characters should be created with 100% for both attractions. To fix it look at the cheat set_attr command.
I don't consider the lack of images a bug. The issue comes from the fact that the game ties to undress the character in the threesome scenario, but unable to do it cuz the character don't have the correct image. Instead of skipping that level it keeps trying and essentially locking up your game which is a bug.
Some images are required. The headshot, nude, underwear and one of the fully dressed images are required or you will have issues.