
Aug 15, 2022
Honor changes when you do honorable or dishonorable things (i.e. you break a promise, your honor goes down, you tell the truth when asked about a rumor they heard, it goes up). But in general these changes are very small.
Strange, I would think the honourable thing when someone asks about a rumor would be to refuse to discuss it. When I see how negatively people's opinions of me is affected by my trying to have sex with everything that moves, I thought admitting to my promiscuity probably wouldn't be a good idea. It's quite tempting to get everyone to hate gossip.
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Jul 31, 2017
Assuming you are not referring to the "masked" images which are used when there's no more images available, then no, that should not happen at all.
Ah I see, from the defaults folder? Makes sense I suppose, though I 100% have not met 114 characters in my contacts yet, I counted 80 contacts (of the 114 I have in folder atm) before it started looping from defaults, not counting male characters who have their own pool. I only have 114 currently 'cause I was curating the lists a bit for preference so I guess I should add more back in to stop them coming from default for a while longer.


Aug 15, 2022
Ah I see, from the defaults folder? Makes sense I suppose, though I 100% have not met 114 characters in my contacts yet, I counted 80 contacts (of the 114 I have in folder atm) before it started looping from defaults, not counting male characters who have their own pool. I only have 114 currently 'cause I was curating the lists a bit for preference so I guess I should add more back in to stop them coming from default for a while longer.
From what I can tell the characters are split into "pools". When you meet a character, you get the next available character from that pool. Every character within that pool will be of the same ethnicity, but there may be several pools from ethnicties with a lot of characters. If you re-load after meeting a character, it will load the next character from that pool and, if you keep re-loading, it will keep moving through that pool until you get to the default character for that ethnicity. Likewise, if you have already met all of the characters in that pool, you will get the default for that ethnicity. There will obviously still be characters in other pools that you have not yet met. In my current game I have what seems like 100 caucasian defaults, 20 black defaults, but I have still not met all of the latin, arab or asian characters. There does seem to be some weighting towards specific pools. For example, I have a lot more caucasian than arab characters in my character folders and yet I have met all of the caucasians and barely any of the arab characters. In my experience the order of preference for pool selection when you meet a new character is caucasian, black, latin, arab, asian and it seems like caucasian is over 50% chance. I'd imagine this is because there are so many more caucasian characters in the original folders and it is an attempt to avoid reaching default characters to early in the game.

That said, I had one game where I was getting default characters from the beginning of the game and this was before I had removed anyone from the character folder.

Hopefully TotalFluke can put you straight, if I have got anything wrong, but this is how it appears from my observations.
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New Member
Dec 27, 2019
I am trying to get custom images working, for some reason it refuses to load custom images even if i just copy some from scw folders and change prefix

I am getting this in the log :

Read 46 local string files
IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  at CharImages.create_image_db () [0x000ca] in <b8aa3fb009ea42ab825171e080d1e931>:0
  at CharImages..ctor (System.String images_dir) [0x000ba] in <b8aa3fb009ea42ab825171e080d1e931>:0
  at Game.load_data_files () [0x0021a] in <b8aa3fb009ea42ab825171e080d1e931>:0
  at Game.Start () [0x00480] in <b8aa3fb009ea42ab825171e080d1e931>:0
I had same when i forgot to resize and then managed to remove transparency while doing that on that dumb windows system.
But i went back to linux and fixed that with imagemagic.
I am sure it used to work but since i expanded the pack it refuses to load, do i miss something like resolution or metadata ?
I have attached one set which used to work. Or maybe I have converted it again and now it doesnt. Also why is it 512x800 this leads to funny image size in SD esp when using SDXL checkpoint where i need to resize and crop those. The size isnt the issue but aspect ratio.

Also it would be cool to add optional z for acts so specific images could be made and loaded.


Jul 31, 2017
From what I can tell the characters are split into "pools". When you meet a character, you get the next available character from that pool. Every character within that pool will be of the same ethnicity, but there may be several pools from ethnicties...
Ahh I hadn't even considered the ethnicities mattered in my head it was all sorta just random stats regardless of the images used for some reason. Sounds a bit more involved so I'll leave any editing alone in that regard haha. It's not the worst thing I just wouldn't mind if you just reached a cap one day or something instead of re-using the same image sets for new people.

I am trying to get custom images working, for some reason it refuses to load custom images even if i just copy some from scw folders and change prefix
I dunno about how you're adding custom images but I had no issues simply replacing the ones already in folders instead of trying to add in new ones. They work just fine and I couldn't figure out how to add in new ones with my limited understanding of this sorta thing. Just had to make sure all images were .png and renamed correctly.
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Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
From what I can tell the characters are split into "pools". When you meet a character, you get the next available character from that pool. Every character within that pool will be of the same ethnicity, but there may be several pools from ethnicties with a lot of characters. If you re-load after meeting a character, it will load the next character from that pool and, if you keep re-loading, it will keep moving through that pool until you get to the default character for that ethnicity. Likewise, if you have already met all of the characters in that pool, you will get the default for that ethnicity. There will obviously still be characters in other pools that you have not yet met. In my current game I have what seems like 100 caucasian defaults, 20 black defaults, but I have still not met all of the latin, arab or asian characters. There does seem to be some weighting towards specific pools. For example, I have a lot more caucasian than arab characters in my character folders and yet I have met all of the caucasians and barely any of the arab characters. In my experience the order of preference for pool selection when you meet a new character is caucasian, black, latin, arab, asian and it seems like caucasian is over 50% chance. I'd imagine this is because there are so many more caucasian characters in the original folders and it is an attempt to avoid reaching default characters to early in the game.

That said, I had one game where I was getting default characters from the beginning of the game and this was before I had removed anyone from the character folder.

Hopefully TotalFluke can put you straight, if I have got anything wrong, but this is how it appears from my observations.
You got it mostly right. Each character image has 3 fixed attributes: gender, ethnicity and age group (18-21, 22-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50+). When a character is created, those 3 attributes are generated first and then we find an image for it when we need to show it so a character may be created but it's not until the MC meets it that the image is selected. That's why reloading a game as you do can give you a different image each time. When the image is selected then the other physical attributes (height, fitness, breast size, hair color, etc.) are set from the selected image.

Now, while you may have 100 total images, there may only be 2 asian females in their 30's and if you already have 2 of them used, then that "pool", to use your word, is used up and a default image is used for that character. Clearly there pools are not the same size. The ethnic distribution is roughly based on US data, and it's 60% caucassian, 17% black, 18% latin, 3% asian and 2% arab. This is actually controlled by a data file and can be changed, but it matches the available images. Making Asians something like 10% would use up all those images real quick and you end up with default images in no time, so it's best to not change it unless you are adding a proper number of new images.
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Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
I am trying to get custom images working, for some reason it refuses to load custom images even if i just copy some from scw folders and change prefix

I am getting this in the log :

Read 46 local string files
IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  at CharImages.create_image_db () [0x000ca] in <b8aa3fb009ea42ab825171e080d1e931>:0
  at CharImages..ctor (System.String images_dir) [0x000ba] in <b8aa3fb009ea42ab825171e080d1e931>:0
  at Game.load_data_files () [0x0021a] in <b8aa3fb009ea42ab825171e080d1e931>:0
  at Game.Start () [0x00480] in <b8aa3fb009ea42ab825171e080d1e931>:0
I had same when i forgot to resize and then managed to remove transparency while doing that on that dumb windows system.
But i went back to linux and fixed that with imagemagic.
I am sure it used to work but since i expanded the pack it refuses to load, do i miss something like resolution or metadata ?
I have attached one set which used to work. Or maybe I have converted it again and now it doesnt. Also why is it 512x800 this leads to funny image size in SD esp when using SDXL checkpoint where i need to resize and crop those. The size isnt the issue but aspect ratio.

Also it would be cool to add optional z for acts so specific images could be made and loaded.
Eyeballing it all looks fine (and the images are great!). The error refers to an array index out of bounds and the only place arrays are used are where the filename is split into parts. Make sure that there's no stray .png files in the characters folder (or any subdirectory of it) that are not meant to be there. I need to make it handle that situation better.

I'm not sure what you mean by 512x800 leading to funny image size? I use the AUTOMATIC1111 UI and I just change the Height to 800 and haven't had any issues. I don't use the SDXL check point (the sample images were a bit too-fantasy focused so I never played with it). But your sample image is great that I may give it a shot.


Aug 15, 2022
I am having an issue with the councillors not being able to decide what to vote on. I am getting one vote each for three different options and the other four abstaining. I am repeatedly talking the the four abstainees suggesting that they vote for one of the three options that were already receiving a vote and reloading each time until my words have swayed them, then when it gets to the next vote they abstain again. Would I be better off just focusing on one of the abstainees, multiple times per day, rather than trying to sway all of them?

Also, do my attempts at swaying them reset each time they have a vote or is there a long term build up of constantly nudging towards voting the way I want.

Update: Having decided to take the route of focusing on one or two councillors over and over that seemed to do the trick.
Last edited:
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Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
I am having an issue with the councillors not being able to decide what to vote on. I am getting one vote each for three different options and the other four abstaining. I am repeatedly talking the the four abstainees suggesting that they vote for one of the three options that were already receiving a vote and reloading each time until my words have swayed them, then when it gets to the next vote they abstain again. Would I be better off just focusing on one of the abstainees, multiple times per day, rather than trying to sway all of them?

Also, do my attempts at swaying them reset each time they have a vote or is there a long term build up of constantly nudging towards voting the way I want.

Update: Having decided to take the route of focusing on one or two councillors over and over that seemed to do the trick.
Yes, it's always better to concentrate on one at a time. The swaying does not reset with a vote but wears out after about a year of you not swaying him (i.e. if you go a full year without attempting to sway a commissioner, then it's reset). Also pay close attention to what they think of the law... if it says "will vote against" they are likely not going to be swayed, "probably will" can be swayed bu with some work, and "leans" are close enough that should be easy to sway them. I would consider the "will vote against" lost causes and not worry about swaying them. Other hints: the more the like you the easier is to sway them and it's easier to sway your own commissioner than the others. If they have a high compassion, you are better off with the begging option (business is in bad shape). If their willpower is high, it will be harder to sway them.
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Aug 15, 2022
Yes, it's always better to concentrate on one at a time. The swaying does not reset with a vote but wears out after about a year of you not swaying him (i.e. if you go a full year without attempting to sway a commissioner, then it's reset). Also pay close attention to what they think of the law... if it says "will vote against" they are likely not going to be swayed, "probably will" can be swayed bu with some work, and "leans" are close enough that should be easy to sway them. I would consider the "will vote against" lost causes and not worry about swaying them. Other hints: the more the like you the easier is to sway them and it's easier to sway your own commissioner than the others. If they have a high compassion, you are better off with the begging option (business is in bad shape). If their willpower is high, it will be harder to sway them.
Thanks, it's only ever an issue getting them to decide what to vote for. Once that is decided I just bribe everyone, as it's cheap and they like you more after you give them the highest amount of money. Other than my current game, where one of them put me on probabtion for a year, but I'm just ignoring him now.

The next thing I'm wondering/having difficulty with. Once you get a couple of years into the game and you have interacted with everyone quite a lot, if for some reason there opinion of you drops too low, you have no obvious way to recover it. There seems to be a limit to the number of successful uses of each type of interaction and once they are used up, just thinking about the person makes them like you less. As previously mentioned, my promiscuity tends to have a negative effect on the opinion many characters have of me and if I've not interacted with them for a while there OP will be quite low and there seems to be little to nothing I can do at that point. It seems a little unfair, I've only ever raped one person and that was only to see what the long terms effects were, otherwise I may have a lot of casual sex, but I'm not in a relationship and it's always been consensual.

Talking of not being in a relationship. since upgrading to 0.4g I am frequently being asked to go on dates and only have the option of replying "Sorry, I'm in a committed relationship", this despite being single.
Aug 30, 2018
Talking of not being in a relationship. since upgrading to 0.4g I am frequently being asked to go on dates and only have the option of replying "Sorry, I'm in a committed relationship", this despite being single.
I'm pretty sure if they ask you out when you have zero energy, that is the only choice you get for a reply. This happens after working out in the gym during the early game when working out drains you to zero, and other circumstances when your energy is 0.
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Jul 13, 2020
Since the name of the game is Strip Club Wars, is there a possibility of acquiring or taking control of the rest of the clubs?


Apr 29, 2017
Since the name of the game is Strip Club Wars, is there a possibility of acquiring or taking control of the rest of the clubs?
Not yet atleast.
The Goal is, for now, to keep the other clubs at bay, keep em down and get yours on top, taking their customers and their money with em making you rich, while the others barely keep afloat.

Hostile takeovers would be cool, but the management of one club can be tedious let alone 2 or more, for this the mechanics and manager ai's and amounts would be needed to increase and improve massivly.


Jun 3, 2017
Not yet atleast.
The Goal is, for now, to keep the other clubs at bay, keep em down and get yours on top, taking their customers and their money with em making you rich, while the others barely keep afloat.

Hostile takeovers would be cool, but the management of one club can be tedious let alone 2 or more, for this the mechanics and manager ai's and amounts would be needed to increase and improve massivly.
agreed. the ai would need to expand significantly or the office would need to be massively revamped so it could take all that stress off from your shoulders


Jul 21, 2017
There has to be some way to stop the barrage of people asking about rumors and gossip. I went and modified everyone so they had a gossip value of -2 (hate it) and it still persists. Then there's the hilarious ones like "I heard you gave anal to her", lady you were in the room and watched it happen, thanks to being a voyeur you even liked it! So why the hell are you asking me to confirm it?!
Likewise, why am I constantly deciding between "suck it up" or "take a break" - I mean, I have managers hired so why at this point are they going to the owner about it instead of the manager?
Basically, I just want to fast forward a day without interruptions.


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
The next thing I'm wondering/having difficulty with. Once you get a couple of years into the game and you have interacted with everyone quite a lot, if for some reason there opinion of you drops too low, you have no obvious way to recover it. There seems to be a limit to the number of successful uses of each type of interaction and once they are used up, just thinking about the person makes them like you less. As previously mentioned, my promiscuity tends to have a negative effect on the opinion many characters have of me and if I've not interacted with them for a while there OP will be quite low and there seems to be little to nothing I can do at that point. It seems a little unfair, I've only ever raped one person and that was only to see what the long terms effects were, otherwise I may have a lot of casual sex, but I'm not in a relationship and it's always been consensual.

Talking of not being in a relationship. since upgrading to 0.4g I am frequently being asked to go on dates and only have the option of replying "Sorry, I'm in a committed relationship", this despite being single.
I'm not sure why you wouldn't be able to improve your opinion. You can always engage with them, complimenting them, giving them gifts, just talking to them etc. There's no limit of how often you can do that. Now, as you have more and more friends, it's becomes harder to keep everyone with a high opinion of you. Opinion decays toward 0 as time goes by, so if you just ignore someone for a long time, their opinion of you will end up at 0. And yes, jealousy plays a part and the more people you have sex with the more you are likely to piss off as well. This however will be toned down significantly in the next version.

And as for the "in committed relationship" when tired message is a bug. I'll look into fixing that.

Since the name of the game is Strip Club Wars, is there a possibility of acquiring or taking control of the rest of the clubs?
That's not the intent. As others have pointed out, it would be too much work, and not much fun to manage multiple clubs. The point is that the 5 clubs are competing for a limited set of resources (customers and employees) so that's the point. It's not a big part of the game yet, but it's the plan is to beef that area up quite a bit. The other club's AI needs to get a lot better too so that they can keep up better.

There has to be some way to stop the barrage of people asking about rumors and gossip. I went and modified everyone so they had a gossip value of -2 (hate it) and it still persists. Then there's the hilarious ones like "I heard you gave anal to her", lady you were in the room and watched it happen, thanks to being a voyeur you even liked it! So why the hell are you asking me to confirm it?!
Likewise, why am I constantly deciding between "suck it up" or "take a break" - I mean, I have managers hired so why at this point are they going to the owner about it instead of the manager?
Basically, I just want to fast forward a day without interruptions.
Rumors and gossips are being revamped for the next version. It will reduce the spam considerably as people will be more careful on what they share and with who. And ones like "X had sex with his wife/gf" has been removed as a gossip.

I'm planning on adding a club policy to allow for people to take breaks without asking for permission. But having them ask the manager instead is also an interesting option but the issue with it is that the managers are not at work at night when those situations are most common.


Sep 24, 2017
in the job interview when getting to know someone's opinions you could only choose like, dislike or no opinion, you can't choose love or hate.
I'm assuming if you change people's opinions into loving the job they're doing they wouldn't get unhappy so often, and I wanna choose to also love every work so that I have same opinions as anyone else on jobs to improve relationship with them faster, is that a correct assumption?
also people choose the subject when sharing opinions and not you, whether it is you who initiated the talk or they did


Aug 15, 2022
I'm not sure why you wouldn't be able to improve your opinion. You can always engage with them, complimenting them, giving them gifts, just talking to them etc. There's no limit of how often you can do that. Now, as you have more and more friends, it's becomes harder to keep everyone with a high opinion of you. Opinion decays toward 0 as time goes by, so if you just ignore someone for a long time, their opinion of you will end up at 0. And yes, jealousy plays a part and the more people you have sex with the more you are likely to piss off as well. This however will be toned down significantly in the next version.
There comes a point where any of these interactions, even if successful don't improve OP. Like I said, I have even just messaged someone to say I was thinking about them and their OP went down, even though they replied. It seems to happen somewhere in 2026, almost any interaction reduces OP. It's like they're bored with me doing the same thing over and over again and want me to learn some new tricks. I assume there is a decay in the benefit interactions give, because it always seems to start high and then the more times you repeat the same interaction the benefit reduces. What appears to be happening is that the decay goes from a positive down to zero and then eventually a negative, whereas it seems like it should stop a 1, so you are at least still getting a small benefit.

My next question is regarding changing opinions. Is it not possible to change every opinion of every character? There seems to be some characters that no matter how many attempt I make on a specific subject, I can't change their mind, even when they have 100 OP and are attracted to me, etc. I would make sense that certain characters or archetypes wouldn't budge on specific subjects, I just wanted to confirm that that is the case or maybe just a very low chance of success.

The next thing is just an observation. I found it quite amusing that one of the mobsters that I had been fighting all year and hadn't paid a penny to, took the time to send me a birthday message.
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Dec 24, 2020
I'm new to this game and it seems complicated. I haven't played the latter part yet. If I want to make all employees male, is it possible? Including the stripteaser. :LOL:
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