Oh incest is disabled in my game then, that explains it.
How do I raise my health? Or would my health not be effecting femalenpc's attraction to me anyways?
Edit: I enabled incest and she's still -44 attraction to me she must really hate average men

I made her like long hair and older men the only things about me that weren't average, then again maybe she's half-lesbian but I can't bring that subject up at all because she has a boyfriend who isn't me?
Health doesn't matter unless is below 0. It has no effect on opinions or attraction. You improve your healthy very very slowly by eating healthy foods in the diner or by exercising. Not remotely worth worrying about it.
Being half lesbian (i assume you mean bi) does not decrease her attraction to you.
I'm trying to break up with one of my girlfriends Keira Lee but nothing happens when I click the Break Up button. Is there a variable that can be changed in the save or a console command to break up? I've asked several women that are single and some say I have to break up with ???. Not sure if it's related to being unable to break up with Keira Lee.
So did find a bug on this. There's a check for the AI that's being applied to the MC by mistake. The AI won't break up with someone if they are very happy in that relationship, but the MC should not be subject to that check. With the console try setting that you hate marriage and love casual sex and see if that lets you break up. If not make yourself very unhappy. Hopefully that will do it. Will put in a fix for this on the next version.
Great game
Is it possible to get additional plot details in the bottom information window? This includes, for example, progress in reading the book as well as sporting activities and of course sexual acts. This is shown during dirty talk.
And a separate menu with a sorting function for employees would be helpful. As the club grows and there are many employees, it is currently inconvenient to check their strengths when moving someone to another area of work.
Always possible to add more messages. However, the reading book progress is not progress in the general sense, it's more like some day the system decides that you are done reading it.
In the club employees tab, you can sort the employees by skilll level (or any of the columns) by clicking on the column header. I'm planning on adding a more robust filter/search capability to the contacts screen at some point.
Is it possible to view skills and salary when choosing a job?
I can see adding some of that info to that page. I'll look into it.
I haven't had the game crash while playing, but it locks up every time that I try to load to a different save file, or go back to the main menu and start a new one. I have to completely close it and then open it again.
Yeah, loading a game over an existing one or starting a new one is pretty buggy, specially the further along you are in the game. There's some memory caching that's not being properly cleaned up when loading a game. I just recently made a fix for this that was essentially keeping the old club map from the previous game.
I have a question about the RNG and which characters populate in the game. I downloaded all of the available packs of characters, and the number and variety is fantastic. But after playing a while and then going back and looking at the packs, I've noticed that I'm only ever seeing about a quarter of the ones that are there. When I start over, I often get the same women every time. Its not that I dislike them, but I'm wondering if that's something other people are noticing too, and if there's anything that I can do to persuade the game to increase the variety. I get some from each of the different scw folders also, so its not like I'm getting all from a few and not from the rest.
I've noticed that before too. There's some girls that appear on every game and others I almost never see. I don't have a good explanation for it. I think it's just randomness and how we tend to see patterns on random results. Just the other day I was trying to test an event that had a 15% probability of happening and had to run the code over 25 times for it to hit.
Feature request:
An indication of which save is the most recent on the save/load screens.
Issue with the Manage Club interface:
The third and fourth Other Club's button labels are not replaced with my club's name when I click on them. When I click on the first or second club the button labels are replaced with my club's name. It is easier to switch back and forth when the label is replaced with my club.
The last save is something I've been meaning to add forever and never get to it. As for the club buttons, I hate how it works... it's not supposed to replace your club into the clicked box, it lists them in order (your club is always #2, the downtown club is always #1), so when #1 is selected, your club moves up to #1. I probably should fit all 5 at once and not mess with that confusing replacement.