Anyone know how to raise your health??
Running will get you 1 health point sometimes. Doing Cardio at the Gym gets you health points until you've maxed it out. After that, nothing. Weight lifting gets you nothing.
Problem is that your health drops 5 points every week without any way to get it back up after maxing Cardio.
This needs fixing by the honorable TotalFluke. Health should only drop IF the MC doesn't work out using any method or get beat up by the mob boss and doesn't go to the clinic.
It is very frustrating to always be between 23 and 29 health. Especially when the mob boss comes back around. I have never had my health above 41 ever through 6 different play through's. This needs fixing badly.
I work very hard from the start to max out Cardio(endurance) and Strength(weight lifting) so I can kick the mob's ass.

Only to suffer defeats due to health dropping radically each week.