Is it possible to somehow influence how often characters post their photos?
You can make them like attention more. That's the main factor in them posting photos. Depending on the clothing, lewdness is also a factor. If it's a selfie they took with someone or a photo of someone else, how much they like that person is also a factor.
Note that for performance reasons, NPCs only get to keep 5 photos in their album at a time. So some photos will disappear before they get a chance to post them. You also don't want every photo they take to be posted. That would be a lot.
I am.
As I said in an earlier post, my experience is that once a measure is up for a vote it almost invariably passes, so the blackmail feature is of very limited utility, as are other methods of getting commissioners to vote in favour of a proposed law.
The big issue is getting laws selected in the first place and City Hall can deadlock for a very long time on that and essentially stall progress in the game. And that's the bit where promises a commissioner will vote for a law are unreliable.
Ok, so I think I see the issue. The problem is that when you ask them what they think about a law when that law is not up for a vote they are giving the same response as when the law is up. So you get the "will vote for it" which refers that they will vote yes for that law when it's a yes/no vote. But it doesn't mean that they prefer that law to others. In other words, they will vote for that law when it comes up, but they would rather vote another law first. I will change that wording to reduce this confusion.
Are there any plans to add a player house where you can chill with all your hos?
There really needs to be an easier in-game way to raise a girl's lewdness, apart from the cult mechanics which I'm not very fond of.
People have been asking about a home for the MC for a while and I think that creates a lot of hassles. It forces you to Go to Home and Go To Work as separate steps and you will be doing that a lot. Second a lot of events work best when the MC is at work. If the MC has a home, it makes is harder for certain things that depend on the MC being at work from happening. So while I would like to do it, it's a big task that introduces a lot of issues, so it hasn't happened yet.
Raising lewdness on NPCs is hard on purpose. If it wasn't, the personality ceases to matter. And you can just hire whoever you want knowing you can make them into good employees. So no, I don't expect to make that any easier.
This one must have been a hell of a stripper in her heyday.
Or isn't the skill decay by age algorithm applied when NPCs are initialised? If that's the case and it's applied all at once during the NPC's first in-game birthday it could result in some spectacular skill drops.
No, the initial job skill incorporates attraction from the start. My guess here is that she's been a stripper since she was 18 and has a ton of experience to offset the attraction penalties. And she probably has all the other skill components pretty high too.
Just confirmed that NPCs with active 'friend' status are asking to become friends after a third friend/employee did so shortly after I'd made a save I could restore and check.
OK, this is weird. I don't see how can happen. I haven't seen it and I always accept all friends proposals and make as many friends as possible (to open up the spy opportunity).
It seems the park is nearly as hazardous as the stairs in my club (aggressive ducks?), but I'm not sure where I'm supposed to go with the quest line to render assistance to those injured.
I always 'make a mental note to check up on them tomorrow' but have no idea how to do so.
You can help them get home and that opens up some additional possibilities. The 'mental note to check up on them' is just a throw away line to end the scene. If you want to check up on them you can always text them the next day but it's not automatic.
I would love them to post more photos of me though. Especially when I am in my business suit. (Anybody else have the problem of your character changing outfit all the time?) Posting a pic of you is a nice way to get opinion increase across the board when it's to early to sleep but you have low energy.
(I like my characters business suit model, there's no gameplay reason for that. Actually, most of the clothing looks nice, except for the underwear which in real life would mean girls must really like me if they stay around ...

After a sex scene, the MC will get dressed depending on their next location. That usually shouldn't be a suit. There's also a few events that cause the MC to get dressed (like going on a date or having an interview). Those may get a suit depending on the location.
I think it would be nice if the selfies they take with you during parties, amateur nights and dates in the park showed up in their social media feeds.
They do, sometimes. Depends on their personality. Actually the one in the park date may not, I have to check on that since that's from before we had photos.