Others - Strive: Conquest [v0.10.0] [Maverik]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Reviewing 0.6.6.
    It feels harsh, giving this game one star. If I was to take it as its own entity, it'd probably get two, but as a sequel, I found this a true disappointment. Mechanically most of all, there is more micromanagement, in every way, less interesting stuff you can do, less engaging lewd scenes and mechanics, less of almost everything. Combat, low level combat most of all, is most decreased from its predecessor, dragging on far too long, and with far too little reward for doing so.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    [Review of v0.6.6 on 12/2/2022]

    Godamnit, it's another one.

    I see you.

    I've played Fort of Chains before. I know what you're about, Strive: Conquest. I know exactly what will happen if I play you.

    I'll start to micromanage teams of increasingly larger numbers of sex slaves for hours and hours at a time, forgetting to do basic things like shower or eat, while my sanity and dick waver between mildly engaged and completely absent.

    When I finally DO remember that I started the game up to wank -- 5 hours later -- I'll hop into a highly modular sex system and imagine that the writing is more in-depth than the single-sentence descriptions actually provided, so that I can get my libido out of the way and hop back into feeding the hamster that runs my brain the little spikes of serotonin from sending sex slave minions to complete largely arbitrary, simple tasks.

    Eventually, when I wake up from my stupor, a dehydrated husk bereft of love and purpose, I'll think to myself, "Well, at least I don't play World of Warcraft."

    You're a good game, Strive: Conquest, but FUCK YOU.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Strive 2 is a good management game with some problems. It is a little confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it, it can be satisfying to grow in power and make money. Managing your people is easier, and the focus on a smaller cast of useable slaves means that there is less time micromanaging - yet there still is quite a bit.

    I think some of the new systems were put in place to make the progression of slaves a little less jank than the first game (such as the way slaves are trained and the relationships with the guilds are cultivated). Now, loyalty is a resource that can be spent to get them to do more things. This seems like an improvement, but there are still a couple of old systems that were removed in the pursuit of simplicity.

    For example, the prison has been removed from the game. This is kind of odd, since it was such a big part of the first game. Capturing bandits and turning them into a specific build to satisfy the slave market was a fun challenge. Slave requests in Strive 2 are much easier to fulfill, and sometimes I can literally just buy the slave they are looking for from the market down the street.

    Combat was fun in the early game, where every new ability is critical, but a few of the later abilities seem a little busted. I also miss when the random bandits you fought were all characters with stats you could recruit.

    Overall, it is a good management game that still needs some polish. If it re-added a few of the missing features from the first game, I think it'd be great.

    The Good
    • Slick UI
    • The Story is interesting
    • Servant Management is fun and more streamlined
    • Combat is fun in the early game
    • The debt quest is a good way to teach the player to get gud
    • Image packs really help you care about your slaves. You need to play with one.

    The Meh
    • No prison system means that it is harder to recruit in dungeons. You rely more heavily on buying slaves and improving your relationships with the guilds for better slaves.
    • Despite there being dozens of races and a traits, a lot of the slaves feel the same. You can specialize and make them good in different things, but outside of a mild difference in loyalty gain between positive and negative discipline actions, the slaves all react to punishment in the same way.
    • Combat becomes a bit of a slog in the latter game.
    • Getting rid of the debt is satisfying, but I wish there was another biweekly goal to complete afterwards.
    • Once you max out your slave there isn't much else to do with. Maybe if there was some kind of rare currency or quest progression that you could gain by turning in your perfect slaves, there'd be a reason to cycle through a get more.

    The Bad
    • The sexy part of this adult game is essentially nil. You do a lot of fucking, but its just the same text over and over again. I wish there was some way to spice it up, like adding sexy requests or making it like a turn-based combat or something.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great management game that is slowly but steadily deepening with development. Lots of support for image packs which really enhances things. A few built-in images, but most of the erotic content is text based unless you lean into the image packs for flavor.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Review For v0.6~
    TLDR: Worth playing if you're into management and turn based combat. If you want something fappable look elsewhere.

    A whole lot of time and energy has been put into the areas of this game that are tedious and not sexy. There is a good main plot with a handful of colorful characters to enslave and fuck, but you have to slog through a river of grind to reach the occasional island of porn.

    - For sex, Text is a great accompaniment to some sort of erotic visual/audio. For example, Masters of Ranaa & No Haven have a sexy image alongside text explanation. Current Strive sex system of watching text scroll by while clicking through an interface is only slightly more arousing than paying taxes.
    - Sex text seems to indicate every character always enjoys every sex act that is permitted. Even if a character "Dislikes" X position, if you convince them to do it they seem to enjoy it just fine.
    - The Capturing/Training/Selling slaves aspect of the game is heavily diminished from Strive 1. Slave capture is infrequent, building up slave skills is very slow, and by the time you've trained a slave to be obedient you'll make far more money putting them to work than selling them. I guess the MC is the only character in this world with any money to buy well trained slaves?
    - Combat is a tediously slow auto-whack-fest until characters get the "Destroy Everything" spells late game. Feels like the combat system sucked a huge amount of dev time to create something that is a click slog with zero erotic merit and weak in-game payout. Suggestion: Take out all healing except over-time regeneration. Restructure fight sequences and rewards to make combat Infrequent, Dangerous, and Rewarding.
    - Slave obedience mechanics seem weighted towards being surprisingly gentle with slaves. Apparently people in this world have such incredibly shitty lives that they'll happily accept being enslaved and forced to farm wheat if they get the occasional praise, verbal reprimand, and sex with another slave. Some individual differences in slave obedience mechanics would make this aspect of the game a lot more interesting. Fine to have some pushover slaves who just obey, but some slaves should be defiant and require fear or punishment to overcome resistance to being enslaved.
  6. 1.00 star(s)



    This game is a major downgrade to an already bad game. The previous game was bad and so they decided to try and make it even worse.

    Well... almost. The GUI is slicker now, so there is at least that. Yay I guess.
    And also stat points are less stupid now.

    Previously you had "food". Now you have "meat, grains, fish, vegetables" as well as various cooked combinations thereof.
    Every person MUST have 1 loved and 1 hated food group. So you gotta make sure to feed them the correct food or face penalties.

    Previously you had "resources" which were used to build upgrades. Now you have crude wood/ironwood/magic wood/stone/iron/etc etc etc
    You generally need to mine everything yourself because you needs tons of it and buying it is too expensive and also too limited in quantity. You even have to micromanage using work clothing and tools such as "pickaxe".

    Previously your upgrades were building useful rooms for your mansion. Such as getting a laboratory to make potions in.
    Now you need to assign slaves or self to slowly build an upgrade using obscene amounts of resources to get things like "+2 max number of wood harvesters in your lands". (you can instead walk to neighboring areas to harvest there)

    Also you start out with only a cap of "1 fishing harvester" and THAT IS IT. nothing else. so first you need to go harvest wood and stone in nearby villages to build wood and stone harvesting operations at home.

    Most slaves are still faceless NPCs that there is absolutely no reason to bother with. Even worse, most slaves with a name and a face are locked behind finishing the entire main story. (3 exceptions. and you better have a walkthrough to get 2 of the 3)
    Previous game let you fuck 3 times a day. This game lets you do it 1 to 4 times a week depending on your social stats.

    Fucking itself is unchanged from first game.
    Still a clickfest where you need to hammer the "missionary" button 20 times in a row to get generic "you thrusted in her pussy and she liked it" lines with each individual click (unless one of you is cumming).
    There is a "repeat infinitely" button but it is both very slow and explicitly says it will gives you a 50% penalty compared to manually clicking. Which is a huge fuck you from the dev to anyone who doesn't want to get carpal tunnel from this POS.

    They added a "dating" mechanic which is just as bland as fucking was. And again limited to 1 to 4 times per week depending on stats.
    at least it can lead to additional sex event without spending one of your precious weekly sex slots. and is a source of both loyalty XP and class XP. (the latter is a bit baffling.)

    There is now "loyalty" XP. Slaves gain "loyalty" passively, or when you fuck/praise/beat them. this is spent to unlock various "perks" which are actually just normal functionality. Want to ask them on dates? need grind up and then spend loyalty on it. Want to take them on combat? want them to wear sexy outfit? want them to wear work clothes? each one is a seperate perk.
    vaginal, anal, oral, are each a different sex perk. and there are about a dozen other sex unlock perks.

    Slaves now escape after a couple of days due to rapid obedience decrease unless you constantly praise or beat them (which you can do 2 and 1 times respectively and is on weeklong cooldowns)... at least until you spend loyalty on a chain of perks that basically mean "no more obedience loss". well, sorta. on some slaves there is still 1% loss per time slot (so 4% a day) and you need either an accessory or a "pet" class to mitigate it all the way down to 0.

    Time passes way slower too for extra grind. now a "turn" is 1/4th of a day. so there are 4 turns per day.

    combat is:
    +rebalanced so magic is no longer crap
    -too many skills
    -way too slow. much more HP and much less damage means it takes forever.
    -cooldowns and limited casts per combat to make it even more of a chore

    The ability to talk to your slaves was removed. The rare NPC with a face will initiate a conversation if they have something to say.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    1) Interface is difficult. but after few hours you can understand it.
    2) Combat... Very grindy. With not very high reward. A lot of classes, a lot of enemies but its boring and only plus in felling yourself powerful. After some time when you annihilate enemy party with one spell... Exciting at first but then even more boring.
    3)Slaves... Biggest blow i took in this game. You can't just capture slave on roads, mountains, caves with rope like in first game noooo... You must either go to dungeon kill dozens bandits in it and in the end... Just maybe you will get completely random bandit with random stats (wtf! Why i can't capture bandits on the way to the boss?!) or buy it on the market. But first you must wait for good one. With good stats and race which you prefer. Plus its sometimes plainly expensive. (*Sigh* Again why i can't just order slave with needed stats and race?)

    5 stars more like prepayment. Maybe it's stupid but i still believe in this game. I still remember first game. I really enjoyed playing at it. I believe dev will make a good game. For now really positive points for game is:
    1) Game more beautiful (or flashy if you played first part you will understand)
    2) Story is good. But to reach it you must defeat greatest and most terrible monster ever possible... GRIND.

    Well, good luck to dev and everyone who readed this.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm only giving three stars because there are some things that are really triggering me.

    The Management is fine. I like all the options and things you can do to rise the efficiency.
    What annoys me is the search which employee is holsing which tool. Would like an option to group them and name the group for example "hunters" or "farmers" or whatever.

    Another thing is the RNG at the beginning. Some quest are easy or moderate doable but some...like clear that dungeon when you have shit equip and only 2 slaves or get slaves with like 35 sex trait...it's stupid.

    Another thing are some jobs. The "prostitution" for example is totally useless. You gain nothing from it except some peanuts. You make more gold with any other job and sell whatever you get + you lvl up the traits.
    (Update as of Ver.0.63
    With the new Update you can push your prostitution efficiency and with that you can make some bucks. In my opintion a good change. (from three to four stars))

    I hope there will be added some more things from the first game. Like the Laboratory or some way to remove some traits. You get somethimes funky combos like "+15% attack" and "+ 10 def" AND "Can't learn any combat skills".
    (Update as of Ver.0.63
    Haven't seen this combo so far. I'm hoping that this is a thing of the past.)

    Some minor tweaks I would also like to see, if you move some people to a dungeon and then they come back, that they go back to theior old job and only rest when the job is not availaible.

    Please keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to new updates for the game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I love everything about this game! especially the sandbox mode the nearly infinite choice of fantasy gals ! It is not for everybody, because you must read mostly and imagine the things you do ;) I wish the creator would add more random events and special enslaved people.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is, frankly, awful.

    On a core level, the gameplay loop has become more repetitive, less engaging, and stepped further and further away from being sexy. If you want a mediocre, boring text based dungeon diving game, I guess I've got it for you, but if you want something sexy, you're not getting it here.

    I'm gonna run through the core systems real quick, and compare them to Strive 1

    Getting Slaves
    You will be buying almost all your slaves. I guess this change is something I should have seen coming after Strive 1 ended without adding a place to go and find a decent chunk of slave species in the wild, but now, if they're not human, they're not available for you to capture, generally, and finding slaves TO capture is difficult. You might run across one while exploring a dungeon, but that's limited to very specific kinds of dungeons, and those dungeons generally don't have as much in the way of loot compared to the alternatives.
    Worse, with the new class and skill system, slaves are much more likely to be effectively worthless, meaning even when you can capture a slave, it probably won't be worth the effort you put into it. While this was always a thing, in Strive 1 it felt like walking allong a line of victims, choosing the most entertaining, and taking her away to become a slave. In Conquest, it feels more like finally being given a sip of water only to realize it's salt water.

    Combat was never good in strive, but what it WAS was fast. You fought an enemy, and if they were easy, you could press one button to go through the turns. The only circumstance where you had to do something different was to stop a potential slave from escaping before you had a chance to evaluate her worth. On top of that, every combat(in the early game- late game decided to do away with this, adding more monsters and less victims to "rescue") ended with a chance to capture one or more slaves, allong with small amounra od money and loot.
    Which brings us to Conquest- combat doesn't give you slaves, combat rewards are even more minimal, and you can't enslave the people you beat in a fight. Combine that with the new initiative system and expanded combat, and you've got a dull slog with few rewards that you can't even turn your brain off during. Blech.

    Slave Management
    Instead of managing a slave's skills, loyalty, and obedience, primarily through the application of various rules and situations you can put the slave through, you periodically tell the slave she's a good girl if she responds well to that, or a bad girl if she's timid. Then you spend the rest of your time managing a bunch of factors to keep her productive, none of which are deep enough to be interesting in their own right, nor do they particularly add to the sexual nature of the game.

    The new dungeons system consists of a handful of trivial skill rolls, combat, and random events. The random events are also one of only two times you can capture a slave- rarely, while exploring a dungeon, you find someone locked up, and can choose to enslave them. Also, in boss battles, sometimes, if you're lucky, you'll get the leader of a group of bandits as an enslavement target.

    There's no reason to play this game. Try the original, it's not perfect but atleast it's better than this. And remember- a game might have all the development time in the world left, but that won't fix problems with the fundamental design of the game. If you'd decided to make a shooter where your guns shoot you instead of the enemy, all the bug fixes in the world won't make the game stop being an elaborate form of suicide
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has some fundamental problems.

    First, the debt obstacle in story mode.
    I question why it even exists. It's an arbitrary test you must pass in order to play story mode. What is the purpose of this? To make sure you know how to play the game because the tutorial tells you jack shit? The moment I got around the debt, I felt like I could finally play the game because it pigeon holes you into doing very select strategies in order to get around it. It is not a core element in the game that pushes you along, it is something that prevents you from playing however you like at the start.

    The micromanagement
    Alright, who asked for the increase in micromanagement? In the previous game it was tolerable and all related to slave training. This game? Holy fucking shit dude what the fuck. Some of it has nothing to do with training at all, like food variation and tool building. Haha yes, I looked at this slaves stats and found out they respond well to positive obedience interactions so I've praised them and now they're obedient. Now to make sure I have been collecting the food they like so theyll eat that and give them a custom made tool that maximizes the tool's harvesting boost and also make sure they have these 3 classes and....

    .. To which I then realized something fundamentally wrong with the game....

    The game isn't sexy
    Nothing screams sexy like watching my servant's diet plan, creating tools/weapons/accessories, spending a ton of time in menus to optimize or travel between areas, paying off debt, and collecting wood/stone/metal/etc. To make it even worse your interactions with servants are limited to a number of times per week. Also when you do get the option to boink someone, you're encouraged to do it with someone who needs the experience rather than with your favorite servant just for fun. It makes the whole experience feel entirely mechanical. It honestly feels like the porn in the game was an afterthought and the developer just wanted to make an intensive micromanagement sim instead.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed the first game, Strive for Power, and was hoping for the second to expound on the good decisions made in the prequel and make improvements, but instead they've chosen to remove the best part of the original and, it seems so far, focus on classes and combat. Unfortunately, they haven't had much success in actually making combat interesting or even rewarding outside of story progression.

    I know this has been pointed out a lot already, but the only way to make the game match and surpass it's predecessor is to reimplement the best part of the prequel which has been removed in Conquest for some reason. The ability to wander around and find random groups of people, whether bandits, innocent travelers, or a mix of both, deciding on your own whether to attack them or not, then actually being able to interact with each of them after the battle was groundbreaking.
    The fact that every random bandit was a real person instead of just a standard enemy statblock was the greatest feature that set the original Strive for Power apart from other games in the genre. Now, instead of meaningful travel to each new location, you can just go wherever you want and harvest resources. The locations have no discernable differences that make one more interesting than another besides their generic resource allotment. The dungeons give incredibly lackluster loot that you have to dredge through 20 boring, grindfest combats to obtain. At the end of a rare few of these dungeons, you may be rewarded with a single slave, because you just couldn't contain your bloodlust against ALL your other opponents, I guess.
    To be entirely fair, I'm sure the locations and combat system will improve over time, but until then you at least should not have to go through such a ridiculous number of battles for practically no reward just to complete a dungeon. (And battles do give next to nothing as a reward for victory, which is another fantastic reason to make. Enemies. Capturable.)
    Aside from main npcs, those rare bandit leaders, and even rarer 'captive' npcs found in a few dungeons to be 'rescued,' the only way to obtain slaves is to buy them, which is an astoundingly boring method of obtaining slaves. When I capture them myself I have a sense of who they are, where they came from, what they were doing before they became my slave. At least in games like Stationmaster or Free Cities, even purchased slaves come with a bit of generated flavor text that makes them somewhat interesting. In Strive Conquest, purchased slaves appear only as exactly what they are; blocks of code with no personality.
    Again, that last rant is about an issue that will hopefully be shored up in later updates rather than an obvious design flaw like the inability to capture defeated enemies. But without images and personality to dress up these slaves, they really are just a block of easily changeable text and stats, and completely boring.

    Last couple things I have to say that are less design complaints and more current problems that are likely to be fixed; the micromanagy system of maintaining obedience, authority, and loyalty is awful. It takes ages just to maintain these for each individual slave, and trying to do that while training a new slave is an absolute nightmare that takes all the fun out of slave training.
    Also, the current "debt" system that the game opens with is insane. I failed to repay my first debt about 3 times just because of how difficult it is to make 1,000 gold that quickly without focusing solely on resource gathering the whole time and selling it all. I never would have made it through the next payment if I hadn't turned on cheats, which did drastically improve the game. But even with cheats there's an "all or nothing" feel as they don't allow you to simply edit stats or gain a little gold, but instead require unlocking everything, maxing everything, or gaining a full 100,000 gold all at once. So cheats aren't even a way to "balance out" the game, but only allow you to throw regular gameplay out the window.
    The current image system is broken as most packs still use the SfP labelling system and Conquest has no auto-assign function and no ability to sort images by any category except race; not even age, gender, or hair color.
    Finally, the lack of starting hair colors is a bit disappointing. Sure, there are hair dye options available in the game, but considering that's enough of a change that I'd want a new character image, is there really any reason to stop players from choosing whatever hair color they want upon character creation?

    All that said, Strive: Conquest is still in early development and it is my hope that all of these problems will be addressed and fixed in time, but until then, it is nothing more than a mediocre reference to the prequel with the potential for greatness.
  13. 2.00 star(s)

    Lolicon Kami

    Version v0.6.1b

    Game with lots of potential. Great RPG system, interesting storyline, fun battle mechanics, hot cgs, etc.

    But two major problems make this game almost unplayable. One, Maverik changes the game mechanics in every update. This means that you need to re-learn how to play the game every damn update.

    Two, saves often don't carry over between versions due to bugs. This means that you need to start from scratch every game. And that's a terrible feature for RPG games, as the whole point of RPG games is to create a world where you can have fun. If your saves are wiped every version of the game, you need to keep on re-creating your world ever time.

    My recommendation? Wait till the game gets in better shape.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a sandbox, but it has a story too. Has a nice amount of content as well and I generally like the worldbuilding and setting.
    Not the focus of the game, being text-based, but the portraits generally are decent and good enough for me personally.
    The gameplay is pretty good, if you're a fan of slave trainer games, this definitely has good parts. I like the combat system generally, the non-sex gameplay in general is quite good and enjoyable on its own.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Grindy fantasy slave management RPG with DnD and WoW vibes. UI and combat can be confusing at the start but the game is fun after you get the hang of it. Balance is still not quite there but it is still much better than the strive for power.
  16. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 573745

    Eh. Its the 1st game. Except they screwed up: Races, Combat, Stat Progression, Game Pacing, Slave Breaking and the worst part of it all. Some of the images from the modpacks are incompatible!!! Gasp! Good things about the game... The 1st game was good so... You know. I guess they added more classes and spells? So that's pretty cool. I like the guild and mission systems, and I shit you not. I can't remember if they are in the first game or not... I remember taking specific contracts for certain types of slaves. Which was bomb as fuck. But no!!! The areas are interchangeable and meaningless now! You have a 5% chance to pull a slave with a random race as a reward for the bandit dungeons, That's it. Otherwise I hope you like humans!!!! Game about MONSTER PEOPLE!!! I've played for like...100 hours and have yet to see: An orc that isnt in a gay ass robe. A goblin. A dwarf. A Drider. A Lamia. A full anything but bunny. A Scylla. A fairy. A slime? (Were those just monsters in the other ones?) A harpy. I think there was 1 druid, with 2 averages and the rest poor's or worse for like 6 billion gold from the exotic trader... So that was cool. You kinda have to chose between stats and hp... or run like 90 healers... Make the enemies have synergy. Have a bandit mark a target or throw oil then fire or some shit. Its not exactly hard to make tactical combat nuanced. Also. The low Hp 95% humans with no access to heavy armor versus 3 assassins in 1 pull.... Super fun and well thought out. "Oh well, nerd. Excuse us but maybe get those things before going on harder quest. Get good." Yeah... ok. The stuff you need. To get that stuff. Is obtained during. And after those quests. Time management is shit. 9 hours of travel, 18 both ways for an easy dungeon. Literally a whole day of travel. For wood. Metal wood. That you need to upgrade the stable... so you don't have to spend a whole day to get more metal wood... I was going to give this game 4 stars cus of the fun I personally can have with it... But god damn. Every other decision made in this game make me go "What the actual fuck. Who thinks like this." What is the point of grinding in an erogenous slave empire game? What fulfillment is it supposed to bring us mortals?! LOL! and then you panicked and dropped the time crunch entirely once you hit the siege mission, cus once you find a rhythm. That's when to let off the gas. Smart... Scare the shit out of new players and bog the game down with grind and artificial difficulty. Offer them a solution. Then rip it away. Then more grind and artificial difficulty while destroying narrative tension in a pathetic attempt at... Game balance? Force players to play a charismatic elf wizard pervert just to be able to actual experience the game as intended.... Probably where all the negative reviews came from. Why even have character creation. Why even make this game at all? Nothing makes sense...Is any of this even real?! Am...Am I real? I don't know. But I do know this. The management side of things is cool. The quest system is... well its not great. It constantly asks you for shit you cant have once you are off easy difficulty. Which. In order to have meaningful progression you have to do. But in order to do the Medium and hard missions you need the classes from the guilds... Its a shitty, poorly designed inverse circle where you will always be needing something you don't have. But its still pretty fun. I really love those modpacks. This game needs pictures. It makes the characters so much more personable. And I get they may not be what some people look for in a slave game. But I'm not an evil person, I'm just a pervert. I always just focus on making a harem and try to make it with each race of freaky nasty ladies ;). #Lifegoals. Idk. I didn't talk about the unfair points system, cus you designed it with a high charisma in mind, don't understand why you can't use a second as you mouth piece or an emissary... There is uh.. another game... that actually is quite a lot like this one... but way less visually stimulating and with a lot less control. But it fucking, NAILS, the management mechanic. Maybe, uh, check it out for research purposes. Oh but this tangent is about the lack of ways to raise charisma. Dates and being a bard. You know... Dates. The thing you only get 1 of...Per day. Without any way to upgrade the time you get or amount of times you can do. And in the later game the "social skills" become less useful for the MC and you need your mana for other things. Also, using the "social skills" becomes almost obsolete as all your workers love you pretty quick if you do things right. So it gets crazy grindy and just wastes time. There are so many examples of these things done right in other games that it actually makes me think you guys are making this game bad on purpose. This is a Management game with a soft story arc. Elevate your premise with mechanics. After venting I'm going back up to 4 stars. But get your shit together DEVS! I'll come make your game for you if I have too! Jesus Christ! IT'S NOT THAT HARD! You should've built off the last game rather then reinventing the wheel. This game still kicks ass though, if you've got like... 8 hours a day to put into it, for like a few months. Otherwise... This game is awful and you should go play the first one until the devs switch back to coke classic. lol. Just get your shit together. This game can work in its current state very easily. Its just a friggen mess right now. Best of luck to you and well wishes. Just get your shit together!
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    v0.5.3a. Good but bad.
    Sex content Ok. not good, not bad. But uniqure scenes don`t have same mechanics as repeatable ones. Not good. And non-consent barely visible. Everyone too fast to become agreable,
    Story Ok too. It suffer standart "why i should care?". But don`t have big problems.
    Management part is trash. Bottomless market. Endless resources. Refining and crafting barely pay for it self. Support is activated abilities instead of jobs. And you can have many ppl with it. So tons of clicks. Control abilities too powerfull. So you don`t care about workers obedience. It`s looks like error bingo.Everything that can be done not right is done not right.
    Combat part is nice. There problems with unbalanced classes. Mages casting without mana. But it`s can be easily fixed and ajusted.
    So, like ppl like to say, game has potential. But only if it`s planned to be dungeoncrawler with background story and a bit management and craft.
    Otherwise it`s will be one more annoyng grinder.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    What can I say I was big time fan and supporter of the first one. It has really great interface setup, and it feels like a improved version of the first wich I assume it was suppose to be.

    Story is pretty good so far, but the main goal seems to be getting the core done first and I really like that is the goal. This isn't some simple fap bait game where you come for the images or text. Its got good text for sex its more about being an RPG managment game where you happen to fuck as much as you want.

    Oh and people giving it low raitings are comparing a EA game to a finished one. This was meant to be more about managment side, and the RPG content, and its still very much in early beta or late alpha stage. They keep comparing it to the finished game before it but I played the other one when it had less content this one does, and it didn't get that harsh of raitings granted back then it was not popular, and people had zero expectations lol

    Oh and the low or one stars are just fanboys of first one made its not an update for the first one. They not looking for new anything, its an alpha in a new direction, and they are just upset that its not the first game, and the dev is focusing on getting the UI and the mechanics worked out. Which is what most of them are complaining about. Its like ok read the update notes the US and the mechanics are main thing being worked on and improved on this so far lol
    Likes: WrenD
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Pretty good management game, similar to the previous one with pretty interesting changes throughout. If you like management and slavery you're pretty much going to be at least a little entertained.

    But, as it's still under development, there is a lot to be expected in terms of clunkiness and other things that need polish, such as:
    1. Writing is horrendous, I'm sorry if you're the one who did the writing for this game, but you've done a very sub-par job, there are a lot of typos and a lot of sentences are structured poorly, which makes the NPCs feel quite silly.
    2. Delay when skipping hours in the day, this one bothered me quite a bit, it got to the point where skipping 8 hours took more than a few seconds, which got incredibly frustrating when you are limited to certain actions once a day, or you need to fast-forward through upgrades
    3. Game is just way too grindy towards the end, high-end materials are absurdly rare and require you to go through tedious dungeons to have the chance to collect a handful, I ended up simply cheating the materials in as I don't really think the grind was designed well at all.
    4. Adding onto the grinding point, dungeons are a really cool concept and I quite like the combat and how it's been implemented, but dungeons simply take too long, once you do a few encounters you've done them all, I don't see why a Hard dungeon needs 20+ encounters of the same 3-4 mobs.
    I'd still say this game is worth trying simply because I liked the idea of classes and mixing them up for interesting combinations, but the flaws above really bothered me during my time on this game so it gets a 3/5.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    If you like strive for power then you will like this.
    game is inferior to the First one for now but since its part 2 it will be a whole lot better than the first when this game is completed.
    I like the story and I'm looking forward for more.
    I like management kind type of games.
    I like collecting slaves and powering them up.
    I like how the slaves is customizable. skills, unique traits. stats and even personality. (you don't get that kind of system from other games)