Going back to my example (we want to add the icon of a new weapon, the naginata), this is a step-to-step tutorial... *snip*
You're a damn prince, Reeve.
If only you could make a little program to export our regular PNGs as .import files as well
(I'm being facetious - your tutorial is unbelievable and a great asset to this community)
That's some damn good tutorial.
Again, when I tried Godot, I was just looking at the screen and saying "well, now what?"... because supposedly, Godot is easy to use...yeah, my ass. (Wait... not that my ass is easy to use, I mean using Godot!)
Now seriously...sheesh that's complicated.
I expected something simple like "change .cbz extension for .zip" or the like.
Out of curiosity (and because it saves time dammit)... I guess that outright .png images work the same? If it does for portraits, then it'll work for items?
I just wanted the original files to have at hand, and keep a similar style, but to hell with them if that requires such an amount of dig-dugging just to make-try-test a simple item.
And yeah, Mav seemed a bit... overzealous about the game. I offered my graphic skills for free. And he was doubting. Did like a dozen concepts, threw a lot of ideas (which he used)... and still doubted, was kind of foggy, and never decided anything. After a while, he simply didn't replied anymore. Like he was all like "for free? why?" and looked at me shifty-eyed. Cool guy, but odd.
Funniest thing: he seems overzealous... but there's really nothing
that original that could be stolen.
He's using standard races, standard names... he even started the game based off Jack O Nine Tails and Free Cities (said it himself), and used generic background pictures at the beginning. That's why I offered a hand, because I liked the project, and he was all alone doing it *shrug*
Anyways, as for mods... he's not opposed to that, to the contrary, he's got a modding comunnity set up on Itchi.o. He even posts there and give hints and all (I guess he also learns from there. Smart move.)
Overall, there's just 3 big mods that could be actually considered mods. The rest are merely edits of constants, which we can do easily ourselves (and without breaking anything as they usually do).
My idea was to make a big bunch of items, with full-new icons. I'm not new to it, and really enjoy drawing small, fast things. Then upload, and let everyone use it as they want (adding items apparently doesn't messes with anything, it's a sort of safe bet), including players and modders. Basically, a generic repository.