Collection Flash Video Studio FOW Collection [2025-01-12] [Studio F.O.W]


Nov 20, 2016
I've been reading the thread and I would like to share a little of my opinion too. I will not tag people because there are already some people talking about.
So, yes, even with all the hype I know that this is not their original business and this for sure means something. They are adventure themselves into a new niche and with this several could happen. But, we don't know what is happening in the backstage. They can, or cannot, have a huge planning, with all the details, chances to fail, chances to win, difficult and so on and so for. So we need to have a little faith. All this is not uncommon. This is actually what happen with all sorts of startups in real life. They have their huge planning and they go after some support, some investor, a bank for a loan. They analyze the risk and back up the project. What I'm trying to say is that risks can be taken anywhere. Their project on Kickstarter is a way for them to reach their goal as much as a Ice-cream shop when they go to a bank for a loan.

It is not their original business, but they seems to have commitment. They are doing their movies for quite a while now and they decided to move forward, because they sure now that by only staying on the movie business they probably wouldn't go so far as they can go with a video game. They are exploring new things? Yes. It is difficult? Fuck , a lot. But this is something is need to be done to grow. You see, I read once that Nintendo started producing cards. I know that it was a long long time ago, and a hole other thing, but the point is that you can change. The problem, and is what people are concerned, is that if this flop, if the game don't reach the expectations, they will say that was a lot of money wasted. What I really try not to think about because there are developer on Patreon that are reaching, Idk, 30 to 50k monthly, or each update, and in the long term it would be more expensive than this Kickstarter campaign. But you now what? People are happy, enjoying their games, they want to help the developers, they don't want to know how much the developers are being paid. And I think one way or another this game will be launched, it will make people happy, other not so much, and I really think they will put a strong effort to make the game be good.

Another topic is about their skills to do a good game. They really need to pay attention on this. Even this being a "porn game", they still need to grab people's attention to be able to make the difference, to have people buy the game not only to watch, but for enjoy playing. Otherwise, they will have a bad time fighting against piracy, both from the game and from the full movies that will be released on Pornhub. So, if they do a good game, people will buy it either for play for real, even if they had watch the videos, or to support the developers hoping they continue in their business, that they will do more. But for all this to happen they need to work on those skills. The new developers mus be worth the money invested. They even have a build of the game already, so I think they have been planning this for a while.

About their skills with movie making. I really their movies are very well made. The VA, the composition, animations, even the story in some they had the time to work about, in others just don't have, but I'm not complaining at all (Bioshag Trinity is still one of my favorites). Sure, they have some pretty fuck up stuff, and you can see they are trying to work around this at least in the game, otherwise they couldn't lunch it. And after all this, they are sill trying to improve. They are changing their main engine. During the interview you can hear Mr. Kristoff talking how difficult have been work with the same engine for years, and even so they improved a lot since the first movie. Just take a moment to compare. All the movies were made with the same engine, but those last one are very over the top. Imagine now they moving for something better. They will have their difficult, but they are trying to change to improve. This is actually what all this is about, they are trying to change everything to improve, get better, survival on this business for a long time, and get more rich in the process =).
So, I think everything is about to have take risks and have faith. Really there is no other thing we can do other than this. And I don't think there is other thing they can do either. Think about. Is not that easy to them to bring all this money with their own income. And find a publisher, a company, that wants to back their project? With all this taboo about porn games? No way this is a easy achievement. The only option left is to seek help on the community. And think about it. If everything goes well, perhaps in the future this taboo can be surpass.

I don't know if I talked about everything I wanted. It took a while to finish this and I probably forget the rest. XD


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
So, good news. They have reach the 400K goal and the new (and probably) final milestone... that is add Fow-Chan to the game.
A new character is awsome, really, and for those who are fan and follow StudioFow this milestone is pretty excited XD. Fow-chan is teasing everyone for years now.
The bad side is that if you already are a fan of the developers, and had the money, you probably already have support the project. So I don't expect that will be easy to reach the 550K goal.
But, it is still a new character, which will add a hole new set of story, quests, scenes, costumes, and I hope this is enough to help more people to back the project.
I really want to see Fow-Chan in the game now... :cry:
Now, other topic. The game seems that is going to be massive, specially reaching this new goal. I wonder how much time it will take to the full release. I hope they don't rush things up.
I don't believe their newest added goal will be the final, just the one they've fully fleshed out at this point, and one people have been asking for a lot. They have said they'd add more, but I'm not sure if it'll just be that one or if there'll still be more. Either way, glad to see they hit their final goal and have had to add more, hopefully they'll hit this one too.


Nov 20, 2016
I don't believe their newest added goal will be the final, just the one they've fully fleshed out at this point, and one people have been asking for a lot. They have said they'd add more, but I'm not sure if it'll just be that one or if there'll still be more. Either way, glad to see they hit their final goal and have had to add more, hopefully they'll hit this one too.
Yeah. They said it. But I was more like "the last goal that they could achieve". Because is such a long way to reach that. And unless the next goals would be each 25k or 50k, idk it would be possible to reach more.
But, hey. 20 days to go. It can be done.
I have just one concern about Fow-Chan. I really want to see her in the game, but this could mean the end of the tease. It is good the "unachievable Fow-Chan", and if it happens... What is it better? The end, or the journey?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Yeah. They said it. But I was more like "the last goal that they could achieve". Because is such a long way to reach that. And unless the next goals would be each 25k or 50k, idk it would be possible to reach more.
But, hey. 20 days to go. It can be done.
I have just one concern about Fow-Chan. I really want to see her in the game, but this could mean the end of the tease. It is good the "unachievable Fow-Chan", and if it happens... What is it better? The end, or the journey?
Yeah I just reread their post and saw that it was 550k, which is 150k more than their last final stretch goal. So I actually agree with you, this seems more like a final goal. That or possibly a way for them to say "If we manage to get THIS too, then we'll throw a few more in there because then we know we can really afford to add some more." But considering that we've got about 19 days left as of now, and still got quite a ways away to 550k, I doubt they'll add more past this next goal. That's what I get for glancing through the post after I wake up.


Nov 20, 2016
Yeah I just reread their post and saw that it was 550k, which is 150k more than their last final stretch goal. So I actually agree with you, this seems more like a final goal. That or possibly a way for them to say "If we manage to get THIS too, then we'll throw a few more in there because then we know we can really afford to add some more." But considering that we've got about 19 days left as of now, and still got quite a ways away to 550k, I doubt they'll add more past this next goal. That's what I get for glancing through the post after I wake up.
"That's what I get for glancing through the post after I wake up." Very relatable. XD


Active Member
Dec 2, 2016
It's the whole.. graphic side of it that is bad. So bad. Terribly bad. And even some animations about penetrations and such are horribly bad and you can't deny that, nor say that is my personal bias here. It's the truth (and I'm not talking about the cum texture itself. Generally speaking).
Like I said, they're one of the most popular adult animation studios, they wouldn't hold that position if people didn't like their content. You can claim their graphic designs are bad, but general consensus points to the opposite and they've been noted for their quality in that department (it's actually the thing they're most well known for).

And I said that because the lead, again, is what decide what to do first. He can decide that graphics must be done first, can decide if gameplay must be done first, can decide if a kind of artstyle is fine for the game itself or not. Can decided easily if giving up on the project or not and so taking just the money he earn and run away. Simple as that.
1. That's still not what a project lead actually does, and Studio FOW can't actually just cut and run since they're a full fledged company and would both destroy their brand as well as open themselves up to significant legal recourse due to them hiring on outsiders for the project.
2A. There's no difference on if you design the code or assets first, at the end of the deadline they both need to be completed regardless.
2B. Even if there was a noticeable difference on the order of development in that case, it wouldn't matter regardless as they have dedicated teams for each on top of also outsourcing most of the game design to begin with.

It's a porn game and they don't need a particular skill set? Wrong, again.
That is literally the case with the vast majority of adult games, most are designed by people who have no experience whatsoever. In fact, you can pretty much throw a dart at the list of games on this very site and statistically speaking the game you land on will have been designed either by an amateur with little to no resumé or training, or someone who started as such before getting practical experience through basic trial and error with their own projects. Also I'm not sure how you still haven't grasped that they aren't the ones creating the game itself, they're outsourcing it to actual game developers. Their job is to essentially just do what they already do when making their animations.


May 10, 2018
I didn't expect to see the day that there would be a legal battle engagement between both a youtuber i very much support and a 3D porn dev i know, over the legal name.
- Tim Pool is a Libertarian Leftist who shits on both identitarian left SJWs and the extreme right, routinely calls out the mass media for its stupidity, and routinely champions against censorship. Now he's found himself in quite an ideological and personal quandary with this as he'll have to go against his own principles.
- StudioFOW on the other hand stands to lose from this by getting into too much of a spotlight because the content fetishes are blacklisted in most countries and on most websites/hosting companies, and the only thing keeping them alive is the studio not fogging up the surroundings with too much smoke thereby garnering quiet tolerance by the hosts, as well as people like Tim who already called out Patreon censoring StudioFOW specifically among others when he was out in arms against Patreon.
Gonna have to go with Tim over my fapping fix on this one, i don't like it but there's some priorities i have to follow. I really dislike this kind of shit happening.


Sep 5, 2016
Looks like Tim Pool may be full of shit, there's some stuff floating around about a Subverse game on Steam, a recent pending claim this month for trademark by him and so on. Seems like he didn't care enough when others used it, now someone popular's come long, he's looking to maybe cash in, just have to wait and see.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Looks like Tim Pool may be full of shit, there's some stuff floating around about a Subverse game on Steam, a recent pending claim this month for trademark by him and so on. Seems like he didn't care enough when others used it, now someone popular's come long, he's looking to maybe cash in, just have to wait and see.
There's 2 Subverse games on steam. The one that Studio FOW is creating, and a F2P episode movie/series thing about online dating horror or something, I dunno. Doesn't look that great tbh, but apparently people like it, so. Also, made by a company named Subverse Productions.


Nov 20, 2016
There's 2 Subverse games on steam. The one that Studio FOW is creating, and a F2P episode movie/series thing about online dating horror or something, I dunno. Doesn't look that great tbh, but apparently people like it, so. Also, made by a company named Subverse Productions.
You know what is strange?
Why they would put a name that already has a game with it? It is not like they didn't search before. How hard it would be for them to go on Steam and search, right? And yet they use this name. Idk if has something to do with the story, but yet, they could have use other name if they wanted.
Anyway. I no nothing about these copyright laws.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Did a quick check STUDIOFOW's application in UK 14 FEB'19 Tim Pools application in US 8 APR '19
Well if that's true, which it absolutely should be since they're government websites, then there's no way this'll go anywhere near a trial. A lawyer will take one look at this and say "This is obviously a scam to try and get money and fame out of it, there's nothing here to litigate over" and that'll be that.

You know what is strange?
Why they would put a name that already has a game with it? It is not like they didn't search before. How hard it would be for them to go on Steam and search, right? And yet they use this name. Idk if has something to do with the story, but yet, they could have use other name if they wanted.
Anyway. I no nothing about these copyright laws.
If you're talking about Studio FOW, then it's probably because the other subverse on there isn't a game, it's a web video series thing. I believe they also said that the name Subverse IS related to their story, but for obvious spoiler reasons haven't elaborated on how. As well, this Subverse studios haven't been the ones causing trouble, it's from a third-party guy who has nothing to do with the studio from what I can tell. It looks like that Subverse series started, and ended, July last year and finally ended, or had its most recent update, a short bonus, in January. Since that's the last thing they've done so far it's possible this was a one off thing and now they're done, it's Free after all. Either way, these two groups, the Subverse game from FOW and the Subverse series, aren't exactly competing against each other, ones a free episodic short series and the other's a game. That's just my two cents anyway.


Nov 20, 2016
Well if that's true, which it absolutely should be since they're government websites, then there's no way this'll go anywhere near a trial. A lawyer will take one look at this and say "This is obviously a scam to try and get money and fame out of it, there's nothing here to litigate over" and that'll be that.

If you're talking about Studio FOW, then it's probably because the other subverse on there isn't a game, it's a web video series thing. I believe they also said that the name Subverse IS related to their story, but for obvious spoiler reasons haven't elaborated on how. As well, this Subverse studios haven't been the ones causing trouble, it's from a third-party guy who has nothing to do with the studio from what I can tell. It looks like that Subverse series started, and ended, July last year and finally ended, or had its most recent update, a short bonus, in January. Since that's the last thing they've done so far it's possible this was a one off thing and now they're done, it's Free after all. Either way, these two groups, the Subverse game from FOW and the Subverse series, aren't exactly competing against each other, ones a free episodic short series and the other's a game. That's just my two cents anyway.
Ahh. Now I see. Thanks. I saw some people asking about this but I didn't saw anyone making a elaborated answer. Thanks.


May 10, 2018
The problem is that Tim already has fame and money and his issue is that correlation to a porn game directly impacts the work of the investigative journalism brand, by venue of online algorithms of Google for instance. Besides that he has been touting the Subverse name for his group since 2016 which is documented, albeit irrelevant in this case. The judge will see this and, depending on the judge's leanings, either eliminate the case as irrelevant since Subverse as a word is not up to trademarking according to dictionary presence, or rule on basis of his own moral whims against StudioFOW in which case they will need to change the name. The entire shitfire is over the name/algorithms. I'm hoping the judge will throw the case out and Google will lower the game's search ranking a few spots, and Tim needs to add Media to his brand name which is the simplest solution to all of this without it going into stupidland.
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