Collection Flash Video Studio FOW Collection [2025-01-12] [Studio F.O.W]

Deleted member 324588

Engaged Member
Dec 9, 2017
If you're going to charge me 2 million dollars and tell me that you'll have 30 hours of content by May 2019, i'm expecting 30 hours of content May 2019 not some bullshit "money doesn't equal speed" white knight argument while sitting on 5 hours of content in October 2022.
The dates in the campaign were placeholders. No one should’ve realistically expected a game this size to be done in a few months. They didn’t even get the money til about halfway through summer.


Sep 28, 2020
The dates in the campaign were placeholders. No one should’ve realistically expected a game this size to be done in a few months. They didn’t even get the money til about halfway through summer.
I want you to try these lines on your boss next time and tell me how that goes. Tell em your deadlines were placeholders and your salary doesn't make your work go faster while completing only 20% of your work. See if your bullshit will fly in reality.

Deleted member 324588

Engaged Member
Dec 9, 2017
I want you to try these lines on your boss next time and tell me how that goes. Tell em your deadlines were placeholders and your salary doesn't make your work go faster while completing only 20% of your work. See if your bullshit will fly in reality.
Actually the ‘deadline’ in my line work can be edited, and my hourly wages do not make operating systems install any faster so…

Your comparison also falls flat when you remember FOW is their own boss, they set their own parameters. I say it again, if you expected a projected 30 hour plus game to be done in a few months, you reaaaally didn’t think things through.
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Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
Jul 25, 2018
Does anyone have the Introducing Fow-chan video. Seemed to have lost that one.


Mar 26, 2018
Fow is a miracle. In my opinion, their works are the best. I really hope to see new movies again before I get old.
There are far far better 3D artists out there now that have picked up the mantle FOW left now that they're coasting on their 'game' which last I checked...

Looks at Steam reviews

Ah yes Mostly Positive now from the negative reviews it used to have lol


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
And whether it’s 12.50 or 25.00 an hour, that doesn’t make a computer render any faster. Or work transfer any faster when the entire team is essentially working remotely around the globe. It’d be one thing if they were all under one roof like most game devs.
so let me get this straight, you think these delays are caused by render and transfer times? on modern hardware?
my man I have nothing agaist you personally but that's just :WaitWhat:
and for the money they're getting, they could get linked up by super fast internet, but whatever
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Deleted member 324588

Engaged Member
Dec 9, 2017
so let me get this straight, you think these delays are caused by render and transfer times? on modern hardware?
my man I have nothing agaist you personally but that's just :WaitWhat:
and for the money they're getting, they could get linked up by super fast internet, but whatever
Because internet companies are reasonable in every part of the world, right? Also I didn’t say they were delays, game development is gonna be slow no matter what, less you’re just asset flipping some 5 dollar cheap thing aka Digital Homicide.

The longest actual delay we’ve seen was from initial early access release to Ella’s update, roughly seven months. Which they explained was due to several factors, like bringing on new staff and getting them up to speed, and the biggest one being the lead dev becoming a father and taking paternity leave. Since then they’ve committed to a 3-4 month update schedule and have upheld it since.


Oct 16, 2022
I think this game will take five years to complete, at least until 2024
It's possible, yes, but I don't know... as far as I know the game is still in beta, and everything seems to indicate that it will continue like this for a while, but it's not impossible that it will be for 2024, but the wait is still too long, besides it would take many months for them to create movies again so yes, the movies would come by 2025 hopefully :-(

I still hope they can make movies while playing games. Obviously, this is impractical
very difficult if not impossible, we are almost in 2023 and they clearly have no intention of doing so, not to mention that it would be very complicated, I would not expect it

Fow is a miracle. In my opinion, their works are the best. I really hope to see new movies again before I get old.
They are very good, not all their productions are brilliant for me of course, but some are, and as I have already said several times, the kunoichi saga is their best work and the best 3d animation that I have seen, I say it without hesitation, when I saw that series impressed me a lot because I was already used to how bad 95-98% of the 3D animations you find on the internet are, around here some say that there are much better teams than Fow, I guess everyone has their opinion but I've seen the movies and shorts from studios like 26regionsfm and wilder etc etc and honestly I can't spend more than 3 minutes without getting bored and closing the video player, even though the 26RSFM movies aren't bad but they are far below productions like Kunoichi. I have found some movies that have better character design than fow's, more realistic, but that's all... my personal opinion


Trial Moderator
Trial Moderator
Jul 25, 2018
Discord bro provided. Not just the intro, but also a couple others, like when she ate the Scout and went bikini shopping :p

I think the Bikini one is in the subverse folder. But I don't remember eating Scout. lol. Thanks. :love:


May 15, 2017
Hey y'all, I went and interpolated all of the movies and shorts up to 60 FPS. Due to filesize limits I had to split them up into four different archives. They can be found here:
Studio FOW - 60 FPS Movies Part 1
Studio FOW - 60 FPS Movies Part 2
Studio FOW - 60 FPS Movies Part 3
Studio FOW - 60 FPS Shorts

This brings all of the animations up from 24 or 30 FPS to 60 FPS while also often taking up less space with the use of H.265 encoding. All of the videos originally took up ~15 GB, but after the interpolation they take up a bit less than 10 GB. Studio FOW's use of somewhat-transparent watermarks also screws up the AI model so it's a bit weird when something's "moving" behind it. Other than that, only light visual artifacts of the process are present which I've traced (funnily enough) not to the interpolation but rather to the extraction of frames from the original video. Go figure.

Anyway, enjoy!
third link is broken, can someone reupload it?


New Member
May 16, 2017
I understand your point, but at least for me It wouldn't bother me if the possible sequels have the same name, because maybe they are not kunoichis but they are related to the first characters (K1-2-3) and also they would continue with the same type of content so it would make some sense to keep the name of the saga, and maybe it would motivate them to maintain the level of the kunoichi saga, especially Kunoichi 3, I say this because Severance with Helena was nice at most, not as good as kunoichi, even the first kunoichi movie has more quality than Severance in my opinion, regarding SFM I understand that maybe it is very complicated to work with that program, and if they have to go ahead and start working with a new engine I will understand, but honestly they did a GREAT job with SFM, all their movies have good quality, even lara in trouble which was the studio's first movie, and for me they reached extremely high levels of quality with kunoichi, especially with K3, without hesitation I can say that this saga has more general quality in animations, emotions etc than other animation created by any independent production company, and I am including 26regionsfm, desiresfm etc ... 26regionsfm make *acceptable* movies but they lack the emotion that the StudioFOW movies has, I really hope they don't forget the content that made them famous and go back to developing movies again.
U checked the work of Perfectdeadmeat.....? Her models are by far the BEST I have seen, go try demonic mirror (I think he works alone.... so productivity is verrret sllllooooow....)