VN - Ren'Py - STWA: Unbroken [Pt. 7] [STWAdev]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Chapter 6 update review:

    Very good game.
    Beautiful girl.
    Engaging story.

    It has a few flaws in my opinion (all girls are quick to fall for MC or ok to have sex with him) but the MC is quite interesting and has some qualities redeeming it.

    I'm more curious about how the "no harem" will go down because up to that point, it was almost a "collect all girl" game (but one of the best!).

    I really expect a lot of the future for this game.

    I'd say the lack of a gallery is one of the main flaw, which is quite saying because that's minor.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    In the middle of Part 6, but I think I have enough to make a partial account of my opinions.

    This story is decent. Not the most exciting story, but still has its hooks in me. I have been enjoying that it is a story, and have been enjoying watching it unfold. I have appreciated that the story has not been skimped on.

    The one possible constructive criticism that comes to mind is that sometimes the emotion of the text doesn't match the emotion of the character in the render. I have seen a few places where there is an exclamation, but the character is neither shocked nor excited in the picture.

    I do understand that it is intended to match the ambiance of the story, but if that is the case, the text and images are not in sync. If the character should be excited, then let the render exemplify that fact. If they are showing somberness, then let the text mirror that with equally somber text.

    I look forward to continuing the story, and hope it keeps on par with what i enjoyed about another STWA story.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's an interesting story, masterfully crafted and deeply captivating.

    Meaningful choices are abound, with precise details, and still branching stays focused on the main line of events, not becoming dissipated.

    The characters are lovely. Many women there suffer from megaloboobitis, and I don't recall a single example of small tits, but some of the faces are very beautiful. Ines is especially witty and charming, not mentioning utterly cute. Elspeth is quite interesting too, and could serve as a model for Goddess of beauty and embodiment of femininity. I really hope there would be an ending with both Ines and Elspeth as wives of MC. Vi and Amrit and Kana are attractive too, mostly as great friends and interesting personalities. It's a shame Katie Kafton is not a full fledged LI, she is so pretty and is a remarkable person too. I wish they all could end up as a large happy family.

    Renders are of high quality, and animations are pretty good either.

    Fight algorithms are meaningful and rather intuitive.

    All dialogs are interesting, with mostly very decent humor. The amount of content is generous. I'm so much awaiting to play this game further.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    loved the first game. made the feels outy and could relate on many forms.

    moving the new game also. great story that make you try to predict the many waves-roads it can go and what people are hiding from you.

    renders are great and keep getting better and better you can see the progress dev does from update to update. more effects and work from background and on each person. only down is animations are a bit lacking but i play mostly for story.

    i saved 2 updates before playing agian so i had like 10 houer to play and i went a few roads and reload to try and see other picks and im still prob missing 2-3 houers if i did everything but i will safe that for next update so have even more playtime..

    cant wait to see what dev will come with next. hopefully dark past of redhead El is big girl <3 want to see her past and rest of main guy's past what little is left.
    keep doing a great job dev <3 art is love and love is art.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well written dialogue and stunningly beautiful renders. The story is engaging and it is so refreshing to have choices that matter and change the story, rather (meet girl, fuck girl, meet another girl, ect.). The characters are all different enough with fleshed out stories and personalities.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    It is good. Well written, good looking renders with a reasonably grounded story

    The story is about you being a fighter guy. Basic stuff, I dont know who did it first, the person who created this "MC is a fighter" trope but it is kind of funny that so many of these games has it as a central story element. But either way it isnt insultingly cringy here, and while it is an important part there are more important things, such as the women and your relationship with them as per usual.

    Nevertheless you live in a big house with all these women and they all want to bone you, normal wholesome reasonable stuff. One of them is your student and you coach her but actually she wants you to coach her cooch and it just works. The characters are well written and act consistently so you actually care about what they are saying instead of just skipping to the good parts. Now, has to be said this is very slow burn stuff, it takes a long time to get going but it is all the better for it.

    But honestly, Elspeth, Rena and Kana all feel like side characters not really main LIs. I dont care about them much at all. Also the MC is bald normal looking dude yet everybody acts like he is cute handsome adonis. It doesnt match with what im seeing here on screen. All these women being magically attracted to him is just a tad bit strange. Of course some of them have known MC for a long time but Ines just met MC and all of a sudden she is in love as well, Idk it is a bit off-putting

    Good game for sure worth reading if you like slowburn stuff and are OK with the game not having sister breeding.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Great AVN! One of the best ones I've played/read so far. The characters are good and the plot is really interesting. Thank you for providing a great product! Please keep us updated and producing quality games!
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Awesome game for sure but, two things are definitely bad.
    1- The language is complicated.
    2- The MC is hard guy, but he is banging every girl in the scenario, every girl adore him in first sight. Thats not realistic, not logical. I can understand this is how it works, but with this detailed scenario and beautiful characters, at least he can go friendly for some of them, there could be different paths to choose. Basically the girls are waiting at home all day to get in the MC's bed.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    As of Pt. 5: Another great gem with tons of potential.

    The story is absolutely fantastic. The veteran + professional fighter background, even if somewhat cliche, works pretty well. MC is nice and the narrative makes him relatable pretty fast. All LIs are beautiful, interest, distinct and most importantly, believable (to the max extent they can be as AVN characters, of course).

    Points of improvement
    : The narrative can drag a little and the change of scenario can be a little jarring without any kind of indication before it happens - It's okay to cut unecessary points, I don't want to see 45 slides of a MC riding a bike or a train to get somewhere - but continuity is important. Flashbacks also happen a little out of the blue (not the ghost talks), and can be somewhat confusing to adjust and break the pace.

    The animations, are by far the """"worst"""" aspect of the game - the models are hot and the ideas and poses are nice, but they are few and far between and are really clunky, but they are non-detrimental to the quality of the story. Perhaps droping animations all-together and focusing on more slides with the sex scenes would be a better option. The lack of sound/songs is also something to be considered, but can easily be addressed.

    Conclusion: This is a really nice game, with really good writting and characters. There are pacing issues, some clunky animations and other minor picks to be aware, but the experience is well worth it and it's now one of the AVNs I'll be close following and supporting. I'm happy to see how the story will go from here.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished Chapter 5 and i must say i am impressed, the story is immersive, the models are very good. There is not a lot of sex in it but to be honest that has not bothered me at the moment as i have been learning about the characters and their back story which is really interesting.

    The renders are really good, this could easily become a top tier game sharing the same category as BADIK, Eternum, Pale Carnations and other top tier games.

    This kept me wanting to see and know more and yes i read the story so there are plenty of hours of gameplay and i will add this as one to watch and i look forward to the next instalment eagerly.

    Devs keep it up you could very well be onto a winner thank you so much for the work so far.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Better in every way than the previous game.

    The art is a serious step up, the writing is better too. Most characters have a little more complexity than they did in The Author. They aren't just stereotypes. Some of them are, but there are enough interesting ones to cancel that out.

    The central mystery is much more effective than the one in The Author, and as of episode 5, we are still uncovering elements of it. Another problem solved from The Author are that (so far) plot threads aren't dropped, which shows me that the dev had a much better plan this time, and so they haven't forgotten to pay things off. I still get the impression that there is a bit of pantsing going on with the creation, but this time around, payoffs have been good.

    Animations are better than The Author, but it is not saying much. They are still much too simple, not enough inbetween frames and very few parts of the body actually given movement. I still think they are not high enough quality to warrant using them. If I was in the position of the developer, I might offer animations as a Patreon reward rather than putting them in the game. At least until I had the skill to release them as part of the product, but I am sure others might disagree.

    Elspeth is one of the best characters in any AVN I have played, nuanced, complex, and really interesting. The whole "super-genius" thing turns me off as I've seen it in SO MANY GAMES! But there's a lot more to her than that. She kind of blows the other girls out of the water for me, which could be seen as a negative.

    5 Stars means excellent, not perfect, so I have given it 5. It is definitely in the upper echelon of AVNs, in the same tier as BaD, Intertwined, Summer's Gone, Where It All Began, Pale Carnations, and Eternum (games that I feel are the best of the best, examples of the next rung would be Ripples, Chasing Sunsets and Projekt Passion, to give some context).
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I like pretty much everything about this game. The writing is good, the LIs are hot and distinct in personality, the plot is unrealistic but very fun. I hope to see a deeper level of kink, but I really like what has happened so far.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    (Version Reviewed: Pt.5)

    I enjoy playing STWA: Unbroken. I'm usually not a fan of games where the MC is a veteran, but this one manages to pull it off with unfavorable look towards war. It's great to see how our MC develops as a person after each update while handling the grief of the death of his friend. I think the story is great. The renders and animations look good. I'm not a fan of every LI, but it's mostly a matter of taste. The humor does not land for me at times, but apart from that the dialogues have been great.

    Overall - 9/10 and a step up from the previous game from the same dev.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is far better than Author, the improvement is real. By the end of part 5, I have a solid idea about the quality of the game but I don't know what this game will achieve and end up quality-wise. It is so long for the development it achieves and I can say the 5 parts are a mere intro for the story. If it follows the previous game's recipe, it will end up as a pseudo-harem game with a GF ending. Also, the game started with MC regretting his playboy past and making his sex life right but I see no repercussions to manwhoring rn, hope that dev remembers the premise and adjusts plot or ending accordingly.

    +Plot and setting is somewhat original.
    +Render quality is good. Girls are gorgeous.
    +Character backstories are somewhat original. Girls are not stereotypical.
    +Relationships between characters feel bona fide.
    +Lewd content is OK, mostly vanilla sex with different characters. Animations are average.
    +Facial expressions of models are meticulously crafted.

    -The plot development is so slow. Dev introduces a plotline or a gameplay mechanic but soon we are back to manwhoring and/or date simming. The girls are so numerous that the game can't move on from introducing us to the girls.
    -The game is too wordy. Yeah I like the realistic feeling and the writing this game offers but my hand slipped to the skip button after a while, can't lie.
    - Sound is nonexistent right now, hope dev will add some sound elements in full release.

    Summary: Don't be fooled by the pt. 5 in the header. It is a very long intro right now. The quality is good but the flow is problematic, I finished this release in roughly a month. If you like some casual reading with no impact you can finish this faster, I presume.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good writing. Elspeth is a fantastic character. Author manages to show you and not tell you her intelligence which is tremendously hard to do. A massive step up over The Author. The animations and renders in episode 5 are great and are a fantastic step up over previous episodes!
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Version: Part 5

    Visually the game looks fantastic. Models are almost all very attractive and varied enough. Renders are beautiful with framing and lighting usually being great. My only knock on the renders is in some of the outfits have tops that fold or wrap around breasts individually rather than resting/hanging naturally across the chest - It's particularly noticeable (and unflattering) earlier on with some outfits on more busty characters. Animations started out pretty weak but have improved quite a bit as of part 5.

    The last bit about the animations getting better improving really applies to development progress of the game overall, which I feel merits being pointed out. There's been clear continued progress in presentation as development has gone on and a lot of things I had issues with earlier on seem largely rectified or improved quite a bit as the game progressed. I remember thinking the very early stages of the game seemed rather lifeless with a lack of varied facial expressions (lots of just switching between the same two renders for when a character was speaking or not during scenes with a decent amount of dialogue) but that quickly and drastically improved after the first part or so. As I mentioned, animations have improved a good amount since part 5 as well as the clothing issue seeming to be much less prevalent (if still there at all). These are great signs that the dev is still actively improving which bodes well for the game itself and I also applaud the effort on.

    I'm not really ready to pass judgement on the overall story or certain aspects of writing. What I will say about the story is that it has a lot of potential and lots of aspects that have been wonderfully set up... it's just a matter of seeing if those things are all paid off in a satisfying manner now. I'm not really into MMA or Wrestling myself but that didn't get in the way of the story seeming very engaging and getting me invested with deeper themes that are widely relatable and characters that are (mostly) hard not to want to know better. The dialogue is pretty decent though the banter I found to be a little too basic a lot of the time. I also had a couple personal hangups with some of the character writing though not enough to affect my enjoyment most of the time. Otherwise, I thought the writing so far has been well done and effective but I don't want to oversell it.

    Regarding the LIs, I think it's going to be quite tough to make certain decisions when we get to that point because so many are so good. So far there's only one of them that I've really written off personally (at this point it's a contest between two favorites but most of the others are close enough behind that things could easily shift).

    Speaking of decisions, some of the in-game decisions have been one of the more baffling aspects to me as a it's sometimes quite counterintuitive which decisions have what effects. Some other decisions at the moment occasionally seem to be there just for the sake of having decisions and don't necessarily make sense story-wise.

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    Also, balancing the fighting/training parts of the game with the rest and the decisions that go along with it still seems to be a bit of a rough edge to be ironed out further.

    To wrap up, If you're one for a story driven game with some adult content (neither feast nor famine) this is a good one with some small issues but a lot of potential that is mostly improving as it progresses. While it may not stand out as top tier in any particular category it gets close in some of the key ones and is overall really solid and engaging. Definitely worth trying out if you haven't and I'm very much looking forward to how it progresses.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    As a dev myself, I rarely post reviews of other devs' projects. But wow... I am really enjoying this one so far. I also enjoyed his other VN, The Author.

    His writing is very good. Personalities are clearly there for each character and scenes with them are well executed. I love the subtle humor scattered throughout the dialogue also. Anytime I play an AVN with multiple love interests, like most people I immediately find a favorite girl. And mine is Els. I don't know what it is about her (outside of the obvious... she is beautiful). But it seems like of all the LI's here, she is the most 'distant' (for lack of a better word). The rest come on to you pretty forcefully and often. But Els is different. Although you get the sense that there is chemistry between her and the MC, and outside of a brief scene at a swimming pool, not much romance really happens with her. And that's what makes her the most interesting to me.

    I don't really find too many flaws here. But I would love to see better facial expressions in the characters' poses. Smiles just don't really look like smiles. With Vi, there is a dialogue where her smile is commented on, but you can barely tell she is smiling. And aside from that, pointing the eyes at who a character is speaking to could be a bit better. Many times, while characters are 'speaking', the expression seems to change so little, it's almost robotic. But it isn't so bad that it deserves to lose a star. I do hope the dev considers this in future updates. Facial expressions go a long way toward making it all feel more real.

    The girls are all beautiful. They all look different and there is a nice mixture of large and small boobs. And so far, its nice to see at least one has a nicely trimmed bush. It seems like nearly every VN these days, all the girls are bald down below. I don't mind bald at all, but they don't all have to be that way.

    Choices you make do seem to matter. Although it seems like no matter how you handle some of the girls, they'll still push to sleep with you (or kiss) at times. And admittedly, it is really difficult to push any of these beauties away. And I'm constantly worried that my choices are going to affect how things pan out with my favorite girl later.

    The fights have an interactive aspect that I suppose some people like. But the dev thankfully added the option to simulate the fight. I don't care much for interactive fights in VN's where you have to choose your moves through the mini game. Adding the choice is a very nice feature to have here.

    Outside of the very minor things I mentioned above, this game is flawless. The story is interesting, and I was immediately invested. Now dev... please give us a bit more romance with Els and I'll be really happy. :)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    What a fantastic story with such fantastic art! The characters feel real and beautiful (especially Vi). The story is engaging and it looks like the updates are consistent with the quality getting better over time. Really looking forward to more from this dev!
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Slowly working through Chapter 4 version.

    + Well written.
    This isn't your superficial, non-complex characters VN, but just the opposite. We get a lot of introspection and dialogue covering backstories and we have different character agendas.

    -- Also not well written. #1 biggest challenge for authors (other than writer's block) is showing versus telling. A LOT of stories from MC and other characters on events and behavior = a LOT of text to read...but why not show us?!

    + Not too many errors with the writing

    + Beautiful male & female renders.

    -- The scene where the MC offers his autograph to the waitress shows three of the five female characters together = they all have the same exact short hairstyle and big tit/full ass bodies. Sigh. So much potential for variety but we get a lot of sameness...with what feels like a half-hearted effort to pick different models by giving one tattoos/piercings, one scars, etc.

    Different skin colors. Different body types can be made sexy too while still got it, different.

    > Decent animation

    -- I'm not rating this higher because the story wasn't fun or erotic to me.
    * Very little if any humor.
    * I'm hours through spamming the next button to through the scenes and there is very little sex regardless of all the love points vs. friend points I'm building up with the girls.

    > The android version I'm playing has no gallery/scene replay feature. Bummer, considering some of the other nice touches to the UI and whatnot.

    + Not for this game but for the mod that provides information on if I choose A, then how that changes variables in the game, such as +Love or -Friendship. Not a walkthrough, but it helps you know how your choices may be impacting the story.

    * It's a beautiful VN.
    * It's an uncommon setting of the lives of MMA fighters.
    * The movies many people return to are those where we enjoy the MC...even if he is a douche to some (the character flaw), but is still relatable and fun. This was not here...and it was all hearsay versus showing.
    * Lastly, give us some variety of girls; such as a believable MMA female fighter like Gina Carano or Michelle Watterson, who both can be sexy and scary at the same time....versus a bunch of model clones.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    As of Pt. 5:
    As a lover of MMA, STWA: Unbroken speaks to me on different levels. The fighting techniques are pretty accurate, the story is attention-grabbing, and the love interests are diverse and fun. Characters like Kana, Viridiana, and Elspeth are my personal favorites (sorry, Amrit and Ines) because they have unique backgrounds and great personalities. Valentine is one of the more intriguing MCs in the AVN world due to his character depth and internal struggles. I'm pretty excited to see where this ride will take us next!