Subverse - promising h-game on kickstarter

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Jul 9, 2017
Friend showed me this one today. Looks quite interesting though i'm not sure if they'll handle balance of h/gameplay well. Still worth checking and backing maybe. More stretches = more pussy.

Subverse, via @Kickstarter

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I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
Honestly, lately i feel like that about 95% of h games. The difference is you have to pay for this one so i see your point. But i thought it's still worth mentioning, you know.
Yeah for sure, there's always the chance that's it the 10% and if it is then this one looks like it could be really good.


Jan 8, 2018
I hate to be that guy, but this looks like one of those games that will be a extreme let down once released.
Well it is developed by the StudioFOW guys. Even if the gameplay portion of the game sucks(unless I'm not aware, they have yet to delve into actual gameplay as most of their projects have been movies, right?), we can at least expect StudioFOW quality sex scenes.


I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
Well it is developed by the StudioFOW guys. Even if the gameplay portion of the game sucks(unless I'm not aware, they have yet to delve into actual gameplay as most of their projects have been movies, right?), we can at least expect StudioFOW quality sex scenes.
Oh is it really? I must have glossed over it while I skimmed the page. I completely forgot about them after they got screwed over by Patreon. I don't quite know how well they will be able transfer working from movies to a quite ambitious game, but it still gives me a lot more faith in this.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
I feel mixed about this; reflecting back what's already said in this thread. However, it looks interesting. I'll give them that. After all, I did sit through the entire trailer on there, and that's more than I can say for most games--h-game or not. ^^'


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
Damn... sRPG combat and bullet hell ship fights? This looks god damn amazing. StudioFOW has some really kinky videos but this game seems kinda vanilla unfortunately. I'd love to play it as something like an actual western RPG akin to mass effect with h scenes instead of romance. I am honestly more hyped about the concept of a real game with sex instead of sexy game with an attempt at gameplay.


Active Member
Aug 11, 2016
Looks nice. But it might spread out too much and end up shallow in all aspects. Might work as a teaser and gain the push needed for a proper expansion.
They could get away with a trilogy as long as they don't imitate the Mass Effect debacle.


Feb 14, 2018
I've been following around FOW like a creepy stalker since their release of Bioshag Trinity, and while deadlines tend to get pushed back frequently, they have never failed to deliver on anything they promised thus far. While they have never tackled a true game, let alone a 30 hour+ one(Quite the ambition on this team eh), through all of their videos, shorts, and interactives we know that don't lack in the skill to do so. If I'm being honest the more information I read about Subverse the more I feel like all of their works thus far have been them garnering a fanbase while simultaneously honing their skills to make this project a reality. I believe that Subverse is/was the original goal of FOW, and everything else has been a stepping stone towards that goal.

The patreon debacle must have kicked them into high gear, as they skipped the step of making smaller games first, but I digress. Subverse has more potential than any H-game I've seen, this could potentially be a world first triple-A quality triple-X game. The only real concern I have is with their current path, this could very quickly become a Mass Effect clone(People are already making the comparison, and while the combat system is quite different, it's hard not to see the similarities elsewhere). They are going to have to do something to set themselves apart of ME if they want to truly stand out(Other than h content).


New Member
Jul 24, 2017
I've been following around FOW like a creepy stalker since their release of Bioshag Trinity, and while deadlines tend to get pushed back frequently, they have never failed to deliver on anything they promised thus far. While they have never tackled a true game, let alone a 30 hour+ one(Quite the ambition on this team eh), through all of their videos, shorts, and interactives we know that don't lack in the skill to do so. If I'm being honest the more information I read about Subverse the more I feel like all of their works thus far have been them garnering a fanbase while simultaneously honing their skills to make this project a reality. I believe that Subverse is/was the original goal of FOW, and everything else has been a stepping stone towards that goal.

The patreon debacle must have kicked them into high gear, as they skipped the step of making smaller games first, but I digress. Subverse has more potential than any H-game I've seen, this could potentially be a world first triple-A quality triple-X game. The only real concern I have is with their current path, this could very quickly become a Mass Effect clone(People are already making the comparison, and while the combat system is quite different, it's hard not to see the similarities elsewhere). They are going to have to do something to set themselves apart of ME if they want to truly stand out(Other than h content).
I don't know if I'd say a game set in space where you recruit a crew that you can romance is really exclusive to Mass Effect. I'd say this game seems pretty different just from a base gameplay level, considering ME is a 3rd person shooter RPG and this looks like it will be incorporating a shoot 'em up style for space battles and a tactical grid style for the battles inside the ships (or possible even on planets). Aside from that the story seems like it will be delivered in a Visual Novel style aside from the "cutscenes" haha. So all in all it seems it'll be very different from Mass Effect, at least in my eyes.

Oh, and to the person worrying about this game being too vanilla, they reached a stretch goal on Kickstarter which was to add sex animations with each waifu with the weird alien animals you have onboard the ship. Your wish has been granted!


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
I don't know if I'd say a game set in space where you recruit a crew that you can romance is really exclusive to Mass Effect. I'd say this game seems pretty different just from a base gameplay level, considering ME is a 3rd person shooter RPG and this looks like it will be incorporating a shoot 'em up style for space battles and a tactical grid style for the battles inside the ships (or possible even on planets). Aside from that the story seems like it will be delivered in a Visual Novel style aside from the "cutscenes" haha. So all in all it seems it'll be very different from Mass Effect, at least in my eyes.

Oh, and to the person worrying about this game being too vanilla, they reached a stretch goal on Kickstarter which was to add sex animations with each waifu with the weird alien animals you have onboard the ship. Your wish has been granted!
I could be wrong, but it still looks like its primarily a romance/harem type of game. Monster sex is alright, but doesn't really hit the spot for me heh. I was hoping for stuff like training that spunky hacker chick to be your cock slave or something like that. But i'm still very hyped about the whole thing. Gameplay seems fun and voice acting is great.


Nov 20, 2016
Hey guys. Did you see that the Studio69 will be a dlc exclusive for the kickstarter? We will not be able to buy afterwards.
The point is. I might be able to contribute with £20, I think, but £175 is a shit ton of money, and I not even need to say that I'm from a "third world" country for this, I think it is expensive for anyone.
Damn. Hope someone could share this is the future, but only 400 people are in this tier at the moment. What are the odds that someone from here have contribute this and will be glad to share. Very unlikely. Hope I'm wrong. At least I understand the side of the developers.
Anyway, this is just a minor thing. The game haven't launch yet, and it seems to have a lot of content. StudioFow didn't disappoint me with their content. Let's wait and see.


Jul 4, 2017
I'll agree that this sounds wildly ambitious, but I trust StudioFOW to surpass expectations. Even if the game can't be as fun or engaging as they seem to want it to be, I just can't see them failing to deliver SOMETHING. The way I see it, I can easily justify giving them £10 just for the work I've seen from them in the past for free. Already backed. Take my money.
Hey guys. Did you see that the Studio69 will be a dlc exclusive for the kickstarter? We will not be able to buy afterwards.
As of right now, there's four weeks left and that level already has 590 backers. If it's just locked content that ships with every copy, then it's crackable. If it's a serperate product only shipped to that level of backer, I'm sure at least one of them will upload it somewhere and it'll find its way here.


Jul 9, 2017
Game has now reached passed their goal and made 500k.

If people still have any doubts that this might be a flop, I'm pretty sure that kind of money is enough for them to really focus on it! FOW are great animators/modelers. And hopefully with the money they'll hire a good programmer for the gameplay!
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