The game certainly has the possibility of being good, but I would never give money to these guys. I don't necessarily think they're bad game develepors, it's just that anyone who uses the word "waifu" in plural loses all human rights in my eyes. I don't particularly care whether they're attempting to force themselves to be trendy, are operating behind several layers of irony for the sake of a "joke", are vastly uninformed and just spew words out without knowing what they mean, or are just a terrible human being, I hate them.
It was only when Fenoxo started talking like that I truly gave up all hope for them.
Grid based strategy games are also hot ass. All of them have the worst pacing. There has never been a good one. Fight me.
Advance Wars- Just meh
Fire Emblem- Fine story, gameplay is nothing but RNG bullshit, later games are cucky as fuck
Rance 3/4- Only vaguely tolerable
FF Tactics Advance/A2- Barring Desert Bus, the most excruciatingly slow game in existence, most mobile games are faster paced
Disgaea- A cut above the usual tripe but you have to grind to progress and that is excruciating
La Pucelle- Hahaha no
Moekuri 2-Literally the only thing going for this game is that the girls are cute
SRW- The only reason to play this game is to watch the cutscenes and the only way to actually play the game is to skip them
Namco X Capcom/Project X Zone- SRW except with a slightly higher cute girl coefficient, better writing, and you can't skip the cutscenes
Yggra Union- no
Valkyria Chronicle- FUCK no
Anything made by Eushully- is made by Eushully
Maybe they'll crack the code, but I say they'd be way better off ripping off a game that's actually fun like Darkest Dungeon.
That's just my very biased take on it.