Feb 11, 2019
I'm kinda confused I downloaded the 2 files from go files and then went ahead to unzip them I did part1 first and tried to see if the game runs, thinking that to unpack probably combines automatically part1 and part2.

It didn't open, so I went ahead and unzipped part2, still nothing.

Any guesses what I might have done wrong?

Edit: Never mind, VValen opened my eyes to the truth just run the steamloader
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Active Member
Jun 24, 2018
Captain is the key to all this, he's a funnier character than FOW's ever had.
We must be talking about two very different Studio FOWs if you can even make a joke about comedy in Studio FOW's game. They did an interview once, I believe it was with lewd gamers, and like one of the first questions is why their videos were so dark and always involved blackmail, rape, demons capturing girls, etc.

Anyone who's been a fan of their work should be genuinely confused that they decided to go with a light and fluffy deadpool knockoff with all the girls being pansexual sluts that are all too happy to be boned by anything sapient or otherwise at any and all times.

I was actually kind of expecting a darker Mass Effect kind of VN not... whatever the heck this is supposed to be. I agree with Risquerverie though, the captain makes me want to just quick close the game every time he opens his nonexistent mouth.

Really regret backing this game and I genuinely hope they go back to making videos after this.

Might just be personal taste but only a couple of the girls are hot in this game? They call Lily a "MILF" and then give her a completely generic body type. Sova is fucking unbearable. Killi really feels like the hottest one by a wide margin.

All the Xeno-fucking in the gallery is alright though, that gets a pass
You're not alone, this was heavily discussed on the Steam forums and kickstarter. The gals seemingly use similar body models that are just slightly modified, and they all have a very generic look to them other than like you said very light modifications, i.e. blue skin, horns, elf ears, etc. I mean DEMI barely hits the robot look, pending a few changes you could have easily just assumed she was a regular human wearing a suit.

They also take the laziest routes with the character personalities and play them straight without variance, which makes them pretty boring. It's all like, mega-safe and wide appeal, which is weird considering the monsters you can bone and Studio FOW's previous work.

Dunno, I never would have guessed this was a Studio FOW project by playing the game. I really have absolutely no idea why they went in this direction with so many things. Heck, probably would have been better for them to just make up a straight VN with normal, in-story sex scenes and just forgo the jank minigames and weird CG unlocker system they got going on.
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Jan 6, 2020
I was actually kind of expecting a darker Mass Effect kind of VN not... whatever the heck this is supposed to be. I agree with Risquerverie though, the captain makes me want to just quick close the game every time he opens his nonexistent mouth.
You didn't bother to read project info in Kickstarter at all then (or any other posts in kickstarter for that matter)
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Deleted member 324588

Engaged Member
Dec 9, 2017
I mean there are ‘darker’ points of the story. Namely in how the Imperium subjugated the galaxy, restricted their customs, and outright tried to commit genocide against the solar race.

There’s also tidbits of info about how the Mawsus’s (huntress’s race) is suffering from pollution, and that the Imperium also had a hand in Vannera’s natural disasters that killed a majority of their race (Killi’s race).

So it’s there, just not where you thought it’d be. And as the previous post said, you didn’t do your research on the product and just assumed.

Not everything they did was dark, this was very much in tone with Mila Red Riding Hood’s 4th wall breaking comedic tones. But it does have its serious moments.


Active Member
Jun 24, 2018
You didn't bother to read project info in Kickstarter at all then (or any other posts in kickstarter for that matter)
I'm one of the original backers. We knew it wasn't going to be exactly like their old work because that would get banned on Steam in a heartbeat, but based on what they said on kickstarter, no one guessed it would end up this goofy.

I know a lot of people like to make comparisons to deadpool due to the obvious nod that captain makes, but deadpool has a lot of DARK humor and pokes fun at tragedy. A lot of us gave them the benefit of the doubt because we figured they wouldn't stray too far from their old work given that 99% of their backers were preexisting from that very same work. They do make jokes from time to time and add some funny easter eggs, but I mean, like I said, they did an interview once and one of the first questions they were asked was why their work was always so dark lmao.

So please stop waving your hand and ignoring all nuance in blind defense of the game, especially if you were neither a fan of their previous work or an original backer on their discord.

I mean there are ‘darker’ points of the story. Namely in how the Imperium subjugated the galaxy, restricted their customs, and outright tried to commit genocide against the solar race.

There’s also tidbits of info about how the Mawsus’s (huntress’s race) is suffering from pollution, and that the Imperium also had a hand in Vannera’s natural disasters that killed a majority of their race (Killi’s race).

So it’s there, just not where you thought it’d be. And as the previous post said, you didn’t do your research on the product and just assumed.

Not everything they did was dark, this was very much in tone with Mila Red Riding Hood’s 4th wall breaking comedic tones. But it does have its serious moments.
There's conflict, yes. Unless you want to consider all conflict, a staple of just about every single story ever, as dark, then you're incorrect. Go ahead and tell me Avatar the last airbender is dark because a lot of what you described is in that too.

Mila Red Riding Hood was a one-time thing and still on-brand, as it took a already rather dark fairytale and inverted it, but still had a lot of the original connotations, just played out comically.

Pointing to one instance of a purposely inverted dark fairtytale as being representative of all their work is lunatic.

I did plenty of research, thank you, there was no realistic way to know this game would turn out this way (as with all kickstarters, and that's not considering most of the promises never hold up) and certainly not by what they told us on discord. The 50%~ steam rating and the early negative feedback on Kickstarter before they started deleting posts and folk gave up, clearly indicates that they caught the people who are most likely to know their work best off guard.

EDIT: typos, clarity
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Jan 6, 2020
Negative feedback on kickstarter was mostly related to "early access/no early access". And where are you getting your numbers inregards to 99% supporters being initial backers? And steam rating is mostly due to chinese situation.

Deleted member 324588

Engaged Member
Dec 9, 2017
I'm one of the original backers. We knew it wasn't going to be exactly like their old work because that would get banned on Steam in a heartbeat, but based on what they said on kickstarter, no one guessed it would end up this goofy.

I know a lot of people like to the deadpool comparison due to the obvious nod that captain makes, but deadpool has a lot of DARK humor and pokes fun at tragedy. A lot of us gave them the benefit of the doubt because we figured they wouldn't stray too far from their old work given that 99% of their backers were preexisting from that very same work. They do make jokes from time to time and add some funny easter eggs, but I mean, like I said, they did an interview once and one of the first questions they were asked was why their work was always so dark lmao.

So please stop waving your hand and ignore all nuance in blind defense of the game, especially if you were neither a fan of their previous work or an original backer on their discord.

There's conflict, yes. Unless you want to consider all conflict, a staple of just about every single story ever, as dark, then you're incorrect. Go ahead and tell me Avatar the last airbender is dark because a lot of what you described is in that too.

Mila Red Riding Hood was a one-time thing and still on-brand, as it took a already rather dark fairytale and inversed it, but still had a lot of the original connotations, just played out comically.

Pointing to one instance of a purposely inversed dark fairtytale as being representative of all their work is lunatic.

I did plenty of research, thank you, there was no realistic way to know how this game would turn out and certainly not by what they told us on discord. The 50%~ steam rating and the early negative feedback on Kickstarter before they started deleting posts and folk gave up, which one would argue includes their most ardent fans like myself, clearly indicates that they caught the people who are most likely to know their work best off guard.
To an inverse, you can’t assume every new work would be dark because the majority of their films were. You’re creating false expectations. The tone was very clearly indicated in the initial trailer alone. The sex being referred to as handholding, the joke about not being featured at GDC, referring to the captain as a loser of no significance whatsoever (who is also a reference to Hentai Kamen, not Deadpool). Later trailers continue the comedic tone and early interviews indicated it’d be one of their more vanilla projects.

Regarding your examples, yea avatar could easily be considered a dark story, but told in a way children could view and understand it. It was after all a story about a child trying to stop a war.

Much of the deleted feedback was either conspiratorial crap, or the pointless drama the Chinese base caused about the whole translation explanation.


Active Member
Jun 24, 2018
Negative feedback on kickstarter was mostly related to "early access/no early access". And where are you getting your numbers inregards to 99% supporters being initial backers? And steam rating is mostly due to chinese situation.
What do you mean? The only reason the game was made was because of kickstarter backers? And I'm kind of tired of people blaming the angry Chinese review bombers for the game's score. The game's score was terrible before that whole ordeal and Steam actually removed a large number of reviews, presumably triggered by the automatic review bombing system they've had in place for years now on top of manual interventions.

All it takes is five seconds to see that a large slew of negative reviews are in English with genuine concerns, many of which are echoed here too in a lot of the negative reviews, or are those angry Chinese too, lol?

I'm not sure where you got the negative outcry being all about early access/not early access, but that was because of ALREADY EXISTING negative feedback pre-Steam early access when first starting to crack and have problems.

In response to all the negativity, they decided to instead release in episodes and finish the game over time, which is of course sometime people wouldn't like. Not only was that not the promise, most folk don't want to pay any amount for 10% of a game and hope it someday gets finished, especially not backers that already paid full-game price.

I genuinely don't remember if this part is true, but I'm pretty sure the plan was to fully launch incomplete out of EA but they backtracked on that and decided to keep the game in EA where it remains.

To an inverse, you can’t assume every new work would be dark because the majority of their films were. You’re creating false expectations. The tone was very clearly indicated in the initial trailer alone. The sex being referred to as handholding, the joke about not being featured at GDC, referring to the captain as a loser of no significance whatsoever (who is also a reference to Hentai Kamen, not Deadpool). Later trailers continue the comedic tone and early interviews indicated it’d be one of their more vanilla projects.

Regarding your examples, yea avatar could easily be considered a dark story, but told in a way children could view and understand it. It was after all a story about a child trying to stop a war.

Much of the deleted feedback was either conspiratorial crap, or the pointless drama the Chinese base caused about the whole translation explanation.
No, a lot of the deleted posts were about the choice to release in episodes or the pandora system, etc. Again, we knew it was going to have a comedic tilt, but there was absolutely no indication that it was going to be this vanilla, so I don't know where you got that from. In fact, I'd argue it isn't considering some of the monsters you can optionally bone, but those are kind of really shoved out of the way. Still a bit shocked Steam allowed it though to be honest.

Most of us were expecting dark humor, not a fluffy, very vanilla orgy simulator, and again, that's not talking about the game's many other problems, from it's rather lackluster two game modes to the laughable story and characterization, but whatever. This is an opinion so I genuinely won't say you're wrong, but I definitely don't agree with it.

Like I said, deadpool has a very strong comedic tone, but in both the comics and the movies there it's still really, really dark and it plays with a lot of tragic themes like cancer and the curse of immortality and in the comics in particular Deadpool is played strongly against Woverine's hard life in many heartbreaking ways (for the both of them).

Just saying that a your argument about the trailer completely explaining 99% of how the game and story would be is silly. No trailer does that.
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Deleted member 324588

Engaged Member
Dec 9, 2017
What do you mean? The only reason the game was made was because of kickstarter backers? And I'm kind of tired of people blaming the angry Chinese review bombers for the game's score. The game's score was terrible before that whole ordeal and Steam actually removed a large number of reviews, presumably triggered by the automatic review bombing system they've had in place for years now on top of manual interventions.

All it takes is five seconds to see that a large slew of negative reviews are in English with genuine concerns, many of which are echoed here too in a lot of the negative reviews, or are those angry Chinese too, lol?

I'm not sure where you got the negative outcry being all about early access/not early access, but that was because of ALREADY EXISTING negative feedback pre-Steam early access when first starting to crack and have problems.

In response to all the negativity, they decided to instead release in episodes and finish the game over time, which is of course sometime people wouldn't like. Not only was that not the promise, most folk don't want to pay any amount for 10% of a game and hope it someday gets finished, especially not backers that already paid full-game price.

I genuinely don't remember if this part is true, but I'm pretty sure the plan was to fully launch incomplete out of EA but they backtracked on that and decided to keep the game in EA where it remains.
It changed more than once. The initial plan was drip feeding it bit by bit, probably like a few planets every few weeks or so. They were advised against this by the devs they brought on, as it’d entail a ton of micro patching as they took in feedback.

So they changed to a release when fully done model, which rightfully annoyed many people (some of which still complain about it to this day, despite the eventual decision).

They then switched to an inbetween method. They’d do early access, but in large sections at a time.

Obviously the longest wait between launch and the first major update irritated people, but that was due to a ton of external factors, and isn’t reflective of the game itself.

Side note: most of the negative reviews have largely been outnumbered by now. They’re also mostly from the first update, likely from players not liable to play again til 1.0 or not at all.

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Deleted member 324588

Engaged Member
Dec 9, 2017
I meant you comment that 99% of kickstarter backers were fans of earlier Studio Fow content.
I rather doubt that, I remember a lot of comments of people saying they backed not knowing what FOW had done before. Some people just wanted to see an adult game with an actual game behind it, not just a typical VN or a match-3 type dating sim.

Plus KS tracks how many were new to backing projects in general. They’d have had even more if countries like China weren’t jerks about spending on adult content.


New Member
Dec 24, 2019
I don't understand how the crack works, it open steam when i try to launch it, do i have to buy the game for the crack or ?
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