No. It would significantly bloat the initial game size, make the game size more bloated the longer the game went on(as new costumes were added, they would need to make new versions of every scene for every new costume), and would run worse in the process.
There is a reason why games avoid prerendered video in these sorts of situations. Its not very efficient. In Half Life 2 for instance, whenever Dr Breen appears on a monitor the game isn't playing some prerendered video of that character. He actually exist in the game map, in a room disconnected from the rest of the map, and is actually animating in real time whatever he is doing. There is a camera in that room projecting the NPC onto the monitor the player sees. The game does this because it takes up a lot less data then using a prerendered video(which can take up a relatively lost of data size), but it also makes the scene more reliable as if the prerendered video bugs, it simply doesn't play at all, whereas this can still work if something bugs. It also tends to run smoother as video play efficiency can be affected by the codex on the player's computer, whereas the game just runs as well as the game does.
Also, even if the video was prerendered it would look exactly the same as it does now, just prerendered, since they would still be using the same models, textures, animations, and lighting system, as they are now. It would just be a mp4 of what we are already seeing.