To me the scenes where she's asking questions about humans implies she's interested in them, the scenes where she's confused by friendship implies to me she doesn't think of humans as barbaric but rather naive.
To me the protag's best friend, uncle, red hair girl, logan, they're not interesting. Wade is a pirate who has a ship, Red hair girl hates the people who killed her parents, logan is a bandit leader who lies. That's all I got from them, personally. The uncle was part of a secret society meant to stop the next succubus uprising, that was interesting, but what's his character? He's just a guy. Protag's sister was interesting enough to me but idk her design and her lines are just bland (I remember it feeling very explanatory or "quirky" rather than a sibling bond, there were moments). Then act 2 comes and all these characters are dead/missing so that yet more characters can be introduced, only one or two of them likely coming to act 3 (red hair girl and Theon).
It's like...why? I don't care about any of these guys except for Aziela, the sister, maybe even Theon, why devote so much time to these other incidental characters? Maybe I'm just missing something but I really hope act 3 focuses on the two main girls rather than adding more bloat. Again, just my thoughts, if you enjoyed it more power to you. For what's it's worth I do want to see where the story goes.