3.50 star(s) 103 Votes
Oct 24, 2018
Zion of Olympus
Sorry for the bad English, I'll post it briefly (ask questions).
1) Are there any plans for no death, succubus scenes?
2) Female Hero?
3) Turning a Succubus into a Normal person?
4) More than one ending? (Example-1) For people, 2) For the Succubus (side with the White Succubus).
5) Animations?
6) If not a secret, long-term construction?(Release in 20(77).....?) ^ _ ^
7) Where did you get your inspiration from? (Manga, another game ... etc).
8) Transormations of the Hero? (Into another person ...)
9) Futa? -_-
10)New G +?
If it's not difficult for you, answer this, thanks.
I'm not Zion but I can try to answer.

1) No, since the point of the game is resisting a succubus' temptations, but if you want no death h scenes then you can have so with your love interests. At best I can maybe imagine you being used as cattle and living for a little more time, before ultimately dying as prey for the succubi.

2) If you are asking if you can be a female protagonist hero, my guess would be no, since the point of this game is being a man who has to resist succubi's seductions, which wouldn't really work if you were female, If you are asking if there could be a female hero love interest then maybe yes?, I wouldn't cross it out, but it depends on what you consider a "hero", since I don't believe there is a clear "hero" in this story as you would see on other media, so this "female hero" would likely just be a really strong warrior or leader like the ones we have already.

3) I believe this answer to be no. If it is a succubus belonging to a clan then definitely no, since they were never human to begin with. If it is a succubus who was a former human then my guess is still no, since as far as I am seeing, they actually chose to be transformed into a succubus and/or prefer to stay that way. But hey, maybe in a differente era if one is transformed unwillingly and she is not happy with this and if there exists technology that can transform you back then maybe it could be possible, but for now I think it is highly unlikely so don't keep your hopes up for this.

4) I believe there will be multiple endings. One of them being the love interest that you end up with, but there will also be branching paths with different consequences like in the witch quest for example, where you can side with the witch or side with the hunters, which ultimately will change some story elements later on.

5) There already are animations in the game, made by IND3X.

6) I believe this is a long term project, not sure how many years it will take but this is for the long run (IIRC, 5 chapters in each game, 4 games per era and 5 eras in total, for a total of 100 chapters).

7) I think he was inspired by the Castlevania series and the Assassin's Creed series, at least for the whole aspect of the generations and that the games that you are playing are events that happened already in the past. I think there were other games he was inspired from, like the whole aspect that the decisions that you make affect the story, but I never played them so I don't remember them anymore. He was also "inspired" (if you could call it that) at the fact that so many other creators make succubi as cute or adorable in which you can become their partner with no repercussions, so he wanted to go back to the roots and portray succubi as what they are, life draining demons. As for the lore and the atmosphere, he wanted something more serious, like Diablo.

8) I don't see any reason to do this, we already have scenes that are played out from the point of view of other characters. I also don't see why a succubus would want to transform you into another person, since they just want your vitality, or why you would want to willingly transform into another person, since you have the best chance to fight the succubi with your own body.

9) No futa.

10) New Game + I also don't think is likely. Since this is a long term project I believe it is better to continue with the story instead of going back to add some extra content or to increase the difficulty. But don't worry, it looks like the game will be plenty large by itself so it won't need this New G+ imo and there will be plenty of side content and exploration beside the main quest.
Oct 24, 2018
I dont think developers normally start the next update after launching one dont they take a break after launching a update or when they launch a update they just immediately begin the other update no they have to take a break
If he did took a break, then it was probably a very small one. At least he looks enthusiastic enough with his creation, his baby, that he doesn't feel the need to take a big break. He also said that this isn't just a hobby anymore, but his job now, so there may be a bigger sense of responsibility to work. Of course, he is more than welcomed to take breaks if he needs to, everyone does, but at least for now you can feel the passion he has behind his work that can make someone want to keep at it.

Zion of Olympus

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Apr 23, 2019
I dont think developers normally start the next update after launching one dont they take a break after launching a update or when they launch a update they just immediately begin the other update no they have to take a break
No, we don't take a break, we have been working on this game since before I released a demo.
We started developing chapter 3 as soon as we released the latest build that was an art overhaul.
+ this series is indeed long term, I predict 5 years for each Era.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 21, 2017
No, we don't take a break, we have been working on this game since before I released a demo.
We started developing chapter 3 as soon as we released the latest build that was an art overhaul.
+ this series is indeed long term, I predict 5 years for each Era.
Yay, i was right about my guess with 5 years but you just added a multiplier of 5 to it. :p


Sep 2, 2020
No, we don't take a break, we have been working on this game since before I released a demo.
We started developing chapter 3 as soon as we released the latest build that was an art overhaul.
+ this series is indeed long term, I predict 5 years for each Era.
so there gonna be 100 chapters in total ?


Forum Fanatic
Jun 21, 2017
Yes, but people misunderstood how I'm going to implement that LOL
There will be 100 chapters in total FOR THE SERIES, but not in a single game.
Each game has 5 chapters. Once I release chapter 3, this first game will be around 60% done.
Aww, i was convinced you wanted to have 100 chapters per era and not in total. :Kappa:
Oct 24, 2018
So do you work while replying to us Zion ?
I'm guessing he checks once in a while and replies when it is needed. Sometimes questions get answered quickly by someone else in this thread so that helps, especially with doubts as to where to go or what to do next inside the game. I think it's cool that we have a community where we can help others who need it without needing to always rely on the dev :3.


Active Member
Jun 4, 2017
No, we don't take a break, we have been working on this game since before I released a demo.
We started developing chapter 3 as soon as we released the latest build that was an art overhaul.
+ this series is indeed long term, I predict 5 years for each Era.
how many succubi will we be getting to see/fight in chapter 3?
3.50 star(s) 103 Votes