Alright let me explain, you start the battle with full hp and Iron will. You have 5 Turns before iron will goes away, and you have to use Iron will skill before* it runs out. so you have to save your last turn to iron wil skill. You have 4 turns to fight, now, you can use all 4 of them to attack the enemy to deal some damage, but that will leave you around 10-20 HP and your last turn for iron will, so either you use iron will and beg for RNG to succubus to miss or use seduction. Or, you let go of Iron will and heal yourself, but that heal will get you to 60-70 HP at best, then succubus will attack or seduce, either will put you at 40-50 HP, then you have to use Iron will again, then get hit again which will drop you hp to 20-30 meaning that next attack will kill you, so next turn you use medicine again, get 70-80 hp and get hit again to drop at 30-40 or whatever, and Iron will is at 3 turns, so you have 1 turn of attacking opportunity then you wil have to start the process of Healing youself and Iron willing for 6-7 turns only to be able to attack 1 time without getting killed. and if RNG doesn't help you in any way, either you ran out of your medicines in a long tiring boring battle and die, or you win at the cost of most of your medicines and a lot of time spent much of it was to sustain iron will/healing cycle. now, this isn't good. this isn't fun. I like challenges, but a challenge shouldn't be dependent on RNG, it just makes it a pain in the a**. Don't get me wrong, the game is awesome, the artwork is awesome, world, lore, little notes around the world is nice. But not being able to grind for more power without proceeding the main story line and non existance of equipments that we can buy or find throougout the map makes this a linear game. which isn't so RPG like. It would be nice if we could get new weapons or I don't know whatever you want, to make ourselves more stronger. in this state of the game, you earn nothing by killing monsters, all you have to do is to gather the runes hidden in chests which is dependant on story to progress. at any given point of the story, you can't be any more powerfull than the game offers you at given chapter. So there's no grinding in this game. Sure you can grind the materials and sell them to get healing items, but that's just pointless if you're gonna use 10+ on a single battle just to survive, why don't you give me an option to grind my power* instead of grinding forever for medical supplies? in this game, healing items are a must. they should be supportive items when things go wrong or hard. not a necessity.