Really good game so far, I was pleasantly surprised to see that the demo is this lenghy and the story got me hyped.
When you start a story that people love, you must make sure to not forget anything.
I hope for the story that no one will be left behind. In fact in many games writers forget some side characters that makes the player frustrated if he is a story lover (for example what happened to the man who ran away in the wood? Will we find a corpse ? Will he be alive? What about the first succubus ?)
-I'm not sure if I remember correctly , but the boys said in the cave that the teachers may have not found the cave or the monster. The month later the teachers do as nothing happened. Have I misunderstood the story, and the teacher found the cave and the dangerous monster but let the boys kill it ?
-When I found the monsters in the forest for food, they havent talked about the monsters, only of the food. It's because I went to right directly. When I came back to see the left, they FINALLY talked about the monsters, but isn't it too late ? lol
Also in a few games I've seen writers forget some side characters in purpose in order to make a teaser, at the very end with a brief scene which makes us remember of them. Would be great if you want to hype

About the fight scene it's a bit boring always doing iron will and then attack. I have read a few messages in this topic but the fights were not that hard with iron will.. not at all. Wouldnt it be better if the fight goes longer ? If it goes longer, it also apply for iron will, and then nerf the basic attack to make the use of skills who deals more dmg better.
Some are interested in grind, some not, maybe make an option "hard" "easy" and "normal" ? I mean, I'm not interested in grind but the fight was really boring, only spam xD You may have already considered what i'm saying, but i felt like i needed to say it just in case.
About the sex scenes not much to say i'm happy with what is offered

As for the map a really great work ! I'll add a file about a place that we shouldnt be able to moove in (I think?) And one that we can't reach the chest. I dont know if they have already been reported or seen.
Maybe in the map add some traps ? I saw that you want to make us fear having sex with them, so some interaction in the map would be good, for reference ( Cornelica, Town of Succubi ). In this game (in the night) we can't see clearly, if we dont take care, we end up by getting assaulted by a succubi that spawns ramdomly on the roofs, that drain us after falling on the ground. I'm not asking for making the same system, but why not having some kind of hidden succubi ? It would make the player more cautious about where he is going (hiden behind the trees but being able to see just a bit of the succubi and to say when we find her : AH I ALMOST GOT CAUGHT)
And maybe some hide and seek scene for the story for example an area where the player loose his sword, he must find it avoiding by all means the succubi searching for him and then kill her.
To be honest I suggested many things, I dont expect many of them to be included cos it may take too much of your time or you are probably not interested, but they are leads that could make the game better in case you try to find something to add.
thanks for reading and sorry for my bad english

I'm looking forward the official release !