- Jun 15, 2021
- 1,639
- 2,110
Nahhh they are the main enemy, but I suggested the author to dominate at least 1 or 2I wish there will be a route where u can DOMINATE ALL THE SUCCUBI BITCHESSS !!!![]()
Nahhh they are the main enemy, but I suggested the author to dominate at least 1 or 2I wish there will be a route where u can DOMINATE ALL THE SUCCUBI BITCHESSS !!!![]()
I doubt it will ever happen in SC. it just doesn't make sense feasibly. Trying to dominate a succubus is like trying to drown a vampire in blood or a canadian in maple syrup, theoretically possible but realistically impossible, especially if you are trying to do it solo.Nahhh they are the main enemy, but I suggested the author to dominate at least 1 or 2
One day we will be able to slain the princess and date the dragon. You must believe.~I doubt it will ever happen in SC. it just doesn't make sense feasibly. Trying to dominate a succubus is like trying to drown a vampire in blood or a canadian in maple syrup, theoretically possible but realistically impossible, especially if you are trying to do it solo.
So for main character/hero, I really don't think it will ever be possible for him to be able to dominate a succubus. For those who have seen the scene, it may not have killed him, but even an imp if taken lightly can give him trouble. Though if you are interested to see what level of power it would take to dominate a succubus...I wish there will be a route where u can DOMINATE ALL THE SUCCUBI BITCHESSS !!!![]()
I imagine the cannon story is the best way to dominate succubi - by kicking their succubutts and denying them succubus food.I wish there will be a route where u can DOMINATE ALL THE SUCCUBI BITCHESSS !!!![]()
That sounds like suicide but with extra steps.just cut off your dick and balls bro the succubi cant do anything then.![]()
You need to make a fanfic of this!!One day we will be able to slain the princess and date the dragon. You must believe.~
Each angel is different. Ramiel doesn't seem to care at all about humanity. Since Ramiel is the leader of the angelic force in Yrdarvyr, Adalon angels remain on "stand by" waiting for new orders.Zion of Olympus I don't know if you cool talking about future plans for the game but I had a few questions about the story. The angels seems to not really care about humanity at all and just want to find the incubus, if we go down the gods of gift path we find him. Will we be able to go back to Adalon and tell them at some point? That same with Kain, will we get to go back and talk to him about his mom?
They are fan favoritesAwesome, thanks for answering! Also since I just finished the incubus path, I was wondering if there any more plans for Drita and the white demon because I think they're my favorite ones.
Ohooo yes, blondie and her friend are my favorite twoo. Since they are previous humans It would intreasting to see if they remember their previous human lives, and if they have so regretes/feelings left from their human lives.They are fan favorites
I'll have some more scenes with them in the future, yes.![]()
\Go to strange mushroom forest at west/What do I do after I get to Hammerfall tribe to proceed with the story?
You need to finish the witch hunter quest to proceed in the mushroom zoneWhat do I do after I get to Hammerfall tribe to proceed with the story?
What do you mean the game is too slow? Is this about the development speed or that you can't rush through the game? It's a story telling game. There is some focus on combat and sex but the dev already said that he want to tell a story and yeah... that's not so super interesting for people who want to see something else but you can't please everyone.^^This game is too slow and the content is smeared.
This is impossible to solve in a perfect way. Some people prefer step by step cutscenes, other want to sit there for 10 minutes, reading a big pile of text. I think giving some small information and then have more gameplay is more beneficial than giving none or all at once.How it plays: giant open location - cutscene for five minutes - another location - succubus - another scene again with no gameplay for five minutes.
They are there to farm items you can sell and buy healing items. After that they serve as an indicator for character growing. Being able to turn them into dust way faster than before is what most RPGs strive for to reward the player. They are also the low budget foot soldiers of the Leaf Clan and supposed to be annoying and somewhat easy to kill for a trained hunter.It wouldn't be bad if the main story locations weren't monotonous long guts with fucking plant demons instead of normal enemies. They're killed in two-one (after side quests) hits, but there's just a fuckload of them. After the twentieth one, it's starting to get nauseating.
The game also invites the player to explore, find loot that makes encounters easier, maybe even providing lore what happened in the past. It would feel cheap if the dev would place a few succubus in every optional dungeon to reward the player with sex only.Side dungeons and quests are made much better, they're not as long and they have a real variety of enemies. But there are no succubi, except in a couple of places. So you only have to go into them for power ups.
The clans fight for domination, just like humans. They are not so different when it comes to lust and power hunger. I'm sure we will see some real power struggle over the course of the first 20 chapters when things start to go really bad for the succubus and they need someone to blame in their own ranks.^^But scene with the Queen is amazing. The only similar scene was in Succubus Prison in the secret ending with Her (White Demon by psyg2), showing all the helplessness compared to the Succubi and the indifference of the superior beings. Also, I noticed that in Covenant the behaviour and emotions of the succubi are more human-like than in Prison, sort of.
As I already said there was a rework of the first two chapters and I highly doubt the dev will give that another go because it was time consuming but worth it. I can understand you would like to fight something badass at every corner but that can't be provided without the risk of being unable to exceed the players expectations really fast.I am too lazy to write a conclusion, but the episodes already in place seem to need to be redone. Just replacing half of the woodsy shitdemons with someone else, and the game would already be much better.
I think, problem not in cutscenes, but in that they appear very abruptly and without any setup - you just move to the next location, and then zap - the narrative is shifts to another planet, where a bunch of resistance fighters are desperately trying to survive and fight back against the succubi, and the main character has nothing to do with these events at all, and is hardly aware of them.This is impossible to solve in a perfect way. Some people prefer step by step cutscenes, other want to sit there for 10 minutes, reading a big pile of text. I think giving some small information and then have more gameplay is more beneficial than giving none or all at once.
There are too many of these creatures, and they are the ONLY enemies on the mandatory quests, with the exception of the succubi. That's the whole problem. If you just replace some of the enemies with something more serious and reduce their number, the problem disappears. Demonic piles of leaves pop up very unexpectedly, and it takes about ten seconds to kill them because of the turn-based system. I tried to just run past them. In dungeons there's no such thing suddenly, the opponents there can be quite dangerous.They are there to farm items you can sell and buy healing items. After that they serve as an indicator for character growing. Being able to turn them into dust way faster than before is what most RPGs strive for to reward the player. They are also the low budget foot soldiers of the Leaf Clan and supposed to be annoying and somewhat easy to kill for a trained hunter.
I didn't suggest stuffing five succubi in every dungeon. They are just barely present at all in the side activities, with the exception of three (?) scenes. Whereas the story locations have plenty of them, especially the last one. A few more succubi in the side-scenes would solve this problem as well. Not in every dungeon and side quest, but in one fifth, for example. Uniformity of distribution, etc.The game also invites the player to explore, find loot that makes encounters easier, maybe even providing lore what happened in the past. It would feel cheap if the dev would place a few succubus in every optional dungeon to reward the player with sex only.
Epic enemies aren't necessary, but the story missions are at times like a lumberjack simulation with demonic logs. They die and go, die and go, until you get to the boss in the form of a succubus. Adding a couple of types of stronger rank-and-file enemies other than the log - amplified log (dies at first-second turn, anyway) would have fixed that.I can understand you would like to fight something badass at every corner but that can't be provided without the risk of being unable to exceed the players expectations really fast.
I read your comments and I understand what you are saying. Not everyone will agree with my vision to the series or even to each age, which will change format with every addition.I think, problem not in cutscenes, but in that they appear very abruptly and without any setup - you just move to the next location, and then zap - the narrative is shifts to another planet, where a bunch of resistance fighters are desperately trying to survive and fight back against the succubi, and the main character has nothing to do with these events at all, and is hardly aware of them.
Then it's back to the underground mushroom cave to slice up demonic biomass.
This style of narration just throws you off your rhythm, and you can't seem to skip scenes: important plot information without which you won't understand anything in the future. You have to read.
There was no such thing in Paradox, although the game is also story-driven and pretty similar in gameplay.
There are too many of these creatures, and they are the ONLY enemies on the mandatory quests, with the exception of the succubi. That's the whole problem. If you just replace some of the enemies with something more serious and reduce their number, the problem disappears. Demonic piles of leaves pop up very unexpectedly, and it takes about ten seconds to kill them because of the turn-based system. I tried to just run past them. In dungeons there's no such thing suddenly, the opponents there can be quite dangerous.
I didn't suggest stuffing five succubi in every dungeon. They are just barely present at all in the side activities, with the exception of three (?) scenes. Whereas the story locations have plenty of them, especially the last one. A few more succubi in the side-scenes would solve this problem as well. Not in every dungeon and side quest, but in one fifth, for example. Uniformity of distribution, etc.
Epic enemies aren't necessary, but the story missions are at times like a lumberjack simulation with demonic logs. They die and go, die and go, until you get to the boss in the form of a succubus. Adding a couple of types of stronger rank-and-file enemies other than the log - amplified log (dies at first-second turn, anyway) would have fixed that.
Stick to your gun my friend, you can never setisfy 100% of the people. Im intreasted how WS and the main game will intrect with each other.I read your comments and I understand what you are saying. Not everyone will agree with my vision to the series or even to each age, which will change format with every addition.
But here are so points that I'd like to make:
-The first game is more like an introduction to the world. The conflicts, the characters, the lore, the story, etc. It might be a little overwhelming at first. Reminds me of my time when I read the lord of the rings for the first time and I needed some pause here and there to get a hold of all the information.
It was also one of the reasons why I choose to start with the Kastalim Tribes, who are not that developed, because I knew that I'd be throwing a lot of info to the player in this first game.
-You are not the chose one. I saw you comparing SC with MGQ Paradox, and we as developers have different approaches to the story. In paradox, the story develops when you (Luka) are involved. In SC, the world will move on without you. You are not essential, but you are of great help. I prefer the "game of thrones approach" to the story. Having the story of multiple character independently developed, while they will eventually collide.
Take for example what you said here:
"and then zap - the narrative is shifts to another planet, where a bunch of resistance fighters are desperately trying to survive and fight back against the succubi, and the main character has nothing to do with these events at all, and is hardly aware of them."
This part of the story serves to show a few things:
-What happens to a world that has been conquered by the succubi
-The struggle of people who are living in that world
-To develop important succubi, like the three royal succubi generals
-To connect their stories with the main protagonist later on.
To makes things simpler: The world of SC is huge. It has tons of conflicts that will connect with the story but move independent from you. You are not chosen, you are not essential, you are just another person living in that world. For example, I bet you, just like me, don't know every single event happening in our cities, and yet, they happen anyway.
But for SC, they will connect to the main story. They are not random.
-The enemies are necessary. I understand many people having a problem with them, but how else to better represent a demonic invasion of the leaf clan, than having demonic plant demons infesting the world alongside the sexy and deadly succubi?
This is something similar to dragon age origins, where many people hate the deep roads for being infested with darkspawn. And I love it. It felt realistic, the deep roads are their natural habitat and represents it well to be literally infested by them.
And in SC, once you defeat a general, you can claim an area, which they will not return, making your conquest much more rewarding.
And you might say "oh, they are not hot girls", all I can say is that I consider SC an adult game, not just a porn game. I don't develop it with "hentai mentality" where everything must look sexy. The day I do that, I'll move to something else.
I hope this answers most of your questions. Even if you don't like it, at least you will know why I put them there.
Have a great day.![]()