Zion of Olympus First I would like to thank you and the team for the amount of work and love you all put into chapter 4. It was nice to play, the new succubus were enjoyable, the good old silly moments from the previous chapter were still a thing, love interests had nice quests and camp scenes (Medea is such an arrogant bitch who also goes full brrrrt with the players wallet but there will be sex later so wayne^^') and the plot goes on just as I like it.
Now for the new artworks... well I guess it's just a matter of time before I'm used to it but like other people said before Kain's work was better imo. It is as it is now. Quality hasn't dropped, just changed shape to have progress.
I'm willing to say sorry for the doubt I had before. You and the team did well to offer us another piece of candy and I'm looking forward for chapter 5 around february or march next year. =3
so how do you progress? i ported over my save from chapter 3 and i have no idea where to go ?
Visit Tallius, the Hammerfall Tribe Leader, to progress. Basically you can pass the third dungeon now by walking over the map icon.
So I appear to be stuck against the Shadow Knife Succubus? They keep spamming Sweet Embrace of Death and no other moves which seems to automatically hit no matter what so I cannot find a way to beat them in the fight. They eventually just get me down to 1 HP via the poison but the fight doesn't really end since I have iron will up (which doesn't appear to deplete). Is the fight just bugged then?
Yup, that was quite the BS. I went into the fight with pre casted iron will and used an anti paralyze consumable. After that it was a cakewalk.