Was mostly responding to Zion about an easy mode. My suggestion was very simple to make it easy to implement. Since difficulty is different for every player, two players can play the play the same game and it can be very difficult to one and very easy to the other. So my suggestion was simply a way Zion could easily help a player getting stuck/not enjoying the combat.
It doesn't really address what I think your core problem with the combat is, that is being too simple. I find the combat pretty boring as well but addressing that is much more bigger task. I think the main problem with the combat is only being one character rather than a party of 3 or 4. That makes it very hard to combat doesn't devolve into a dps race were you just spam your most powerful attack, since you only get 1 action a turn. With other rpgs with a party system you can have characters that are strong in some areas and weak in others. Like a tank to with low attack, but high defense, paired with a ranged character with high attack but low defense. With only one character your character needs to be able to do everything. Its a hard problem to fix and i don't think a party would fit with this game, so i'm not suggesting that.
If I did have to make a suggestion it might work to have different builds with your character. Like choosing which stats to upgrade and which abilities to learn. That way you could have some strategy before the fight even starts. That could be hard to balance though and again would take alot of work. I think this game does well in releasing good updates with alot of content and i wouldn't want to trade content or slow down releases to maybe make the combat a little better.