Unity Completed Succubus Heaven [KWT]


New Member
Sep 3, 2017
Sorry I have black screen :-/

resolved : Japan region
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Active Member
Jul 25, 2018
wtf... has someone the bug too, if you're encounter your first enemies, the 3 mosquitos, the game will be on speed, like 20 times faster?


Jun 25, 2018
i tried to play now but its a black screen, im not sure if anything has changed with the game but its just not working for me.
also yes my region is japan
i think it might have to do with the license key the game has if you read the eng txt file but im not sure im not knowledgeable on those things


Apr 29, 2021
i tried to play now but its a black screen, im not sure if anything has changed with the game but its just not working for me.
also yes my region is japan
i think it might have to do with the license key the game has if you read the eng txt file but im not sure im not knowledgeable on those things

yeah black screen for me too after starting new game =/


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2017
Some interesting things to note, in no particular order:

1. Gotta love it how the game is much more demanding now than before, and i mean, it's totally understandable, just look at that vast improvement in graphics *sarcasm off*, but fear not potato users, i know the key. See, the universal trick works here; Put your desktop resolution to 800x600 then run the game. Voila. Massive FPS boost. Which means the game supports resolution "selecting" (if a game doesn't, even setting your desktop resolution to that changes absolutely nothing. Example of this: Maze of May. Damn shame, i wanted to test that game...anyway back on topic). If the Dev wasn't a lazy a-..er, *ehem*, if he wanted he could have implemented a Resolution Selection. Sadly that's just not the case guys, so we'll have to bear with minimal downsides like some text from the GameOver screens not displaying correctly. (Btw, Lamest kind of GameOver scenes again, god damn, it's the same treatment at those tozicode games, and it's the same like that nupusoft game even where he fucking added voice for the heroines only to left it out in some nice H Dialogue, why can't these poor damn devs learn from those awesome titles like Princess Defender and many others?).
The Quality setting in-game (1-6) is worth jack shit, so just leave that on 6. Idek know what's the fucking point of that or what was he thinking lol. Err--sorry, sorry...it's just... that fear of the worst case scenario of the game has me a little on edge.

2. If the game hangs on a black screen at startup, deleting your old savedata seems to do the trick. Thanks to the wise dudes who discovered this.
Which takes me to the next point

3. So i've been taking a look at the savedata files. They are text files in a kind-of html code. So smartass me thought oh hey, maybe if i edit a little add a little line here and there, i can "unlock" those extra GameOvers (wait, they CAN'T be unlocked normally, can they? right? the only GameOvers the note at the end unlocked me were 1. the in-game animations, 2. basic dungeon scene or whatever it's called, and 3. puppets).
<GameOver_ ArachneQueen />
Among others. Heh...what a genius i am, ...or so i thought.
However if i tamper with the file the whole shit gets reset'd. Setting the file to read-only after that doesn't do it, either.
But OH, i've noticed something, even if you do something as minimal as changing the order of some lines, it gets screwed up as well. No prize there. So i'm not sure if the game detects external tampering or if it's just that the code would NEED to be in an exact, specific order.
I'm going to continue testing. Though if any of ya guys out there who do uncensor n' stuff i suppose your knowledge would be more helpful since you can take a glimpse at the gamefiles, amirite? see if those events are even there or something to begin with.
Oh and i also tried to change the name of one of the playabe characters in the <players> section ( "<Dorothy > blah blah bah </ Dorothy>" to <Elka> blah blah blah </Elka>). Heh, i know..Galaxy Brain, right
Ehhh Thaat makes the game hang in a black screen, just like when you *need to delete your saves*...hmmm..interesting... (or maybe not)

4. In the gallery if you use your D-Pad to stroll through the menus the speed of the Gallery gets affected as well. I.e. add some damage to a girl by pressing right multiple times and the speed goes batshit crazy. Heal her by pressing left a couple times, a couple many times, and it slows down to a halt lol. And in-game holding select makes the cutscenes fast-forward but this also works in game.
Maybe the trick lies somewhere in there to you guys who have that "Mosquitoes make my game run too damn fast" issue. But that's all i know, and i didn't experience that bug myself (nor any crashes). Sorry i can't be of more help there fellows.


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
Delete your old saves
Some interesting things to note, in no particular order:

1. Gotta love it how the game is much more demanding now than before, and i mean, it's totally understandable, just look at that vast improvement in graphics *sarcasm off*, but fear not potato users, i know the key. See, the universal trick works here; Put your desktop resolution to 800x600 then run the game. Voila. Massive FPS boost. Which means the game supports resolution "selecting" (if a game doesn't, even setting your desktop resolution to that changes absolutely nothing. Example of this: Maze of May. Damn shame, i wanted to test that game...anyway back on topic). If the Dev wasn't a lazy a-..er, *ehem*, if he wanted he could have implemented a Resolution Selection. Sadly that's just not the case guys, so we'll have to bear with minimal downsides like some text from the GameOver screens not displaying correctly. (Btw, Lamest kind of GameOver scenes again, god damn, it's the same treatment at those tozicode games, and it's the same like that nupusoft game even where he fucking added voice for the heroines only to left it out in some nice H Dialogue, why can't these poor damn devs learn from those awesome titles like Princess Defender and many others?).
The Quality setting in-game (1-6) is worth jack shit, so just leave that on 6. Idek know what's the fucking point of that or what was he thinking lol. Err--sorry, sorry...it's just... that fear of the worst case scenario of the game has me a little on edge.

2. If the game hangs on a black screen at startup, deleting your old savedata seems to do the trick. Thanks to the wise dudes who discovered this.
Which takes me to the next point

3. So i've been taking a look at the savedata files. They are text files in a kind-of html code. So smartass me thought oh hey, maybe if i edit a little add a little line here and there, i can "unlock" those extra GameOvers (wait, they CAN'T be unlocked normally, can they? right? the only GameOvers the note at the end unlocked me were 1. the in-game animations, 2. basic dungeon scene or whatever it's called, and 3. puppets).
<GameOver_ ArachneQueen />
Among others. Heh...what a genius i am, ...or so i thought.
However if i tamper with the file the whole shit gets reset'd. Setting the file to read-only after that doesn't do it, either.
But OH, i've noticed something, even if you do something as minimal as changing the order of some lines, it gets screwed up as well. No prize there. So i'm not sure if the game detects external tampering or if it's just that the code would NEED to be in an exact, specific order.
I'm going to continue testing. Though if any of ya guys out there who do uncensor n' stuff i suppose your knowledge would be more helpful since you can take a glimpse at the gamefiles, amirite? see if those events are even there or something to begin with.
Oh and i also tried to change the name of one of the playabe characters in the <players> section ( "<Dorothy > blah blah bah </ Dorothy>" to <Elka> blah blah blah </Elka>). Heh, i know..Galaxy Brain, right
Ehhh Thaat makes the game hang in a black screen, just like when you *need to delete your saves*...hmmm..interesting... (or maybe not)

4. In the gallery if you use your D-Pad to stroll through the menus the speed of the Gallery gets affected as well. I.e. add some damage to a girl by pressing right multiple times and the speed goes batshit crazy. Heal her by pressing left a couple times, a couple many times, and it slows down to a halt lol. And in-game holding select makes the cutscenes fast-forward but this also works in game.
Maybe the trick lies somewhere in there to you guys who have that "Mosquitoes make my game run too damn fast" issue. But that's all i know, and i didn't experience that bug myself (nor any crashes). Sorry i can't be of more help there fellows.
Unfortunately, neither JP locale, nor deleting saves seem to be working when it comes to black screen on new game start up. I'm honestly wondering what the hell is wrong with it, given I have specs that are enough to run GTA5 on ultra...


Active Member
Aug 4, 2019
Save/system json files are protected by a signature
You cannot edit them without editing the signature. So unless you know the key and algorithm used to generate that signature, gl

btw the game works on my machine. I did not have to delete anything.


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2017
Unfortunately, neither JP locale, nor deleting saves seem to be working when it comes to black screen on new game start up. I'm honestly wondering what the hell is wrong with it, given I have specs that are enough to run GTA5 on ultra...
Hey there pal how u doin'
Well, i think you're pretty knowledgeable so forgive me but bear with me with the basics

Did you delete the save folder entirely?
Did you re-extract after changing locale to japanese?
Have you tried running it with a secondary GPU(if you have), or tweaking config in your GPU Panel?
I'm not sure about this one but iirc there is a config file in the game folder, isn't there? could also check editing some stuff there (i will check when i can)
What about resolution changing? try running the game under different resolutions, both your desktop and in-game

Also important to know, does the game hang in a "loading" state? (i.e. if you click on it it says not responding), or is it like just there doing nothing but not-"not responding"?

Save/system json files are protected by a signature
You cannot edit them without editing the signature. So unless you know the key and algorithm used to generate that signature, gl
Excellent to know, wise friend.
So, what can we do?
Or are we fucked?

what if we edit the code do the last note unlocks more stuff huh what about that
(.......we're fucked, aren't we)
edit: actually wait, i think there was a change that was registered, if i changed 0 to 1 in "gameclear" or something, a green message appeared, i need to re-check
but if true then how can that be if saves can't be edited?
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Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
Did you delete the save folder entirely?
Did you re-extract after changing locale to japanese?
Double yes! I've deleted both the save folder and the config data folder that is created in AppData\LocalLow. I do so after every try. Also, did exactly that after having JP locale set up (I know the drill with jap games :p ).
Have you tried running it with a secondary GPU(if you have), or tweaking config in your GPU Panel?
Don't have a 2nd GPU and can't really say what can I tweak to make this work. Tried the usual - resolution, refresh rate, Vsync etc. Nothing seems to work.

I'm not sure about this one but iirc there is a config file in the game folder, isn't there? could also check editing some stuff there (i will check when i can)
Hmmm, same with GPU panel - can't really say what to touch because the situation is a bit unusual and there's not much I can grab onto here.
Also important to know, does the game hang in a "loading" state? (i.e. if you click on it it says not responding), or is it like just there doing nothing but not-"not responding"?
After I click the new game, select a save slot for it and the game should load a level, it is like it's in some sort of trance/loop. Music still plays and will play for at least next 10min, with nothing happening. I have to manually force shut down the app every time because it's stuck in that loop (though it's not frozen at any point).
The interesting thing is that Unity is spilling out a lot of garbage data into the logs, making them swell into hundreds of MBs.

[Exception] FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
System.Number.ParseSingle (System.String value, System.Globalization.NumberStyles options, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo numfmt) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
SuccubusHeaven.PostProcessing.OnUpdateConfigEvent () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
VLB.VolumetricLightBeam+OnBeamGeometryInitialized.Invoke () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
SuccubusHeaven.Config.ConfigManager.ApplyConfgData () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)

[Exception] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
SuccubusHeaven.UIBenefitsBase.Initialize (System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection`1[T] benefitsIds, System.Boolean pooling, System.Boolean sort) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
SuccubusHeaven.UICurses.Awake () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate[T] (T original) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
SuccubusHeaven.UIManager.CreateGameUI (UnityEngine.Transform target) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
SuccubusHeaven.Game.GameResources.Awake () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate (UnityEngine.Object original) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
SuccubusHeaven.Game.GameBase.LoadResources (System.String resourcesPath) (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
SuccubusHeaven.Game.GameMenu.Initialize () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
SuccubusHeaven.Game.GameManager.Update () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2017
At this point it would be nice if you were a supporter and asked the dev directly...
Hmmm... input strings and references to config files... i would bet it on jp locale
Also i'd say try renaming the files to english characters but it's like that already...
What about filepath? Do you have it in a long one?


Jun 25, 2018
gonna be honest here
i think its just the fact that you need a key and also (could be talking bullshit here idk what im doing tbh ) when you load it up it tries to connect to a network and if you are not authorized it doesnt load and Logs it so the creator knows, and id locks it (i think thats the right term) they have also said that if there are Many unauthorized people trying to get on they will delay the game i believe.
all of this could be wrong but its what i can gather to be correct i just think some of us are unlucky and might have to wait for the full release now, unless someone comes up with a solution.
if im correct i just think we jumped the gun due to lack of content and now cant get it unless we pay for it and ask the creator to let us play, even though if i AM correct they might know you tried to play it without paying but whatever


Active Member
Jun 5, 2017
At this point it would be nice if you were a supporter and asked the dev directly...
Hmmm... input strings and references to config files... i would bet it on jp locale
Also i'd say try renaming the files to english characters but it's like that already...
What about filepath? Do you have it in a long one?
I AM a supporter :D
I thought it was because of yet another magic-fuckery with anti-pirating measures that a lot of devs like to experiment with (with bad results and wasted time).
I thought about it but filepath is now C:/Games, so no way it's long enough to create issues.
I will ask about it directly since no solution is in sight I guess.