I've been using the Gadriel's Submission Deck from before the SoPS nerfs, but idrk what to replace the Hypno Rings with now that that strat is probably not super viable...
(Also, while Schoolgirl is definitely valuable in the deck, I don't like how she intrudes on Bunnygirl's scene. Wish there was a way to turn that feature off, at least.)
The hypnorings are absolutely still important for the deck to function, you shouldn't be trying to throw them out.
You attach one to Schoolgirl, to draw two extra cards between your turns. This is the deck's primary draw power, it really needs this to work.
You attach the other to Bunnygirl, to deny the opponent use of any Human minions and counter enemy Honey Traps at the same time. If the opponent's deck is human-based, this shuts them down completely. If not, they probably still run Urgent Conscription, as every other damned deck I fight runs the stupid card in triplicate.
Finally, if you can't deal with your opponent's minions and your Partner is ready to go, you switch one to Cheerleader, and attack your opponent directly. You can pop this earlier if they don't have a SoPS of their own or BB'ed Student to take advantage of the two-way channel.
It'a a Draw card first, a archetype counter second, and a direct-attack enabler third.
Plus, while the nuke isn't lightning fast anymore, it still kills roughly as fast as SoWaD wins, depending on support. ...Balanced, I guess?
...I'll update my deck list in a bit once I'm finished transcribing the decks. Making new decks to take advantage of suboptimal cards is the fun here after you've built a meta deck, and I have been busy.