It's time,
Secretary gets her cowgirl scene, as expected.
Two new cards.
・Reaper of Souls: 6-cost Disaster Angel Minion, 5/5. When summoned, deal damage to a targeted minion and heal for your current Faith value. It also has Counter-Hit for some reason. Behold, your Boss Angel.
・Summoning Circle: 4-cost Stationary Disaster, Curse. At the start of your turn, summon a lower-class Succubus to your field... or a Cow Succubus with SoPS Partnered. A slower but more powerful Convocation.
The ability to freely zoom and pan the camera in all scenes by hitting your middle mouse button. Sick.
Addition of records showing how many times you've been squeezed by specific abilities. This has existed since 11/30's build, now you get to actually see the data.
The teased feature to put online decks on the world map is in, as an optional setting. Wish it wouldn't use the default colors when it does this, but nice to have regardless.
If you can't play scenes in the squeezer edit menu, it now says why. For example, Big-Breast locked scenes.
A scroll bar has been added when choosing cards from the deck or discard, as too many caused... problems. Okay.
They say the limits for the slow/fast switch speed have been 'relaxed' but I don't know what that means.
Also, for the plans for next month's scene being with someone we already have...
Come on, SoWaD and SoPS's endings. Come on, SoWad and SoPS's endings! It's Nurse's Temptation, Deep Kiss. What do you think, heals her owner for +1?