So, as yet another distraction from Secretary, I decided to do some testing with the Cow Succubus, specifically, if I take the official decks and swap out the generics for cows, do the decks get better? Best of 5's, default health (35), AI/AI fighting.
First off, the initial decks. Both lost 1-3 against their BB'ed counterparts. Nice.
All the campaign decks got shut out by their mirrors, 0-3. Hilarious... EXCEPT FOR HUNGRY, who won with 3-2. ...Which says everything you need to know about the Hungry deck, doesn't it?
I checked, and a 'balanced' initial breast deck (three Nurses, two Schoolgirls, and two Secretaries since the AI doesn't know how to use Cheerleader correctly) won 3-2 against the defaults, showing the cows are more useful fodder then random humans too... at least, to the AI.
Funnily enough, while the default Breast deck 0-3'ed the Campaign deck no sweat, the BB'ed deck LOST 1-3 to the Campaign. I guess that means it's balanced?
On the flip side, the default ass deck LOST 2-3 to her campaign counterpart, but the BB'ed deck won a shut-out, 3-0. Nevermind, Cow is overpowered... and a Beast card, somehow.
For a final note of hilarity, the default Breast deck shuts out the default ass deck 3-0, but the BB'd Ass deck managed a respectable 3-2 victory. Smell that preferental treatment, FEEL the developer's fetish as your own.
...Oh, and I made a sprite set for Lactose Intolerance, changing every card whose picture no longer made sense and several that were just unnecessarily breastfeeding. It's kinda worrying just how much I'm getting done to procrastinate on Secretary.