Unknown Developer

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Game Developer
Nov 4, 2017
I tried to send you a PM, but seems you deactivated it, so I post it here anyway.

First: Looks like I can't save my alterations and send to you because my RPG Maker is lacking something, I think it's the dll of increased resolution thing, on mine last time I tried, it caused a severe fps loss ingame and I ended up not using it. Because of that there will be things I can't show you ingame, but rather have to describe.

Second: I am not sure, but I'll assume the resolution you are using is 800/600, that is the resulution of Nicci's pictures in question. You must understand two things when showing pictures. First where is the point the game is holding the picture when it moves or show the picture, and those are the Center or the Superior Left Corner. You select this in the "show image" or "move image" window. Looking at your code, I saw sometimes you hold by one and sometimes by the other, that's why the thing is going up. That point the game is holding is the point it will align with the point you specify in position X (horizontal) and Y(vertical)(both are mesured in pixels). which means, if you select the center and have X and Y = 0, the game will get the center point of the image and show it at the superior left corner of the screen (point X and Y = 0), hiding 3/4 of image outside the screen.

Third. You don't need many images to show simple movement. You can use the "move image" command. Show the image initial point, and ask the game to move it to the end point. I have edited "nicci_bounce_1_1" image to remove the transparency at the sides, but I left the transparency above the head, so I know the height of the image is the same height of the game. Now show the image at the posion you want. Let's say half the screen. I know the image have 600 height, so, I leave the Y = 0 and select the "Superior left corner" option. I also know that half of the width of the screen is 400 (since the total is 800), but nicci will be picked by the superior left corner, not the center, so I can't simple put 400 in X. Looking at her picture now, I see she have 203 width, so I get half of this, 101 and subtract from the half of the screen, so in X (400 - 101 = 299). I put 299. Since I want this to be smooth, I will set her oppacity to 0. Then I select "Move image", set the same values, including the holding point but set the oppacity to 255 (full oppacity) and the time to 60 frames (1 second). Now since I want the image to move left, I will use the "Move image" command again, this time setting the end point in the XY section (the coordinates of the move command are from the end point you want the image to be). Let's say between the corner of the screen and nicci's first pixel I want a small distance, like 90 pixels. so I set X to 90 and leave Y to 0, remembering that the drag point is (origin, I think it's wrote like that) to superior left, opacity 255, and ajust the time that I want, let's say a second (60 frames). Now the image will show at the center and move left without that drag effect. Now at the end of the movement, let's make the bouncing animation. simple use the "show image" command to show the nicci_bounce_1_8 (also removing the transparency at the sides, but leaving the transparency above the head to keep the height) at the same image slot (slot 80 in your code) and position you did with the other picture (not the center of the screen, but the position she is now, from the last move command, X = 90 Y = 0), the game will simply replace one image with the other. Also use the the SE when the image change. Now set a "wait command" for the frames you want this image to stay, and use another "show image" command to show nicci_bounce_1_1 again, same values as last time. To make it vanish, simply move the image to the same point (X - 90 Y - 0) with oppacity 0 in the time you want (60 frames for example) and erase the image at the end with the "Erase image" command. Remember that "wait finish" option must checked or things would happen simultaneously and not one after other as we want it for this case.

Fourth: I wouldn't use this animation like that since it makes no sence. What about make the come from the inferior left corner of the screen? it's more simple and might work well. Simple show the image as I said in the X = -90 (I'm guessing the values, I can't test it here) and Y = 150 and oppacity = 0 and move it to the end point X = 90 Y = 0 oppacity 255 in a single movement, just insert those values in the move command and the RPG Maker will make it happen, for the animation you do the same replacing teh image in teh same place. The vanishing could be returning to the begining point, simple move the image to the X = -90 and Y = 150 oppacity 0 in the time you want and erase it later.

This file whose link I'm sending is the the demo of some scripts of Atelier RGSS website, they have a good way to show images of a conversation. In that there is a conversation example that can be done without scripts, similar to what I explained, but with two portraits. Take a look at the demo and get any script you think it could be good for your game, it is free.

Here is the link for the demo
Here is the link for the website of them where you can find more scripts.

I hope you understood how show image and move image works here, so you can have your own ways to deal with it. I'm sorry if I was too harsh, but good things require work and effort, and I didn'r see much here. If you have doubts about functions ask me, I am making a game too. I also could recommend some good scripts for you to use. Like yanfly message system which has a namebox. anyway, this is too long already. Good luck.
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Unknown Developer

Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 4, 2017
PS: The site I said seems to be in portuguese, Google translations works well with PT-En so, this shouldn't be a problem, but ask me if there's something you want to understand.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
I am not sure, but I'll assume the resolution you are using is 800/600, that is the resulution of Nicci's pictures in question.
FfFfFuck...those images were supposed to be 1024x768....But fixing their resolution and setting every pinpoint to upper left corner didn't fix the moving upward issue aswell;
I'll try to test out what you suggested later, thank you very much!
And yeah, for unknown reason my PMs were set to "people I Follow only", now it should be fixed.

EDIT: ok, I've fixed the moving upward issue too, all thanks to you, pointing out those images resolution;
later I'll try what you suggested aswell, using only one image and moving it from the bottom left corner.

Unknown Developer

Active Member
Game Developer
Nov 4, 2017
FfFfFuck...those images were supposed to be 1024x768....But fixing their resolution and setting every pinpoint to upper left corner didn't fix the moving upward issue aswell;
I'll try to test out what you suggested later, thank you very much!
And yeah, for unknown reason my PMs were set to "people I Follow only", now it should be fixed.

EDIT: ok, I've fixed the moving upward issue too, all thanks to you, pointing out those images resolution;
later I'll try what you suggested aswell, using only one image and moving it from the bottom left corner.
Remember that if the resolution isn't the one I assumed you will need to remake the calculations of the points as well. if the width is 1024, the center of the screen isn't X = 400 anymore, but half of 1024. Just keep in mind that for the game the point X = 0 Y = 0 is the upper left corner pixel of the screen. X > 0 means moving right and Y > 0 means moving down.
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Jul 26, 2017
Hello i think you notice that i am probaly one of the people that have the big crunch to the game.
But i am a lucide game lover. And i know that your wrigting is below average. But your art is exelent level.
I myself writing novel and a litle of game scenario i am not a expert of it but i do a lot of search so i know a lot of theori behind wriging.But until now i never do a totat critique of the game i wainting and waiting mainly because i am not so good in english and because i prefered ask question that will maybe lead to your anwer that will improved the script.
So i will do a overall critic of your script so far.So it will heavy spoil for chapter 1But beford i will say some basik information
In wrigting world the have two way (mainly ) to wrigting by do a plan beford do annythink and after plan do the work or by create story step by step the two way have good think and trap to avoid for what i know your are the second type. So i will say think true to your type mainly
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Jul 26, 2017
I stop mainly because i not sure that you are interesed and because i don't kown if i am clear in the english part


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
Ugh...I have to admit that sometimes is kind of hard to understand what you're trying to say...
I'll try to answer at my best.
Basically what you're saying is that characters in game lack informations about them;
I'm trying to make a simple rpg-maker porn game, not a complex visual novel which requires a lot of background stories :LOL:
Not to mention that those characters you pointed out lasted something like 2 minutes in-game, what would be the point on giving them a background story?


Jul 26, 2017
Ugh...I have to admit that sometimes is kind of hard to understand what you're trying to say...
I'll try to answer at my best.
Basically what you're saying is that characters in game lack informations about them;
I'm trying to make a simple rpg-maker porn game, not a complex visual novel which requires a lot of background stories :LOL:
Not to mention that those characters you pointed out lasted something like 2 minutes in-game, what would be the point on giving them a background story?
Yes it true. But i was thinking you want create a good corruption porn game? And for that you have to be good at gamplay , story , and sex part.Now your are good to sex part below average to the story part and bad to the gamplay.
I may have mistake your ambition.But you have make me mistake because if you want create a no story , no gamplay you have develope too much your gameplay and story so far.
I think if you want just sex you should have create a ntr or a rape story game.
Because for make good corruption game you have to develop you character and do a good gamplay.
I will not lye to you you will never sucess in game making if you stay in a betwen like you do now.
You have to choice make a "porngame" with no gamplay, no story and a lot of sex you do a "porn game" with good story , good gamplay but make a betwen is realy hard (not impossible but hard) because you will have too low sex content by make a litle story , and a litle gamplay and so make unhapy those that just want fap and borede they by the two think. And you will make unhapy the guy that want more gamplay and more story.

Of course you could too just find someone to do do a script or the gamplay if you don't want to do that part.

For be clear you have to level up a least one of this two element to ok level : story or gamplay or dowgrade both to do a sex only game


Jul 26, 2017
The other follower of this game do you agreed that the game should have more gamplay and story or you just waant to fap and no story and no gamplay ? (or other way)


Jul 26, 2017
You art is becoming even better.
I think your are probaly one of the best art worker in patreon game the only i know that do as good it the man that do aylia story. ;)


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
Weekly Update!

It looks like Nicci found a misterious plant and decided to gift it to Michella, the local florist...
What could go wrong?

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BTW, this was the last set of images for the next update;
from now on I'll focus on sprite and to wrap everything in-game.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
Way to Update 0.1 #1 & #2

- a few people complained about Nicci's bouncing animation; so I've reworked it a little ( thanks to " Unknown Developer " for the help);
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All the base sprite sets are now done!

- Celie's Sprite set : Done
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- Juliette ( The Innkeeper) Sprite : Done
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- Karl ( The Blacksmith) Sprite : Done
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- Kreiss Sprite : Done
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- Mia ( The Maid) Sprite : Done
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Well-Known Member
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Aug 5, 2016
Uhm...It usually doesn't take much to write down the events, but I still need to write down the game over sequence for when the Suspition bar fills up to 100%, so I'm not really sure how much it will take;
surely it won't be long.


May 6, 2017
Are you having a suspition game over implimented right away? or are you going to wait a few updates to get the corrpution content base built up enough to warrent it?


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 5, 2016
It will be in the upcoming version;
doing corruption based action will increase the suspition, while doing certain "normal" action will lower it.


Jul 26, 2017
This meckanick can be interesting but can be bored too if the "normal" think is bored you should avoid to make a meckanick like the bar think in the first chapter.
I think some key character should higher or lower the dectection level for exemple corrupt a captain will make him less likky to make something after seen a raport about strange sex in puplic and i think some character should be incorrupt and some imposible to corrupt (for exemple child and enuque should not be afect by sex magic or demon that is not in nicci camp or even very powerfull character or other ) beford make some key character corrupt.
And next i think you should introducte relatiive : friend, familie or others from nun that nicci take the corp for make intersing probleme. I think have one or two character you meet that cannot be corrupt until next chapter could be intersting to build up some hype for next chapter especialy if this caracter fly after be afect by somme magic. and finaly i think you should do like in village of nigmare 2 (the magicien think ) a corruption but in the POW of a victime and with interaction of other non corrupt people. and Have other POW can be super for exempmle use the x guy that is friend with Y to corupt Y and Z that is in the zone that nicci could acced
of course all of it is not need in next update or in one update
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