I have no idea what people are even talking about. The pacing is bad because it's been 4 updates and we are progressing only one day, so? What difference does that make exactly? If anything taking this "real time" approach to it is much better than if we arrived at the house and lets say the game faded to black and like 2 days passed, actually i would like to very much know what happened in those 2 days.
First impressions are the most important part, what you do with the girls in the first few minutes let alone the first day is gonna determine in 90% of the situations what they will think of you, whether they wanna fuck you or be romantically involved at all, whether they even like you or find you funny or boring, etc...
So i don't get this complaint, but the one i get even less is the writing isn't good. Really? Mind giving some examples of why the writing is bad? Apart from the gorgeous girls which is the main selling point and what attracted most people to this game in the first place, one of the stand outs of the game is the dialogue. Which for a literal porn game is about as good as it gets from what i have seen on this website. I have said this before and i will say it again, i have replayed this game 4 times at this point and one thing i don't EVER do is hold down the CTRL button to skip dialogue, it's that interesting, the girls all feel like real, unique characters, they have really cute interactions with you, the devs clearly put a lot of time into having them change their facial expression as you speak to them, they will react to you, they will give you a smile, blush, be flirtatious, curious, etc... It's fantastic.
The fact that we got 1 sex scene already is faster than i expected btw but it shows that devs thought this through when making the game, which is why they gave us a character like Cassandra a really horny MILF that we can fuck early in the game, as we build normal relationships with the rest of the girls that aren't as promiscuous. There are other characters less important that you will probably get to bang soon as well, like that cop lady depending on the dialogue you chose straight up shows you her boobs the first time she interacts with you, the cashier girl that works at that 7/11 or whatever seems to be pretty horny for you as well, one of those "tinder" girls might be a quick lay as well, etc...
Also the main character doesn't really act like a virgin or look like one. IIRC we haven't seen him shirtless, so i dunno what he looks like, he can crank out more pull ups than i can i will admit that, he could easily have the soccer player body which is generally skinny but muscular, which also tends to be one of the most preferred bodies that girls like in men. Like this is perfectly fine, trust me most girls will like this.
Problem is people dont even know what they want, they want something muscular but not exactly a body builder or whatever but forget that this motherfucker fucked half the Hollywood 20 year olds and one Kim Kardashian
the dudes been with Ariana Grande and Kate Beckinsale, they probably needed to fuck him to move up in the industry, the Titan of Hollywood Pete Davidson lol.
The MC is funny, he is definitely cocky enough if you go down those dialogues. For instance there are points where he talks to Eve the first time in the house and she tells him he just wants to get to know her just to fuck her and he just says, well yea basically and she smiles and walks away, thats shy virgin behavior to you?
Like i said the MC is fine, he is believably horny without pushing it to cartoonish levels like some games do, he openly flirts with girls and when the girls flirt back he escalates it even further, so i see no problem. Hell again to reference one dialogue choice, when Cassandra jerks you off and asks you how that feels you can straight up tell her, meh i can do better than that, yea regular virgin behavior right there.
People just be complaining cause they want quicker sex scenes and don't care much about the dialogue, at least be open about it, that way i can at least respect that position.