true. however, we wouldn't be engaged in the story at all if not for dialogue and the necessity of laying down the groundwork for future developments. none of us would be playing if just looking at nudes was fulfilling enough. i used to write fiction, even took a course on it in college, dialogue is where it's at: you move the story forward, lay landmines, develop and resolve conflicts, develop story line, end it...after all, a few choice words between the main characters in any story and you can totally kill the plot.
you guys are doing a great job at making the story interesting. i think there are some great opportunities that you've left unexplored, at least for now. don't make the mistake of making a character so clueless that its unrealistic. speaking of realism, every strip club is rife with the over-abundance of disfunction. i've seen it first hand, trust me. without illegal drugs and i mean the dry powdery kind, strip clubs would close down and go out of business. alcohol can only feed so much for so long. the potential for mistakes to really ripen and develop in to something incredible grows exponentially when you have people who are up for too long, make too much money for their own good and have judgement that is impaired pretty much 24/7. their ability to sow disasters in to every life with blast radius is absolutely flawless. Like Sam Kinison said "I dare you to care! I dare you to care!"
You make a valid defense of why narrative should exercise constraints and minimize the number of characters, if it were were one that were linear, such as a screenplay, or novel (as I said, this isn't an actual novel).
This isn't an actual novel. The production of one of these AVNs, I've gathered, is, no pun intended, an open book. The author(s) implement the feedback of their fans and their patrons, so they must "lay mines" in many places and see which ones should be developed. This is another way in which the format differs from what you might be familiar with from fiction workshops.
Again, the product is non-linear in nature. I would compare it more to being a dungeon master or something. It's one of those new artforms that tenured professors haven't turned into concrete yet.
My internet penis credentials: I've written a lot too, a few screenplays, scripts, short stories, etc., unfortunately consuming far more education. theory, process and guidance than I have produced actually saleable writing.
I agree with everything you said about stripclubs.
Source: I lived with a stripper gf for a year.