Dude, when will people here stop trying to blindly assume good intentions all the time from devs and just simply be realistic ? ... It is clear as glass how "polishing" by the devs of this game is used as a way to artificially stretch dev time for gains. Simple. Everything you said is true, and is precisely a proof of my point.This felt a little curious. "Polishing" to me should be just tidying things up a little if you spot little errors and stuff, or maybe you play through and think of something that will really benefit a particular scene. It doesn't feel "normal" to me that prior to polishing things would be a "mess", it should already be pretty much ready by that point. So is "polishing" the wrong word to use here, or am I taking it in the wrong context? I feel given the apparent amount of polishing/time spent on polishing, that they are not using the word correctly...
When devs spend 30% of time on last touches, either they lied about update being finished beforehand, or they artificially stall the release for gains.