So since the first H-Scene i have not figured out how to see them Finish(cum), like i only seem to be able to end the scene or use an item. Im majorly confused, are the "cumshots/end" or whatever only when its an event? Not during the actual H-Scenes you can repeat or control?
Cause i feel like the first one is a tease than, showing you "finishing" at that time but never letting you "finish" just end the scene afterwards.
im 99% sure im doing something wrong, went through weeks and maxed out the girls stuff without finishing the game and tried the saved cheat which was fun to play tbh xD, but even there with 1k Stam/Lust i can't figure out how to have the MC/Girl bust, or is it really like ...??? No Finishing, they just Fade off?
Cause getting 100% Sat just has the person talk give reward and fades away, T_T that start was good with Rio and it feels like a let down if the controllable events do not show you "finish"
I assume Coax is just better in that aspect than? N asking for sex is just for increasing stats?