I was always told if you have nothing nice to say then don't speak and I apologize for the upfront but I honestly feel that it will keep eating at me if I do not get this out there.
I hated 90% of this story or game or whatever you choose to call it. For the gross majority of it, the characters are some of the most shallow I have experienced. The main character in particular has earned himself a place near the top of my shittiest characters list. The dad is the only person that I think is even close to a decent person until the very end of the tale and yes I am aware of his actions but at least he tried to stop them. Mom obviously has her reasons from a medical standpoint but I still believe that there would be a point that any sane person would stop to think about what they were doing. Mia starts this story as a character that I had zero sympathy for and by the end of it she became my favorite part of the entire experience.
Let's start with the main character, the typical horny protagonist who starts with peeping on his sister. He is someone who manipulates a situation to have sex with Mia while she believed he was someone else. Try as you might there is no other way to describe this act other than rape, strike one. Then after entering into a mostly consensual sexual relationship with Mia, again tricks her into letting him further explore his fantasies, strike two. Next, he finds the information I listed above about his mother's medical problem, and even though he is getting all of the sex that a man could want, disposes of the medication his mom takes to control her problem just so he could have her as well, strike fucking three. I'm not joking, I turned the game off right there and it took me getting angry, deciding to not let this story get the better of me, speed reading, and the skip/ctrl buttons for me to finish this. Even after going back, I have an even worse opinion of this character and do not want to play "Summer with Mia 2" just because I do not believe that he deserves a happy ending, but I will come back to this.
The dad of this story while he did do some things that he certainly should not have done, at least did not jump into them and from what I saw at least tried to stop when he was uncomfortable, even if he was unsuccessful. In the end he was the one character that the only negative thing I had to say about him was that I just didn't like him, not disliked him, just didn't care for him.
Mom, while a beautiful model and as someone who suffers from his own mental illness understands the struggle but her vague diagnosis is not enough to justify her actions. Oh, you stop right there, I am completely aware that this is a work of fiction and a story that liked incest but that does not mean that a character behaving in a manner that they would find weird but still going through with it is acceptable. I may be being too harsh on the character as I did not like the interactions between her and the MC as again it felt like he was taking advantage of her illness and this was something I was not cool with, so I did my best to skip them as much as possible.
Now we find Mia, to be honest, it was either genius writing from the start or the best fucking retooling of a character I have ever seen with her. She starts this story and goes through most of it as someone who I would have said was just as bad as the MC. But then we see that many of the negative traits that she had came from her friendship with Emma and while I don't think one should be allowed to blame someone else for their own choices I do see where her influence negatively affected Mia. But I will tell you exactly where my opinion of her changed. After she gets slapped by Mom she gives the MC a blowjob and her thoughts during this scene are "make me feel appreciated". That fucking broke my heart man. For someone to feel so down that they do that and more just because they wanted to feel like they were loved just hit me in the gut. Around this time is when the rest of the game started coming closer to what I look for in these, feelings. I honestly found it so weird that none of the characters kissed for the longest time as it just felt like there was no actual passion in the acts that we were watching but just lust. I mean for fucks sake, they even kiss in porn (sometimes). I understood where she was coming from towards the end about having feelings for the MC even if I don't think he deserved them. She fell in love with someone only for them to be too stupid to see it and then much too stupid to do what was right about it. I honestly am glad that she left as if I never play part 2 I can pretend that she went off and had a happy ending that she deserved away from her crazy brother.
Now from a standpoint of the author, I understand why the MC went after Mom but from a player's point of view, I hated this. I wanted "Summer with Mia" not "Summer with Mom", but c'est la vie.
Am I taking a work of fiction that was written mostly as porn way too seriously? Well, I did tell you earlier that I too have a mental illness. If you enjoyed this story then more power to you. I did not write this as a damnation of the authors either. Actually to have me so invested in a story that I have this reaction makes me feel that the author is quite good. I have just had these thoughts running through my head for most of the last week and needed to get them out but if I upset anyone then I honestly apologize. One last thing, if you managed to read this whole bloody rant, thank you and again I apologize, take care.