Ren'Py - Completed - Summer with Mia [S1 v1.5.2 Steam] [Inceton]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Well I have to say this game is a mixed bag.

    Renders are nice good quality the story is as generic as it can be, not a big fan of unsinkable NTR but meh it is what it is.

    The problem of this game is ACT 3, it was unbearable, the devs were like let's create all this nice renders and all of this nice sex scenes and the writer was ok let's kill all boners with my bad writing, the dialogue was cringe and annoying, no matter also Emma was a professional fence jumper no border wall would stop her annoying arc .

    But the worst offender is Mia, Act 1 felt natural, Act 2 Mia got a personality change like 180 that made literally no sense at all, Act 3 was at the point of I can't I just can't, halfway through Act 3 I quit and just skipped, nothing interesting just some anal and some cuckolding content so nothing lost.

    At least INCETON managed to correct it's ways in echos of lust part 1 was ok I just hope they don't do a repeat of this act 3
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    It almost ended up with a 2. I dropped it somewhere around Act 3 when the relation with the Mom character came to sex on sight.

    This game has very good renders, nice animations and overall a lot of sex scenes. What is seriously lacks is choice and any meaningful impact - you can pretty much mash space and the story won't feel any different.

    The sex scenes have too little build-up and all characters are instant sluts for the MC. It became very boring, I found myself fast forwarding through dialog *and* the sex scenes.

    The overall quality and sheer amount of content earned that 3 start rating. Internally I deduct a star just for having only cock craving female cast.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall a awesome game, decent story, gorgeous models and hot scenes spread out well throughout the game. It's so close to being a 5/5 but for two small issues;
    -Monster cocks (why game devs do this.....)
    -The ending, without giving much away the finish just seemed like an "I need to wrap this how and I have no idea how to do it" kinda thought.

    Defo worth a download and play whether you're into incest or not (I'm not so just set the roles/relations to whatever you want)
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    tom riddle

    I see some negative comments on the ending etc... but honestly i did LOVE this ... (actually talking about the storyline), it was a fresh breath of how to end a supposed chapter to go onto the next, rather then drag it on for a unbearable time. Also nice seeing an ending not really having a 'happy ever after' moment/multiple option.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    A long, playfull game with good rending

    Story line:
    Nothing very complex. The sexual tension between MC and Mia goes up naturally and in
    a logical way. There is not something very complex about the story or the interaction
    between characters.
    In the beginning there is a side story that opens between MC and a girl he met at the
    shop but there is no continuity on that. Also this is not a full game as the story ends
    out of a sudden, letting us to believe that it will be a seconnd part

    The MC and Ema are very much the same as a personality: manipulative, trying to obtain
    what they want. I did not really enjoy the behaviour of the MC as it somehow make you feel
    that what he does is right, which is not.
    Mia on the other hand is a very lovely character, a more romantic one and her struggles
    make the game more enjoible.

    Graphic / Renders:
    The girls are awesome and sex with each and every one of them is amazing. Mia has a greate
    body and we have the opportunity to see lots of renders with her. This is something to be
    apreciated as in other game you have just few poses and thats it.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Really nice game, still it has its pros and cons. Renders look decent; funny stuff is that the main heroine looks worst (but still good) from all females that became involved with mc. Most animations are also ok but there are some weird on( like characters have epilepsy attack rather than sex). And I still don’t get why we have free roam in the house at the beginning as later it is just constant story with minor choices and even before there is nothing to do while in this mode(probably dev. change his mind in early stages).

    I start getting into details from 2 major things involving this game.

    First is incest. We have the possibility to “set” relationships between characters but it is only illusionary and is introduced to circumvent Patreon restrictions. Without setting relationships as incestuous the whole game does not make sense.

    The second is NTR content. Is the same cause as above, you may not be a fan of it but game was obviously made in a way that it is part of the plot. Without it on there are several scenes that don’t add up (e.g. the scene when the light went off, even with NRT off, it is evident that something happened with Mia and father( or whatever you named him). Beside Mia is supposed to be a slightly lighter version of Emma so her cockteasing and sleeping around is rather to be expected. Nevertheless there two question marks that are not present while playing with NRT off. First is Mia's reaction of mc screwing his “?mother? “ like she sucks her “?father?” off and stuff. I know that she started to feel sth more for mc but she knows about some sort of “mysterious” gf so her reaction is too exaggerated for me. Second is more for fans of such contend( not me), cause almost all this contend only make mc even “better” that others e.g. pathetic fuck of a friend and “?father?” that just care of getting off (light nrt? Shame nrt?).

    Somewhat related to above mentioned there are several mistakes/ plot holes. I will mention the two most conspicuous. When Mia performs her first strip dance and we have the choice to not take off her clothes the second time she’s doing it Emma says to Mia sth suggested that she already got naked in a strip club so our first choice does not matter. Another is during the drinking game with Emma when mc set up Sam to bang with her. Mc asked about being fucked in all holes at the same time and both Mia and Emma drink up but if we remembered “Truth or dare” when mc and & Sam make Emma at the same time yellow text said that she experienced it for the first time.

    Emma deserves a separate section. When she appeared for the first time and up to the moment when she wanted to drag mc&Mia into porn-industry she seemed like fun character for a threesome or something. But after that, it became obvious that she is manipulative bitch and she really started to piss me off. It’s nice that mc get his own back eventually (but I thought it would slightly different). BTW. all this porn shit that Emma pulled off also wasn’t to my liking because it fell (and kind of was) forced by her on the main characters.

    Furthermore, I wonder about two characters. The first is the chick that we “save” from the evil clerk. Was she necessary in the story? The game suggests that we meet her further in the game but nothing happened. Second is our “?aunt?” that Mia takes off to in the end, probably foretaste of new chic to fuck. As I don’t know what dev. came up with in part 2 but I have my promotions. It will probably be sth like Mia meets some guy that she really wants to be with and then mc show up to stir up troubles.

    There are probably several other topics to cover but those are most evident.

    The ending is not a nice cliffhanger but it fulfilling its purpose because I am really waiting for the continuation.
    Likes: Sole
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I did like a lot, that you could see in a mind of a characters, their thinking of situation from their perspective.I was looking for a game with a lot of proper anal conten and here it was more than enough of that action, finally (y) Only "downfall" of a game is that there is not so many choices and you really don't have any significant impact on a story. I'm looking forward to a sequel.

    • 4.5 / 5 - story
    • 4.5 / 5 - charecters
    • 4.5 / 5 - graphic / renders / animstions
    • 2 / 5 - choices
    Overall score: 3.8
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: Final

    - Good renders of female characters models
    - Good sex content & animations

    - You need a code to unlock the game
    - From VN the game becomes point-n-click
    - Empty gameplay & repeatable

    This game could be much more if the gameplay were more alive. In the beginning the gameplay is VN and then it starts to become point-n-click, which didn't make any sense, as you only waste a little time clicking on the rooms to find the trigger and continue with the game. One of the things that irritated me was having to put a code so the game wouldn't be interrupted, I know that this game was developed only for patreons, but if it doesn't show the public its work, it will become unknown.
    Sincerely, I didn't feel like following the dialogues and the story, I already knew it was bad, I was just interested in the sexual content. You're a guy who's going to fuck your sister (and other girls), so at the time of chapter 1 I didn't see an interesting script, something that would make you interested or excited.
    The game started gameplay in VN mode, you just chose the answer options that do not influence much in the story, but then the game started to become point-n-click. To make a point-n-click game it is necessary to leave the environment alive, with interactions, etc. however the game is quite empty and lifeless, you need to find where the NPC is to interact and continue the game/history. Anyway, I didn't like this format, I still preferred VN to not waste time.
    Graphics & Sex Content:
    I would say it is the best part of this game, as I have said, I was only interested in the sexual content. But to be honest the content is just good, nothing much. The graphics are good and the renders of the female models are good too. The animations are good and the sex scenes too. However, as the game has an empty gameplay, where the focus of the game is to fuck, the game ends up being a little repeated, because in chapter 2 and later I started to be a little disinterested in continuing, so that does not mean that the scenes and content are bad, are the best thing in the game, but it’s something that you feel could be a little bit more.

    So, why I did gave 2 stars?
    For that reason I was unable to give such a high rating, I know that some things have disagreement, but the game did not pleasure me very much. The story didn't interest me, I didn't recognize the script as exciting or interesting, the gameplay suddenly changed to a non-live scenario with no interaction (only with the characters), the game seemed repetitive (talk to Mia, fuck Mia), see other girls, try (you will) fuck them, anyway, it's just sexual content that is the point of interest. In addition, I didn't have much desire to continue for a while, as the title of the game is "Summer w / Mia" I expected more things out of the house, something that would catch the player's attention. Therefore, the sexual content is very good, it gives pleasure, but it ends up being a little forced over time, making you have no interest in continuing until the end. Anyway, the game is not bad if you just want to find a game just for the sexual content, but it is not something that will surprise you, let's say it is just a pastime. So, I don't recommend it if you're looking for something in the Milfyc style of gameplay and content.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall cute and nice game. There are no important choices to make or alternative endings. The game flows smoothly with a series of events. Graphics and scenes very well done and sound ok. Mia's main character I liked it very much, very cute and nice game play, well done. Unfortunately there is no gallery to review the most beautiful scenes.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    First off the bad, despite being offered a choice to turn off NTR there is still loads of it in this game, list of it here if you want to know how much you have to sit through:
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    There is lots of forced voyeur(others watching you have sex not you watching them).

    The "choices" dont do anything and early on they are abandoned(you get no more at all).

    The MC is dumb and sex obsessed, being tricked and let on over and over again but still snaps to attention and does everything the girls tell him to do(like a good sub), is an MC with even a little self respect so much to ask for.

    The whole game is essentially sub MC gets used because of his big dick by girls and obeys eveything they say, you really need to be a hardcore sub to enjoy this game.

    Then as a final insult you find the game is incomplete, it has no endings and will not have a continue for at least 2 years(game time) later, if a sequel get made at all(creator has lots of other projects).

    Inspite of all that it is still a game worth playing, it has some amazing sex scenes, great smooth animations, art is second to none and loads of content(long game).

    The real shame with this game is how incredible it could have been, give MC a spine, adding a few choices(lets MC pick a woman or not) and include some endings and this could have been one of the greatest adult games ever.
    Likes: Sole
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome Story. I really enjoyed your game. Emma and her mom two hotties. Cant wait for the next part. Was glad to see a certain someone get what she deserved in the end. Was that a Dragon Dildo.....................................
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I wanted to like this game but I just couldn't. The lack of choice and paths make it a very linear story(i don't know if thats what the writer was going for) but if he was trying to make a linear story then he should have included any options from the start. I feel like if you are trying to make it a linear story than stay faithful to it and make it a complete linear visual novelesque story don't include half asses options. I see that the writer was trying to make it as kinky as possible but it really didn't go with the characters(more like the character design is horrible) and thus it felt forced or out of placed.

    2 stars because the animation and the renders were good. You guys(Inceton) are great with the visuals and animation. I recommend spend a biit more time with your characters(give them life rather than NPCs with linear scripts) and make the story non linear and plot development due to consequences of different options.

    I really wanted to like this game and I did to a certain extent but it just felt like an animated porn rather than a game and it felt mundanein the vast options of games around.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Game version: [Final]

    If I had to describe this game in one word it would be juvenile. Which perhaps is to be expected for a game featuring a bunch of teenagers, but even actual teenagers usually don't act as dumb, selfish and horny as most of the characters in this game.

    The MC is a winning combination of borderline retarded and machiavellian evil. His only motivation in life seems to be to fuck any female in sight. Bonus points for having a dick so big it would give every porn star in the world penis envy. I'm fine with giving your MC a big dick, even a huge one, but this is just comically stupid.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    I was intrigued by this game, given the pretty decent reviews. Sufficed to say I found it disappointing and boring. The animations and CGI are actually alright (although I have seen better from other games), but I found the story and characters dull and shallow. It never really comes to life.

    Not to mention the ad interruption every couple of minutes during gameplay by the dev asking for support on Patreon was extremely annoying and off-putting and interfered with the flow of the game to the point it put me off even finishing it.

    I have no problem with dev's that want to promote and advertise their game to gain more Patreons, but doing it during the gameplay and doing it constantly will have the complete opposite effect. If they had just done it at the beginning, that's fine. But this wasn't the case. I hate to give this such a low rating, but I wasn't impressed with this game at all. Would definitely NOT recommend.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    *Based on the route with disabled NTR*

    The characters are the main reason for playing this. At the start you decide what to call the people in the household, but in any case you are very familiar with them. The characterizations are so well done you could trick yourself into thinking they're living, breathing beings. They stick to their own nature but they also develop during the course of all that happens. They're affected by events, and depending on how deeply they even have to think it over for a while, afterwards having changed ever so slightly from the experience.

    The story start as a drama lite, shocking but playful. Later it ramps up to more serious drama, and by then there's a high chance you're immersed in the characters as well. Highs and lows are expertly written in to give you a break and then build tension again. Personally I was glued to the screen. I cared about what might happen to characters. Without spoiling much, I'll say the ending had me a little glum. It leaves things open-ended, paving the way for a sequel. It's a writer's motto, "leave them wanting more." What I wanted was to do right by the characters and help them achieve happiness in some way, and I hadn't yet. Take that as neither a compliment or criticism, but rather a reflection of emotional investment. Still, that ending might disappoint some people.

    The sex was a hot combo of animations, taboo, dirty talk, and character building that aims to make it feel more personal. Not all of it was doing it for me, but many times I was transfixed.

    Definitely a recommendation! You'll like this if you can empathize with the characters.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    3 1/2 stars

    I was originally going to play the original RPG maker version until I saw it was remade in renpy. So I won't be able to compare the two.

    The character models were really good. The women were hot. I liked most of the characters except for Emma and Sam. Emma is the kind of manipulative person I hate and Sam is just an idiot.

    This isn't a love or romance story. The sex is mainly bred from lust and carnal desires. The women mainly only fuck the MC because he has the biggest dick they've ever seen. Mia begins to develop feeling for the MC, but she's too scared to admit it and the MC is too stupid to pick up on her subtle inferences.

    I liked the relationship with the mother. Hers felt more of a romantic nature.

    The writing isn't bad, but there are numerous spelling errors throughout.

    Nearing the end of the second act there is a part where the MC starts to incessantly badger Mia to do anal for which she refuses so the MC conspires with Sam to trick her into it. As a person who is hardly an anal fan this part was tiresome and annoying. I don't mind anal in these games as long as it's your choice, but here the MC acted like he had such a burning need for it I kind of tuned out.

    I didn't really care for the ending, but there is a notice at the end about how there will be a sequel. So I'm hoping the ending to this game is just a plot point in the story and not the final resolution for these characters.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Not a perfect game but deserves a way better rating than its getting.. Starts out dark. MC is completely and totally unlikable. MC is worst thing about this game overall. Gets better.

    Animation is among the very very best on here. Worth a try.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Art and animations are great, just amazing 10/10.
    Now with that out of the way:

    First half of the game was pretty good, MC is a pervert and girls around him are easy, but he still have to work for a good fuck, i would rate it 8/10.

    Then the dev decided that making a porn game is not good enough and tried to turn it into a proper VN.
    What needs to happen for plain porn story to turn into something more without rewriting everything? Drama, a fuckton of drama. But no amount of drama could turn a story where all girls are dick-hungry sluts into something serious.
    In the end we have neither a good VN nor a good porn game. When porn starts to escalate, drama kicks in and stops it, meanwhile story can't be based on drama alone.

    Renders: 10/10
    Story: 4/10
    Gameplay: Non-existent, it's a VN.
    Overall 6/10
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I recently spent some time playing through this game. Like so many others, this game had great potential but somewhat missed the mark.

    Pluses: Graphics are solid, sex scenes are very good, plot was interesting.

    Minuses: Not really a game as much as a visual novel. Not a lot of choices for you to make which impact the story. All the female characters suffer from BTS (big-tits syndrome). Father character was lame.

    Overall, it was interesting and enjoyable as a visual novel. I would have liked to have seen more branches that would have impacted the storyline. There was a lot of potential with the different female characters which was seemingly wasted by the lack of actual choices. That said, if you look at it as more of a visual novel, it's fine as the graphics and sex scenes were very good.

    Story: 8/10
    Characters: 8/10
    Graphics: 8/10
    Fun: 8/10
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    If I knew how this story played out before trying it, I never would have.

    The art style is great. The animation are really good. The sex scenes are hot.
    The story is decent. Somewhat unrealistic but also plausible.

    It starts out...
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    4/5 because quality.
    1/5 if we're talking how much I liked it.
    So 3/5 as a rating.