I prefer being surprised than playign something I can predict.
I'm okay with it being predictable
if it's done in a good way, but I do agree that a bit of surprise tends to be better. That was one of the reasons I enjoyed Avengers: Infinity War.
Was it a great film? No (it was okay), but what I really loved about it was that even though we know the future, because it's comics and blah blah blah, they let the villain win. It is so rare to enjoy a film or book where the bad guys actually take home the victory.
I'd read a book some 20-30 years ago where the whole core plot is three friends coming together to enact revenge on a particular foe from their past. As you get through it all, you see them utterly destroy this foe and they can relax and go back to their lives, contented - only one of the friends gets picked up by a stranger in a limousine. The driver proceeds to take them around the city, while this stranger in the backseat explains exactly what went down to this one person of the trio, and how they had all been entirely manipulated from the very beginning to do what they've just done, and how well it benefits an even larger power that they would nominally have opposed.
Said character is then dropped off at his home and left to deal with the heavy burden of keeping it a secret and letting his friends live on in ignorance (but happy and at peace), or risk telling them the truth, ruining their lives, and bringing it all crashing down.
I've never been so pleased with a villain truimphant, it was done well. And to this day, I still can't remember the title of the damned book. If a VN author were able to swing something like that, it might be interesting. As long as we get to enjoy some T&A along the way, of course.