This. Just this! Even forgetting about remakes, the problem is this
Ocean's quality is way above the desired levels. Like if great quality is a 9, Ocean is going for 12. Look at his last post "hey immersion is important so I need 30+ characters but that is why it is taking longer to do this scene". If, after getting a monster machine you are having problem putting 30+ people, DON'T PUT 30 people it in. Almost everyone would tell you after the 20s one the marginal effect of adding another has strong diminishing effects on player's impact but huge effect on production cost.
In fact, we can analyze it with math
View attachment 4602715
View attachment 4602701
View attachment 4602691
Math makes everything more pretty.
View attachment 4602688
EDIT: technically, the finishing time "t hat" should also be a function of Q(t), as it would be the infimum such that integral of Q(t) crosses 1, that is the time in which total output reaches 1. I should fix that.
EDIT2: I missed one term from line 6 to 7. Too lazy to fix it.
EDIT3: It's kind of annoying me . I might fix it when i get home. Fucking OCDs.