exactly which is why i think its up too the site an not a time period .. shocked this and wiab havent gotten tag yet
From the uploading rules:
Abandoned: used in the following cases:
- The developer states that the development has been permanently suspended.
- After 3 months of inactivity from the developer's public creator/crowdfunding accounts (Patreon, SS, etc), we will resolve special circumstances or scenarios on a case-by-case basis (no creator accounts, creators developing for free, Patreon accounts under review/ban).
- No game update has been released for an abnormally long period of time (>18 months).
- Game threads that are marked On-hold for over 6 months with no game update.
- Note: this prefix is only removed upon the release of a new update for purchase/download.
Ocean hasn't been inactive on his accounts (fortnightly devlogs are activity), so it's 18 months from the last update, which the site registered, so for SG it's November before it would apply (thread was updated with the steam release).
Other devs go radio silent between releases, and get the abandoned tag between releases, simply because there's no sign of public life. Once a release is uploaded, back to normal here.