its impossible to go through the details needed and progress with each character just in a update... id say that you progress with, bella, nami, zara and her sister and also a bit with the sports thing in just one update, also nadia too.. i think its impossible to do more than that and im not sure what you expect.. sure we have favourites but your favourite is not really someone that its mainly focused on, you get to meet her more soon with the fighting thing.
i personally think this update was perfect. you see more of a direction where its all going and you have progressed a lot with many characters, its going to take a while to get through them all sure but i wouldnt want him rushing through it. you cant go deep on one or 2 characters and just skim through the rest.
Also i heard before this update the mum is no longer a LI not that im sure she ever was shows to me that her and that nick will get more involved and maybe soon you go to live with them, knowing zara will be that close every day is all i can ask for looool